Alright Sup Forums I'm still having massive cravings for cigs and it's already been a full year as of today and I just...

Alright Sup Forums I'm still having massive cravings for cigs and it's already been a full year as of today and I just can't stop thinking of them.
i don't know I may just be stressed as hell with everything going on but sometimes i get that itchy irritated feeling when thinking of them, how the hell do i deal with these cravings.


quit 2 and a half months ago.

I know it's gross but I stopped dipping skoal in November and I too sometimes get the urge... What helps is to remember you made the decision to
Stop and you did stop... This means for a year that you've had control, meaning today you can have control, and tomorrow too... I know tobacco is tasty and satisfying but totally not worth it in any form

Yeah some serious shit has been going down so it's probably because i'm stressed. I did cold turkey it though and im happy that i did but damn it's been a rough year.

get a mouth fedora without nicotine.
I personally believe once you get addicted to something once, you'll always sorta have cravings for it no matter how long its been.
Whether physical or mental, addiction rewires your brain chemistry and that can never 100% go away.

I understand that stress makes you want the nicotine but does it really??? Is it that you just used to light up when something fucked with you? Mental toughness is the key here...

Also dubs makes me right

fuck it start smoking again you fuck

well i guess i started after it piled up too much and it just felt like a recluse calm quiet island in my head and I felt like a could think and manage things when i did smoke.

buy a fucking vape with tobacco flavored wax . gives you that same throat sensation your craving

I guess.

Nah, that's an excuse wrapped in self
Importance... You don't get to use the fact that you need a time out to smoke, smoking isn't helping you wrap your head around shit... If doing something mindless helps you concentrate then draw the Statue of Liberty from memory or jerk off to pictures of grass...

smoke marijuana

Guess you know how the world works and how everyone works psychologically.

Nope, just trying to help you not to find that excuse to pick up that next smoke brother... I'm just trying to help... Thought love helps sometimes, if you're tough that is...

Sorry bud, misinterpreted it, it was a long fucking day.

This is why I will never quit smoking. I might one day decide to smoke less or stop buying cigarettes for a while but I will never quit.

My reason is that if I try to quit and fail I'll feel like it doesn't matter if I start smoking two packs a day since I already failed.

Maybe I was a cunt at the time... Just don't smoke if you have a year gone without it... No need to backslide man... I swear the day I get cancer from something I can't control, I will buy skoal again bc I love smokeless tobacco, but
Until then I wil wait to use it

man i dont know what to say to that.

Lol don't quit bc I'm afraid to fail and become more of an addict... You should try heroine

alright man I appreciate it a whole lot.