Hey Sup Forums just got stuck on antidepressants what should I expect when they take effect?

Hey Sup Forums just got stuck on antidepressants what should I expect when they take effect?

Dumping random shit in meantime.



To be less depressed, probably. What did you think was gonna happen? Are you one of those idiots that believes what homeopaths say about antidepressants taking away your personality?

Just never had to take them till recently I hear they can have different effects on people do I believe you change drastically Nah but something's gotta be altered right?

You're gonna wake up from the matrix,
and every thing is gonna suck.

Lol oh shit sounds intense


Yeah, basically what happens is your brain sucks serotonin back up instead of allowing it to keep circulating through your neural pathways, which makes you feel sad for no reason, because serotonin is the neurotransmitter associated with feelings of ease and happiness, and SSRIs inhibit that process which means once they start working you stop feeling like shit for no reason.

They're not a magic wand though. You may experience some or all of your depression still. They work best in conjunction with therapy.

I figured as much is therapy at all helpful I get mixed reviews I hear it's great other times people can't stand opening up. I don't mind personally just don't want to waste money on a specialist who won't help me sort things out

sucks to sucks




It helps some people. Most people have some sort of unresolved issues that a therapist can help them with. Like you said though, you have to open up. You can't clam up with the therapist and then go, "SEE, THERAPY IS USELESS!"


Sounds fair enough. Ever had any personal experience? I'm not sure what to expect





varies from person to person, but it will be about two weeks until you're "fully" on them.

expect a weird hazy feeling in the short term, coupled by an absolutely maddening inability to cum.

also, do your best to ignore any strong an hero thoughts in the next few days. It's a shitty side effect. But it'll get better, anonbro.

Some anti-depressants make me really tired. I was pretty sure it wasn't me just being lazy/depressed because i increased my sleep hours by many hours.

Also it can sometimes be a bit numbing in my experience, meaning you don't really feel your feelings as strongly as before.

Anyways they might work different on you and there's a lot of types of drugs out there, so you might be lucky or unlucky with your choice. Hard to say

Oh m8, u cheeky cunt.

Kinda what I'm feeling with the ativan they gave me at the moment it's like a feeling of being numb but appreciate it user

Unless you're on Bupropion/Welbutrin expect sex to be lame

This makes me sad :( why?

Look up the side effects


Well that was a bummer I'm only 20 hopefully my sex drive is fine

When I was on Setraline/Zoloft I still had a sex drive but my dick felt numb when I was fucking and I didn't last as long.


Look up drugs classified as "depressants"

Do you really want to start on something that's "Anti" all that ???

Here's some truth, antidepressants aren't going to help, not one bit. It's just a different fix, something else. Sure it's going maybe help numb some issues you were having before, but it's not going fix them. They're just going continue on, but buried a little deeper under the fog of this new fix. And soon enough this new fix isn't going to be enough, so they'll up it a bit, then maybe have you try something else, just keep changing the game on you, but never once fixing the real issue.

Same shit they do to old people who lose it. Can't sleep, nervous, up and about at night ? Here, take some tranqs and and go away. Pills not working, here take twice as much, and so on and so on till your just a drooling pile of Shiite.

Wasn't for the whole depression I have some but it's basically anxiety it got to a point where I refused meds but I was shaking and was having anxiety attacks every other day for no reason plus I have a disorder where I don't release enough serotonin I believe in my brain so I've always been like this just as I've come more and more into young adulthood it's breaks me down internally then externally becoming something I can't always stop once triggered.
