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Serves the bad Schvartze right for trying to expose the pedophiles in government and media

Their relationship was no longer gossipworthy enough. Time to divorce.

She also plans on keeping both kids

Get ready for either
A: Kanye's best and most emotional album yet
B: Kanye's will be fine
C: Both

>yfw this album is coming true

Second 10/10 incoming. I feel it boys

hell be fine

Once they're done with the brainwashing of course

Kanye's in too much utter disrepair to possibly make something like that. You know it's true anons

Being unchained from Kim could be good for him tho

I hope Kanye kills her and gets away with it a la OJ.

doubt it


Fascinating how so many people thing nothing foul is at play with this whole shit. Are you serious? I don't subscribe to a single conspiracy but come the fuck on. This is not coincidence.

People don't want to believe.

Though I thought at least Sup Forums of all places would care more. 6 months ago they were basically constantly sucking his dick and adamantly denying that TLoP was shit, now they just mysteriously stopped talking about him all the time.

But maybe that sense of utter disrepair will result in a shambolically brilliant album, like Tonight's the Night or Big Star's Third

We /grimes/ now, wigger.

Can't wait to have children with your wife while you sit in the corner staring at a hairy manlip on your computer. C'est la vie!

wow last time i checked i thought i was on Sup Forums, not fucking buzzfeed

what was kanye thinking? he got a whore pregnant TWICE.

kanye gives 0 fucks about kim

Oh no, is he off his Lexapro again?