Hey /b, what are some well paying summer jobs to get at 16...

Hey /b, what are some well paying summer jobs to get at 16? Before autists try to summon mods some suggestions would be helpful

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if you're fine leaving the city there's a lot of rural shit that happens in summer. harvesting, etc.

long hours, manual work, but a lot of places give you a place to stay for it. I did it at 17, not sure what the minimum age is.

If possible learn a trade

Live-in babysitter of a single father. You will basically be his fuck toy as well but guys like that pay pretty good.

Go to grocery shops, they're always looking for new employees at this time of year

make a business. sell products

Delivery, grocery stores, maybe clean up parks? Check online and good luck man

Repair computers. It's not that hard. I've come a long way from just replacing screens. I'm 19 now and I work on replacing board level components in phones and tablets. I even have iBoot exploits that allows me to remove iCloud locks with custom IPSWs. Life is good and I make about 50K a year. I wake up whenever and generally don't give a fuck about anything. I'm not rich but I'm happy.

when i was a 16 year old cunt like you, we robed 10 yearolds by black mailing them and threatening to run them over with our bikes. then i started selling drugs to them 5 years later

Are you a private business or do you work for an ifixit company

I work on my own. I just buy and sell shit online. Basically if ebay gets shut down I'll be out of a job.

So you buy broken Shit, fix it and sell it?


Volunteer as a camp counseller. It'll give you all the community hours you need to graduate, and if you do a second summer at that camp you get payed a fuck ton


So, do you repair all laptops or just one type?

Probably dropping out due to shitty circumstances and getting a GED, looking for a job so my parents don't immediately kick me out

Mostly smartphones. I do repair laptops occasionally. The thing about smartphones that's so appealing is how much money I make off of each one. I'm turning $20 into 200. To remove the locks I need to modify stock firmware files. To do this I need keys to decrypt the images in them. I use a single unlocked device to pull firmware keys for the latest signed firmware. Then I remove the setup app in them and flash them to the devices using an Apple internal app called purple restore. It's useful for me because I can restore up to 10 devices at once with it.

Summers almost over faggot you're late as fuck

Anyway you can direct us to a tutorial or explanationof how to do this?? I could fix electronics all day and I've wanted to make money off it, but I never really found an efficient way to get the products from and to the customer

Oh I forget to mention that you need to exploit the first or second stage bootloader to do this. It's not easy which is why I get the locked phones for next to nothing. I have a second stage bootloader exploit.

Meet me on my discord server. I'll explain.

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