Ask an MDxx cook anything

Ask an MDxx cook anything

last thread received more serious discussion than the first, I believe. Have at it.

fuck you heisenberg wannabe

how do you make it?

Why MDxx? What do you cook, besides MDMA? MDMC? And why?

Why do you cook MDxx annd not MDMA?? I was had 2 pressed pills cut the piperazines

Are you from States?
I'm from Poland and we have a problem with ingredient acces. Do you can help figure out some substitutes?

I've had success with 3 compounds. First MDA, then MMDA, and MDMA, which is the only one of those that I've consistently made and supplied.

Do you have any academic background in chemistry?

so how do you make them?

download.jpg ... More like wannabe.jpg u lil fgt

Yes. Restrictions on ingredients can be circumvented if you look in the right places. I mentioned bulk oil suppliers in the previous thread and the importance of looking at different regions where the same species of plants are grown.

yes, but I won't get into that

You missed the explaination for the pic in the last thread.

do you take drugs and if so which is the best

Main precursor-> Intermediate-> final product.
from main precursor to intermediate involves the addition of a halogen to the oil in anhydrous conditions at a controlled tempurature range for a period of time. the resulting intermediate is then allowed to react with an amine for a longer period of time to produce the final product, which goes thru A/B extraction, is crystalized, washed, then sold. The process is nothing new and has been widely known of for ages, however, my method for carrying out the process is refined for max yield, low cost, and easy obtainability.

That's a nice lead, thank you OP :-)

A more realistic yet still cost effective option for a smaller operation would be extraction of the essential oil from Sassafras root bark, which unlike the essential oil, is unregulated and barely suspicious. It's also commecially available, but you just have to look for the best price $30-35 per pound.

no lol

how much do you make per year?

I have thought about that, but there is only one vendor in Poland selling it, and i'm preatty sure thats an obvious trap.
State agencys are a pain in the ass over here.

well, there are one or two batches per month, each batch ranging from 2.5 to about 7 kg's, but within the last year I'd put it in the vicinity of 60kg total

What is your cost/profit ratio?

No major accidents, but major disappointments. like a reaction exceeding the appropriate tempurature, which caused the formation of an unwanted compound and rendered the mixture useless. There were a couple close calls with ammonia gas back when I was just starting up. That shit could've ended badly.

production cost is around USD$1 per gram, my client pays a rate of USD$10-12 per gram

Start-up cook here;

How do you handle the smell of things?

Have you ever fucked up?
and or how often do you
also what went wrong

Well, how did you get started/what gave you the idea to start?

Do you generally sell your product pure, or cut it with other stuff to maximize profits?

Wheres the mother fucking time stamp?