Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends?


I don't play bad games


Because I don't have shit taste

cuz mobas aint skill based, but pick based. the game is completly determined by the draft, unless its a even draft witch is almost impossible to get, and it has no voice chat

>being this retarded

lul triggered i guess iam right

its as clear as day that the draft is all that matters in mobas

Because I don't stink of mountain dew and ritalin.

I play DOTA, a game with a reasonable financial model and a decent player base. And I don't feel guilty getting my friends into it.

Boring af

Not skill based, its just pick based with touch of Timing

Its more about being at the right time at the right moment

>Its more about being at the right time at the right moment
I'm not sure what exactly your though process was when you typed this up, but timing is a major factor in almost all competitive video game.

Because I play Smite, like a man.

renekton is on rotation. fuck that

Cancerous fan base.
If I wanted to deal with screaming 14 year olds on the Internet I would rather go shitpost on Sup Forums.

So? Renekton is a bitch. Play Trundle.

Playing Paragon like a man without corean millonaire dreams

Currently trying out Paragon Alpha.
This would be interesting because PS4 and you can play that shit without Mouse and Keyboard.

>you can play that shit without Mouse and Keyboard
Fucking disgusting.


I'd rather play with mouse + keyboard (tropico 5 is Bullshit with Controller) but consoles don't support it.
A shame, that is

Because I'm taking a shower

Nocturne all day baebe

Trips of truth

Nocturne is a weak bitch. Play a real jungler.

im not a bitch im gonna stick to mah boi jayce

Let's see
1 - Faggot game
2 - Hateful community
3 - So boring I couldn't even play 3 minutes
4 - Worst multiplayer I've ever seen

Want me to keep going, cunt?

I bet you build tear. Faggot.

> PC Masterrace
> Plays League of Legends.

Kill yourself if you do this.

3 and 4 contradict each other.

Because I play vainglory like the poorfag I am

I have other games. I've just put so much time into League I feel like leaving would be a waste.

But I am

>tips on first time shaco

flash is better than ignite always

Can I have your Sonico figure?

Figured q is kinda like flash

No bought it at an anime convention, last piece of anime seen culture visible in my room

Tell Cho to build stats. You guys need a tank.

Because I am burned out on the game.

Kat reworked
No more ap yi
Veig reworked
Malz reworked
Trist reworked
Dfg gone

>Fuck this game

Because SMITE is better

its, but
>2x flash

I like the color scheme of Prestigious Elise.
Zac doesn't need skins. It'll only give more people a reason to play him and he blows.

Because dota 2 exists

Because overwatch biches

Kat still blows through teams with little to no hard cc. But of course the mid laner is a whiny bitch.

This. At least till bf 1.

I don't play games anymore unless they're really short and single player, and that's maybe once every few months.

I gave that a shot. Nobody fucking listens or even tries to help with objectives.

Hmm well so far I'm the only one with kills

can you post more of her?

Secret Agen Lucian is cool

Give Annie blue if he doesn't suck. A fed Annie is scary shit.

Score so far
Not looking too bright plus they just took drag

>lvl 96 on overwatch

I've been holding out for Secret Agent Tristana ever since Secret Agent Xin's release.

Random question do you guys know where I can find a DL for Rise of Nations for iOS? Best strategy game ever created

I'm tilted and I'm not even playing.

Adventures in wood 5 division

>fed riven
You've lost. Also your build sucks.
t. Shaco main

Chos deaths plus she killed me twice and roamed mid

>Welcome to Bronze

Asked for tips, said it was my first time

But I am playing League of Legends
>Kalista Main
>Kek at gold 5 ezreals trying to out lane me

This Faggot right here knows whats up

Kalista is just a lane bully now. Either she gets fed or she's garbo.

>gold V
>mocking on noobs

You should have skipped jungle item and rushed Hydra.

Time go go play hot beefy gator man :)

Start mana jungle item.
Start red.
Start putting boxes behind the spot where the red buff is going to spawn at 0:42. If you do it correctly the buff will be 1-2 hits away from dying when the boxes expire.
Kill one of the small ones by yourself, hit the other once and put another box to finish it off.
Gank immediately mid or your red side. If you do it correctly you'll have guarranteed kill or enemy flash.
Rush tiamat before even thinking of finishing your jungle item. You don't need hunter's potion.

Would start playing again if i had a lvl 30 acc

So what should I start with? Do I still get machete? Should I stay with machete only or upgrade to stalkers then build hydra, like using smite as a final hit/ slow on champs

That's because you need friends or just play someone who carries teams
> zarya best tank next to Reinhardt

because I play DotA 2, a game where skill matters

Hey man, sometimes.......
>I'm Drunk and...
>Diamond 2 is too hard drunk
>Maybe I just wanna be a dick
> at least I'm not smurfing in bronze

Like someone else stated, you shouldn't need machete if you place your boxes correctly. Just take talisman and start blue if you're on the bottom half of the map, and red if you're on the top side.
Once you get famliar with Shaco you can pull off level 2 invades with relative ease.

Managed to invade this game, killed red with leash and rushed to their blue, rengar was at his red I assume, walked away and ganked mid, ignited and traded with me and lb dying

Also can I ask why start blue if bottom or red if top?

>games take too long
>Russians screaming cyka blyat at you all day
>no one fucking wards
>90% of the game is farming
>no surrender option
>everyone wants to play carries
Fuck Dota 2

After finishing clears from top to bot, it's usually safe to assume the enemy jungler has done the same (depending you who their playing.)
And also should they try to gank early you could easily follow up with a counter gank.

Ahh okay, will try playing another game after I take my niece out to eat, wish me luck

you used witch instead of which so yes people are going to think you're retarded - signed, a guy that isnt the other guy that was posting before but saw the post just now and decided to tell you why people think you're retarded

cause dotas better

Also be mindful of jungle buffs for appropriate scenarios.
>e.g. smiting wolves when facing an Evelynn
>krugs when against Lee Sin