Is being a mom overrated? I feel women always want to play it off worst than it is?

Is being a mom overrated? I feel women always want to play it off worst than it is?

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is being a mom overrated? no not at all.
do women play it off worse than it is? of course!

you are asking two different questions idiot.

Being a new parent is pretty hellish. Kids are helpless and unpredictably needy. But it's more like, whoever becomes the primary parent, it's kind of hellish. You CANT slack on it EVER, or it might DIE. Every other thing in life, you can fuck off occasionally. Skip a day at work, you can survive. Skip a day at parent, thing might die.

Being a mom is the hardest job on the planet, or so I have been told, repeatedly, whether I have asked or not.

Being a parent is hardest job. Either mom or dad. Reason why "being mom is hardest job" is true is just because most of the time the mom takes up the primary care role. But "being dad is hardest job" is just as true if they, in that case, takes up the primary care role.

having kids is basically like having the shittiest job you have ever had and didn't get paid for it...oh also it is your second full time job that you don't get paid for.

I however as a Dad have zero sympathy for mothers as they choose to be mothers...every time. I was trapped into being a Dad and all the bitch does is complain about being a parent and how she is a saint etc. and the bitch lied about being on the pill and waited to tell me about the pregnancy deliberately so she could be a parent.

steal from comics much?

Rudyard Kipling

The Female of the Species (1/2)

WHEN the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

When Nag the basking cobra hears the careless foot of man,
He will sometimes wriggle sideways and avoid it if he can.
But his mate makes no such motion where she camps beside the trail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws,
They prayed to be delivered from the vengeance of the squaws.
'Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

Man's timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say,
For the Woman that God gave him isn't his to give away;
But when hunter meets with husbands, each confirms the other's tale—
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.

Man, a bear in most relations—worm and savage otherwise,—
Man propounds negotiations, Man accepts the compromise.
Very rarely will he squarely push the logic of a fact
To its ultimate conclusion in unmitigated act.

Fear, or foolishness, impels him, ere he lay the wicked low,
To concede some form of trial even to his fiercest foe.
Mirth obscene diverts his anger—Doubt and Pity oft perplex
Him in dealing with an issue—to the scandal of The Sex!

But the Woman that God gave him, every fibre of her frame
Proves her launched for one sole issue, armed and engined for the same;
And to serve that single issue, lest the generations fail,
The female of the species must be deadlier than the male.

She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast
May not deal in doubt or pity—must not swerve for fact or jest.
These be purely male diversions—not in these her honour dwells—
She the Other Law we live by, is that Law and nothing else.

She can bring no more to living than the powers that make her great
As the Mother of the Infant and the Mistress of the Mate.
And when Babe and Man are lacking and she strides unclaimed to claim
Her right as femme (and baron), her equipment is the same.

She is wedded to convictions—in default of grosser ties;
Her contentions are her children, Heaven help him who denies!—
He will meet no suave discussion, but the instant, white-hot, wild,
Wakened female of the species warring as for spouse and child.

Unprovoked and awful charges—even so the she-bear fights,
Speech that drips, corrodes, and poisons—even so the cobra bites,
Scientific vivisection of one nerve till it is raw
And the victim writhes in anguish—like the Jesuit with the squaw!

So it comes that Man, the coward, when he gathers to confer
With his fellow-braves in council, dare not leave a place for her
Where, at war with Life and Conscience, he uplifts his erring hands
To some God of Abstract Justice—which no woman understands.

And Man knows it! Knows, moreover, that the Woman that God gave him
Must command but may not govern—shall enthral but not enslave him.
And She knows, because She warns him, and Her instincts never fail,
That the Female of Her Species is more deadly than the Male.

Only white women hate being mothers because they have lost their maternal instincs and have become like men.

White women are just worthless garbage and only exist to suck and fuck. All other women seem to be decent people.

Fuck you. I'm not reading this

There is a difference between being a "stay at home mom" and being a stay at home mom.

The difference?

> Woman stays at home all day, while her husband works, and watches TV, lounges around in her pajamas, and complains about how hard life is as a stay at home mom. These women are lazy. They made a choice to stay at home so that they don't have to have a job.

> Woman who wake up early, cook breakfast for the household, do chores and shopping, spend considerable amounts of time trying to do things with their kids to keep them busy (going to the park, zoo, helping them with hobbies, etc). They don't get any free time to themselves until the kids are asleep. The real definition of a stay at home mom, and puts other moms to shame.

Ah, summer. Pro tip: Kipling is a fucking god among men, and if you're such a gigantic fucking iPod-listening, Pokemon-catching tool that you can't be arsed to read what amounts to a learner's how-to manual for manhood, then you deserve to remain an effete girly-man.

I thought that...then I had to watch my kids for a week while my wife went on a trip with her girlfriends.

I'm never doubting how much she does ever again.

t. Jamal

>Fuck, even a white bitch is mo' seccsful dan me, fug dem mane

It's true, white women are useless mothers.

cunts just lazy as fuck and always find something to bitch about no matter what (ie what the fuck user why'd you make me cum so hard?). if you actually spend time and energy on them its simple. if you ignore them treat them like they're a burden on your life they make it a living hell. they're people too you know they just don't know any better yet.

My white wife is an excellent mother of three, with the body of a middle schooler. 106 lbs. after 3 kids.

Rage some more, but some of us know what we're doing.

Most white women are useless now adays, unless you are from a good area.

White people are told in sex education that having kids is bad. It's expensive, it can ruin your academic career, etc. White kids are told "you must go to college to be successful." Having a kid directly interferes with this.

Women are accepted into college at a near 2:1 ratio, compared to men, all in the name of affirmative action. They are accepted into professional fields at the same rate.

So now we have a bunch of white women who don't want to have kids because it'd end their career, then they get to age 50 and their ovaries are dried up and they are depressed because they missed out on the one thing that biology was screaming for them to do: become moms.

You are not a parent, or if you are you are still on the first six months.

Kids are tough as shit, and you 100% will fuck up in some way that you think will results in permanent damage only to realize the kid is fine.

Reading comprehension? MOM MOM MOM, you fucking retard.

Yeah sure, buddy. I totally believe you.

>hardest job on the planet
>uses it as an excuse to dodge priorities/work
I'm not saying it's a fucking breeze but kids having kids these days use theirs as an excuse to just be lazy.

White men should just ditch white women en mass.

They'd be much happier with black or Arab women.

I see you're taking my advice. How nice.

I'd date or marry an Arab woman. Either Israeli or Iranian. There are some stone cold foxes from those countries, plus I speak Shami Arabic.

The problem arises when you need to go to a social function in an affluent white area and have an off-color spouse. Plus, whites age the best.


Your wife will get bored with you soon and seek out a new partner. It's what white women do. She'll probably cheat on you, blame you for her infidelity, file for a divorce and rob you and take away your children. It is inevitable.

Honest question to parents here, are kids any more difficult than having a puppy ? I've had 2 dogs since being on my own, both from pups, and yeah it's a lot of work that first 6 months, and years latter you still have to feed it, take it out, etc...

I mean kids grow out of it in a couple of years, by the time their 5, how hard can it really be.

People I know had twins about 8 months ago, and their fucking struggling hard. Grandparents moved in just to help em through the first 6 months.

I don't really see the big deal, seems pretty slack to me if you get maternity leave.

Fuck people for having kids then bitching about how hard it is.


What will happen to your daughters for 100$


>Is being a mom overrated? I feel women always want to play it off worst than it is?

Women are playing the game of life on easy mode. It's why they complain about how unfair everything is. They never had to get gud and learn to be better. They just complained louder about how hard everything is.

My dad has blue eyes, my mom has brown eyes. What colour eyes do you think I have?


>My dad has blue eyes, my mom has brown eyes. What colour eyes do you think I have?

Same with my parents.
> Green eye masterrace.

>might be true, as mother bears are often violent if they have cubs nearby

>nowhere near true

>nowhere near true

>chintzy, "women...right?" joke is still chintzy even in poetry

>the only thing contradicting this is all of human history

>also wat

It's almost like this guy had some agenda against Locke's philosophy and went out of his way to be a racist and sexist to try to prove his ideas right...

My mother was a stay at home mom while all my friend's mom's had jobs, I was ashamed of my mom. She is also where I have gotten my shitty work ethic (I have worked a lot but only because I had to, I hate it). I have a hard time holding down a job.
And she acts like her shit don't stink, "I do everything around here, everyone is lazy except me"
Pisses me off, yah she keeps a cleen house and is a decent enough cook, but she acts like she should be worshiped.
Oh, and she also has the nerve to complain about money when she has hardly earned any herself.
I don't have anything against stay at home moms in general, in fact life was prob better when more wives stayed at home, but don't be a bitch about it.

Thats because your dad wasnt there

Pics or she dose not exist

Nignog attitude. Blaming your shortcomings on externalities.

My dad was always overseas slaying brown people, my attorney mom worked 10 hours a day in the city.

>MFW not having anyone around didn't have an influence on my childhood. Still went to college and became successful.

and here you are posting lies on Sup Forums.

Whatever helps you justify getting foodstamps, darky

Lol wut?

Yeah because all the motherless white orphans I see all the time.

Please nigga, no one's fooled.

Projecting much?

I'm not a nigger, white
Dad was around, wish he wasn't
mom and dad fought a lot

Yeah....ummm all people are told the same thing in sex ed.

Then why didnt you get a work ethic of your dad, see this wouldnt even be a problem if we just would grow our own food in our yards .