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wish i had a milkshake


Makes no sense.

>movie is about turn of the century Oil boom
>the iconic scene describes a slant drill if the owner doesn't decide to sell
>slant drilling wasn't invented until 1934

plus a slant drilled well would come in at an angle, not from the top of the person's glass. That would be trespassing.


then it wouldn't be a straw going into the top of the glass but rather a pick that shatters the glass and causes the milkshake to spill out on the other tables nearby

Admit that you're a false prophet

He wasn't describing a slant drilling method. He was talking about how, because he'd drilled every lot around the Bandy tract, the oil under that tract had seeped or drained into the adjacent properties, and he'd gotten it that way.

The metaphor was for the benefit of someone who didn't understand the process; The audience.

And Paul Dano.

Yer stoopid

>because he'd drilled every lot around the Bandy tract, the oil under that tract had seeped or drained into the adjacent properties, and he'd gotten it that way.

That's not how oil works though. It is trapped in pockets between bedrock.

That's why they need to use super high pressure water to 'frack'- because the bedrock needs to be broken up.

If the oil field is under everyone's property and one guy decides not to drill and everyone drills down then Mr. Screaming Oil Man isn't breaking any mineral laws in 2016 much less 1990.

One night I'm gonna come to you, inside of your house, wherever you're sleeping, and I'm gonna cut your throat.

>this scene is played by the two best actors of our generation

Maybe I'm a pleb, but I don't understand why he hated Eli. What did Eli do to him other than being a minor nuisance?

>If the oil field is under everyone's property and one guy decides not to drill and everyone drills down then Mr. Screaming Oil Man isn't breaking any mineral laws in 2016 much less 1990.

That's what the scene was about. Paul Dano's character needed money and tried to sell some land that he'd prevented Plainview from acquiring twenty years prior. Plainview was taking great delight in informing him that the land was now worthless as the area's entire oil deposit had been exhausted.

a classic scene

Daniel hated religion
Naturally he hated eli



classic Paul Dano

It wasn't so much about him standing in the way of his goals as an oil man as it was a personal hatred. It gets quite complicated here which is part of the reason I think it's one of the best movies and character portrayals in recent memory. Despite Daniel's misanthropy, he also feels the need to become a father figure to the people around him, not just HW, but people he meets along the way including entire villages. He wants people to fit into the boxes he has reserved for them: the people under his protection and his enemies. He wants control over them all. The only person who actively opposes Daniel in an attempt to exert his own control over others is Eli. It's his defiance that makes Daniel hate him. There is competition there, but it goes beyond his oil plans.

I think a lot of it is just Plainview's malevolent, vindictive nature


But brought out by Eli being his main rival during the film, along with all Eli's low character traits - he enjoys having power/being above others but is too cowardly to admit it like Plainview, is only 'strong' when surrounded by others since he is physically, mentally and emotionally weak by himself, he's pretty stupid etc.


I don't understand the ending. He literally murdered an innocent man and will go to jail for the rest of his life. Was it worth it?

i'm gonna go make one


It was worth it. He may be able to hide it.

>2 people inside bowling alley
>1 walk out
>1 dead body inside
>witnesses outside

Gee, that's a tough brain puzzle

that would be fine

It's his own private bowling alley.
And the person who comes to check up on him after killing Eli works for him.

He gets away with it.



>Window will close in 3 seconds.

nice reddit meme

There was a bit of resentment because Eli refused to sell him the land, which grew into full blown hatred when Eli humiliated him in front of the entire church by making him yell about abandoning his son.

>after killing Eli works for him.

That doesn't mean anything. If the owner of the mcdonalds I worked in killed someone in there I would rat out on him 100%

>Not the scenes between Phoenix and Hoffman in The Master

But millionaire Plainview can pay his servent wayyyyyy more than a mcd owner

Would you still rat him out if he offered you a million bucks?

>2 people go into a bowling alley
>a while later 3 people come out
>one person goes into the bowling alley
>the bowling alley is now empty

7-10 split
