How much money have you spent on the game? Have you told anyone or are you too embarrassed?

How much money have you spent on the game? Have you told anyone or are you too embarrassed?

I have spent 100$ and I will not tell anyone! I do feel kinda ashamed of myself, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

>Playing a pay to play game.

I haven't spent anything, but I do need the incense.

> mfw

>some collegues at work
I dont give a shit, its only money. Spend whatever you want.

OP HERE, Im 29 years old btw.

It's your money that you are not getting back.

29 year old virgin

good job

iv spent over 1 million dollars bro

gotta catch um all

Ok so whats wrong with spending money on this game if it brings you happiness?

People like you pay me to take you through Mythic HFC, get Challenge Modes and the Mythic Blackhand mount every single week.

You're so fucking stupid, but please keep giving me your hard-earned money while all I have to do is slay hard in a game I love while getting paid (at current rates) ~$24 an hour while playing so you can have your shinies.

You're a cheap, filthy whore that can't get enough of his addiction and is too shit to quit or cook his own stuff. I love you.

>How much money have you spent on the game?
Zero. I am waiting for the game to come out.
I have a MP3 player for walking.

But I play most of the game at work while getting paid $34 an hour. I buy tons of incense because I sit on my ass all day. What is wrong with spending money on a game that passes the day for me and brings me joy? Im literally not going broke over this game, it's just $100.

You can make your Incense and Lucky Eggs last forever if you change the date and time settings on your phone, stupid niggers

No you can't you fucking retard.

This cuck.

yes you can, fucking retard

>But I play most of the game at work while getting paid $34 an hour.
I make...more than that at my full-time job as well. Industrial systems integrator.
Then I go home, I slay and I get paid to do it and carry my GF through for gear because she's shit.
She does like 130k aff lock so she's not total shit.

>What is wrong with spending money on a game that passes the day for me and brings me joy?
Nothing if you enjoy it. But I'd never do it, it's fucking moronic. It's a zero-return investment. Even toilet paper brings about some positive net effect on your person, ala keeping you clean and preventing anal sepsis.

Buying shit for a game? That elation lasts a week tops, and you won't be on that game for more than a month before Pokemon Moon comes out.

>Im literally not going broke over this game, it's just $100.
I can count buyers (people we give runs to) in the triple digits who told us they were just going to do the one run. We had one guy buy in every week for 2 months and a few weeks. At $146 for a full run, he spent about $1200 for his gear.

Not saying that's you. I'm saying it could easily be you. You need that new-shoe fix, if you know what I mean.

its not pay to play u dipshit

I can't even buy a decent phone that actually runs the game, being a gamer and jobless is a crap.

LFR champ detected.
Must suck being bad at video games. Hey, guy, know what's harder than video games?

Everything outside of video games. Including, but not limited to: paying taxes, maintaining meaningful relationships, not being an autist when women approach you (this one is a difficulty for you, I'm sure) and owning property.

So, since you're shit at vidjya, do you really think you're gonna do well in the real world? Like me?

>calls others a cuck
>is a liberal cuck white-apologist

Maybe if you spent more time trying to get a job and bettering yourself instead of sitting on your ass playing video games you'd have some money to spare

Holy meatflaps, calm down son you get triggered way too easy.

paying taxes, owning property and being in a relationship are not fucking difficult

Bunch of broke ass niggaz up in here

And yet here you are. Being an LFR champ, no doubt in debt in student loans and those silicone latinodongs you just HAVE to have.

>Holy meatflaps, calm down son you get triggered way too easy.
I just enjoy inciting people. But you really are shit, otherwise you'd have dropped a WL by now.


What the fuck are you even talking about ? And the only one who is incited here is clearly you.

I never put that much effort into pokemon red and blue so you'll be fucked if you think i'm going to catch them all at all.

>What the fuck are you even talking about ?
I'm calling you shit. Small wonder it's going above you're head.
You're the cubicle drone toiling away in rote subsistence while those above you fuck secretaries in their offices and make quadruple your monthly salary in a day.

>And the only one who is incited here is clearly you.
You wanting something doesn't make it come true, Tinkerbell.

>Brings cancer to the game