Why is it always Krauts and Americans pushing "muh united Europa" "le European" memes?

Why is it always Krauts and Americans pushing "muh united Europa" "le European" memes?

It's literally German Imperialism and nothing good will come out of it.

Then how come the former German parts of Poland are significantly better of than most other parts of Poland?

>It's literally German Imperialism and nothing good will come out of it.
What makes you say that?

Brick by brick they were remodelled by the based Germans.

>Then how come the former German parts of Poland are significantly better of than most other parts of Poland?
Because Russians and Austrians are lazy bastards.

Also, Western lands were rebuild quicker because Russians wanted to be ready for WWIII.

Why are Germans all secret Hitlers?

>It's literally German Imperialism and nothing good will come out of it.
EU was an American attempt to contain German militarism but had the unintended consequence of resulting in German economic imperialism.

They basically achieved war goals from both World Wars.

WWI: Muh Central Europe and Influence into Baltics
WWII: Same as above, but with expansion into the whole Europe.

Seems like EU achieved both.

Because the german econony is heavily dependent on it
Because that way, Europe would look more like USA does

In fairness, though, those areas are too big to be rules under one gov't, and both should be built down


Because Germans are the smartest kind of people. We are very clever and witty and handsome.

Germans are actively trying to dominate Europe economically with the EU. Americans don't really give two shits about this and we just refer to Europeans collectively because we view you as generally inferior to ourselves and thus not worth differentiating.

Nope. Wrong. You're either a white nationalist or a bitch. You're probably some little faggot. Europeans are our brothers.

>we view you as generally inferior to ourselves and thus not worth differentiating.
You must be posting out of New England. I've been to Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver and Albuquerque (the best that USA has to offer...) and there is nothing to feel superior about.

Only retards who don't know geography see all Europeans as the same. I am German firstly but I am also broadly European.

He's probably a faggot with an inflated ego.

>hates the EU because of muh evil germans
>absolutely needs the financial aid they get from it
You guys are so fuckung cucked

>absolutely needs the financial aid they get from it
Yes, we need 1% of our GDP.
And yes, we need it, because we lose shitton of money and workforce because of EU.

Germany benefits from Central/Eastern Europe the most, don't pretend it's charity.

They're never gonna forgive you for World War 2

In Dutch when you call someone a German it means he's a traitor or a fascist.
For example when a cop gives you a parking ticket you call him a German. Or if someone tells on you.

European unification is literally a goal written down in the preamble of the German constitution. Even our most hardcore eurosceptics just want to reform the EU instead of leaving it.

Turn off the proxies, Jacques-Abdullah. You aren't fooling anyone.

you think 1% of GDP is nothing? its a huge amount of dosh to invest into infrastructure and business. You Poles always talk about preserving Europe and Christianity but dont want to do shit for this union, only leech.

Yeah fighting for European world domination makes you traitor against Europe. Makes total sense. It's not Anglos who are the traitors for starting a war of white suicide. Sarcasm

It's not about WW2. They're jealous because we were once at the same level while they're now a shithole and we're the economically strongest country in Europe. The dutch, frenchies etc. don't give shit about ww2 anymore and we hit them the hardest.

>You're either a white nationalist or a bitch.
Haha haha haha haha

>Why is it always Krauts and Americans pushing "muh united Europa" "le European" memes
The vast majority of Americans have no history beyond being white so it favor s them if Europe becomes a mutt country like they're and they won't be mocked as much for muh heritage.

It's basically a Bunch of friendless losers wanting to be part of the big boys club.

I don't give a shit about Pooland nor Europe. Let it die under nigger and arab hordes. Allah bless.

I just hate fucking kraut animals.

I'm from Western New York fuckface

>The dutch, frenchies etc. don't give shit about ww2 anymore and we hit them the hardest.
h-haha y-yes

What history does your have other than crocodile dundee and corny accents? Australia is a joke. You're a novelty to us but that's it.

Poles sent border guards to help Hungarians guard their border fence. Refusing rapefugee quotas will help Europe in the long run. Accepting 70 IQ apefricans shipped from Lampedusa won't be good for the EU economy (see Detroit).

There are still some poles alive so something went terribly wrong

>I don't give a shit about Pooland nor Europe.
There is no saving the new world. There is actually still a chance to save parts of Europe.

The Yanks gave up on Manifest Destiny, you should too.

I told you it was about World War 2. Guess Americans aren't so dumb after all. France didn't have that many casualties. Russia had the most and Poland was second most. France was actually smart to surrender.

No saving the New World? Lmfao okay small dick little bitch. It's pretty great here and I plan on having 5 kids

pay denbts

Our British history? We're a predominantly Anglo nation and probably more culturally Anglo than England nowadays.

Yeah and Anglos are fags who worship black men. You're a joke.

You don't think it wouldn't be easier for Germany to dominate Europe without the EU? Without the EU you would have a Germany that could follow its own and independant monetary and trade policies, strong arming all the weaker into agreements that benefit us.

The other countries would have no seat on the table of the ECB for example which is currently doing stuff that goes against the very principles of every German central banker.

America = Greater German Territory

>Americans pushing "muh united Europa"
We don't. We could care less about the shitfuckery and autism that is European politics, we get enough of that back home.

Repeal Jus Soli and we'll talk.

Haha shut up faggot. Wrong. Heil the New German Empire.

Damn you're stupid! I can visualize you're ugly face and your little bitch voice.

Point proven desu

Someone forgot his morning pills.

Lol "we got enough of that back home," lmao you've probably never seen any kind of shit like that other than on the internet. They constantly talk about Black Lives Matter but II saw them once and they barely did shit

Dude you have probably never experienced shit in your life and you're talking about like you are so hassled.

>Why is it always Krauts and Americans pushing "muh united Europa" "le European" memes?

Because without Germany and France hugging each other so tightly in a loving embrace that neither could get an arm free to punch each other, and the US managing the defence policy of all NATO countries for security, Europe would fall back into a conglomerate of nation states seeking alliances in a balance of power and you'd all be back to the beginning of the 20th century.

This is particularly bad for you Poland (or better for us) as without NATO, you'd be Russias next buffer zone in the great European plain, right after Ukraine.