Playing skins thread

playing skins thread

Other urls found in this thread: purple


it was probably unavoidable

Rim jobs are super fun. It's a shame not many people know how to do it right.


your skin on my skin making electric cuddles


>internetexplorer bravery

I have read Marx. Precious few of the people who voted for communism in Venezuela have read Marx, or are literate enough to read Marx. The progenitor of a political philosophy is seldom relevant to the practical applications of his own philosophy. Communism by definition requires stealing from people. It is immoral.

I don't know where you went to school but certainly never learned any of that and our education system is notoriously liberal.

>All major discoveries and new technologies are being developed in Europe and Asia.
Which is why everyone in the world has an iPhone. Which is why despite America's 300,000,000 people its economy outpaces China's 1.3 billion. Europe and Asia are competitive and we benefit greatly from trade with them, but by no means are they the forerunners in technological development.

>He COULDN'T fix the problem. Because any time he tried to do anything he had to fight the Congress tooth an nail for months. And with the GOP holding the majority in both the House and the Senate he'd invariably lose.
You don't know how our government works. Outside of a formal declaration of war, house and senate have no decision making power with our military. Obama had absolute power to choose our role in the middle east and he screwed the pooch.

I have done that before yes but in my defense not OFTEN.

what is the correct technique



all I want is bulk
the steamroom has turned out to be a surprising bonus though.

Some old poster desu
You have bad memory.

There is no defense for your actions.
Come back to me when OFTEN becomes NEVER.

*not often

The correct technique? I don't know, I'm a top. The one that feels good.



No idea who that is.

No. Panties are comfy.

surely you have some insights into which of your partners have done it correctly and ideas, based on your experience, on what felt good and what did not.


Kill yourself.

Well, poking it with a dry tongue is no fun. You've got to get it wet and not be afraid to get in there.

Comfy for me is lounging around in a beater and NORMAL PEOPLE underwear, i.e. boxer briefs.

I'm in heaven.

I knew if you looked deep into your heart you'd find the answer.

Ew, I just wear normal boxers. And I HATE beaters. The worst.

Who wouldnt want to lounge around bare chested in women's underwear?

>using your head space to remember academic shit instead of meaningless minutia from an avatar fetish community
Can't comprehend this

In my defense, I remember some meaningFUL minutia from here.

snuggler, david says to tell you he's absconded

At least 75% of last semester consisted of me wearing a beater underneath a jacket.

I rescind the statement about us dressing similarly.

Not whoever you're talking to but the US doesn't benefit from trade with most of Asia. In fact, I think trade with Japan would be the only one that is even vaguely equitable. Although, there's still the monetary issues with Japan.

Japan and South Korea, which are some of the biggest contributors in terms of new technologies anywhere in the world. Even so, when I said we benefit with trade from Asia I really meant "we get to buy lots of cheap shit from Asia that's pretty neat." By no means are we running anything but a deficit there.

Nobody can see what's underneath the jacket, so it's still just wearing a jacket and jeans.
Also I can cover tech in place with jab, but can't react in perfect time for a regrab. How do I get better reaction time tho.

>how do I get better reaction time
You know what? I'm 100% convinced at this point that covering all techs on reaction with grab consistently is not actually possible. Like I've spent an inordinate amount of time labbing it, especially considering I don't play sheik. And I've watched too many excellent sheiks drop it far too often. I don't think it's real anymore. Druggedfox doesn't even PLAY sheik these days man.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize that most of the major players on the field of Quantum Physics are in Asia. And I wasn't aware that CERN and the Large Hadron Collider were located in any place other than Europe.

>In 2007, of Venezuelans aged 21 and older, 95.2% could read and write, one of the highest literacy rates in the region. The literacy rate in 2007 was estimated to be 95.4% for males and 94.9% for females.

You very VERY obviously haven't read Marx.

You've obviously never heard of the controversial movement for American Superiority that is now being implemented in history classrooms around the country. I lucked out in my education in that my history teachers went off book to ensure we learned about the genocide of the natives, the war crimes we committed in both WWII and Vietnam, and how horrendous slavery truly was.

iPhones are manufactured in China, idiot.

I do know how our government works. The President doesn't just have carte blanch to do whatever he wants. He only has a certain amount of power, he's only there to enforce the law. Congress makes the laws, The President enforces them, and the Supreme Court interprets them. Also, I'm not only talking about the fucking war, numb nuts, the war killed our economy as much as the complete deregulation of all the businesses and banks. JUST pulling troops out of the Middle East wasn't going to magically fix our economy. Every economic policy he tried to implement was pretty much shot down by the Congress.

Again, you are a complete and total failure of a human being. You fail as an intellectual, your opinions are formed based upon absolutely no real firm understanding of any sort of fact, and you run your mouth about shit you don't know anything about. If ever there were a person whose death would enliven the gene pool and make the world slightly better, you would be it, you fucking bad example.

Cause of all those redneck peepees?

Wanna buy me some women's underwear so we can lounge around together? We can compare bulge sizes!

I'm tired of just keeping the threat of an up-smash read out there.
I want perfection, and jab doesn't cut it if my opponent sees it. Though then there's mindgames where they might try to favor tech in place SDI the jab or whatnot and then I could up-smash more and then they'd see that and blah blah blah.

The issue with the "cheap" shit is that, yes, it's shit, but it also comes with an extraordinarily high price tag--metaphorically speaking. Even then, it's not exactly cheap on a nominal basis either as CPI hasn't shown virtually anything getting cheaper on a comparative basis.

I'll be honest, I was making a joke about venezuelans, but I'll admit I was wrong about that.

I have read Marx. Like, I'm not sure how to prove it to you from over the internet, but I have, and that's still irrelevant.

No, I have not heard about that. America IS superior to most other countries in the world, but being dishonest about how we got to become the most powerful country in the world is not useless.

Manufactured in China doesn't matter; they were developed here. Manufacturing is not a creative process; the creative process comes first.

You were talking very specifically about the war in the middle east. Pic related is your comment on the subject. That said, of course his economic policies were shot down by congress; they were terrible ideas. The economy is doing fine regardless.

That was rude.

I'm more broke than you probably but honestly? I kinda do.

So what I'd recommend doing is implementing a tiny dashdance so that if they shine or spotdodge after teching in place you can actually space around it if you're not getting the reaction perfectly. That's more viable to perfect than the reaction, I think.

I'll take your word for it. I'm not by any means an expert on American/Asian trade agreements or relationships.

is not useful*

Pick a pair out and ill consider it.

>ad hom and insult regurgitation
Oh look, it's a liberal, how cute. ;^)

I've gone through several options.
More often than not when I implement the dashdance I tend to mess up grabs more than it helps.
Wavedash to follow / position outside of shine immediately after throw didn't much benefit me either, though I'm considering trying it again after improvement and seeing Plup do it some.

They were "developed here" really what it was was Steve Jobs going I want a thing that can do this, then a bunch of other people from around the world made it happen.

Yes, the war is what killed our economy, but the deregulation of businesses and banks made it possible to be killed. His ideas were terrible? Yet what little he did get through has caused our economy to slowly come back to life.

I'm a rude person.

I'm not a liberal.

i'd like to point out that

>we benefit with trade from Asia
>By no means are we running anything but a deficit there

is some hilarious backpedaling, especially since they were consecutive sentences.

anyway, bye

mornin sunshines

The majority of research depends heavily on what field you are in.

Iceland, Central America, USA, China, SK, NK, and Japan

>bio and chem
depends on what kind of bio really


>Quantum Physics
hasnt been a highlight of Europe since before the Industrial age of America.

Even then it took place more so in America than Europe

>nuclear studies
hasnt been a large political push for it since France is one of the only players left

most countries have fear of Chernobyl

and China has the largest deposit of Ur too

>Large Hadron Collider

a bit more relevant, though there are numerous colliders across the world.

The reason why Asia has surpassed Euro and USA in terms of tech is due to cheap labor and large amounts of resources.


he has my god damn number

Are people arguing about America?

Should I add my own uninformed voice and make things dumber?

Have a color preference?

I think that's just a plain old communist.

Yeah, that's what plup does. Sheik is clearly not my character so if I don't know how something works my advice at this point is literally "do what plup does" because he's unbelievably good. Honestly I think that's the best option because it makes the actual reaction time more generous.

You know having a trade deficit with a country isn't necessarily bad, right? No, you don't actually.

People who came to the United States, who had the brainpower, applied in an economically free state, to make it happen. That is America's core strength.

The war didn't kill our economy. It really wasn't a good idea, but it didn't kill our economy. The housing market killed our economy, and it came back because free economies always come back after a bubble bursts. You really can't credit obama for the recovery, nor could you in good faith blame him for it not happening faster—because he's the president that presided over the recovery, nobody else is, so we can't know what would've happened with other policies. That said, all else being equal greater economic freedom begets greater prosperity and Obama's "inject money into the wound" philosophy doesn't really fit that mold.

yes and yes.

Hey sexy.

ᶠᵘᶰ fun FUN
In the
ˢᵘᶰ sun SUN


and it would be preaching to the choir at this point, Mister Lorre has done a swell job of covering that latter portion.

I am literally doing what Chet told me not to do, taking that sweet sweet bait

well hello user thank you

I am akin to dark blues and purples.

kaldis why am I arguing with a communist, help

The hell is kaito having? Looks like watermelon ice cream.

Tried the dashdance some, and it seems a bit nice. I still do hit the necessary boost grabs, but my dashdance right now seems to occasionally give them too much time after their option for my comfort. Maybe I need to improve on it some, but I think I'll mix it in and, if I see it's effective, keep it.
The wavedash messes my reactions up more than anything, but once again, might be that I'm bad.

I bet you're a super handsome bottom.

Communists are shit, fool. Stop being a shit.

*deposits seamen into your hair*

You should talk to scales.

Get these purple

Whichever one you choose, you need to stick to it and grind out the execution. That will always get you where you want, and it's why I don't recommend the reaction anymore—I really don't think reaction time can be improved beyond a certain point.

im afraid youre not very good at betting

because Bolshevik supporters bring out the worst in us

I think Donald Trump would make an excellent addition to the Presidents of the United States of America

My guess is it is a slice of watermelon that he's stuck a popsicle stick into and then frozen.

Seems like it would make a good cheap substitute for ice cream on a hot day, and you wouldn't need to worry about it melting.

I mean, just imagine him doing back-up singing on this song

I really think Trump would add some lovely harmonics

Well at least your ignorant opinion was correct.

I think the part I hate is where they want to make america communist. Just move to a communist country for fuck's sake, don't screw up freedom for the rest of us.

Sounds like a damn good idea

Why's that?

Excuse you.
I've been stuck for the longest time on trying to cover tech in place and getting nowhere.
Something needs to change, whichever of these options it is.

You are stroking SF's ego

not I thank you though

whatre you up to? Hows State of Decay been?

It might have to do with their beliefs of equality and ignorance to the de facto

Oh man...

Based on his speaking voice he's got kind of a raspy tenor, I think if anything he could cover this as a lead.

Then yeah, it's definitely time to switch up the actual option you choose.

When I play sheik I tend to just jab instead of grabbing on reaction but I know that long term that's not getting the job done.

Utopianism is terrifying.

Open wide, it's time for the cock! *choo choo!*

Also this music video is amazing.


not a bottom
not good looking

You're forgetting about the military technology being developed all across Europe, but predominantly in Germany.

Math isn't by any mean a field America dominates in. Of the 40+ major mathematicians from the 19th century to now, only four of them are American.

Nuclear Research, like what they're doing at CERN, and what CERN is dedicated to?

Quantum Physics is almost entirely dominated by Europeans and always has been. It was even started by a young German in the first half of the 20th century.

That sentence literally doesn't mean anything.

It absolutely did. It cost trillions of dollars that we didn't have. We don't have a free economy. In a free economy businesses that have failed disappear. We are living in a time of the "too big to fail." That isn't freedom, we are so indebted and reliant upon these businesses and banks that we cannot let them fail. Furthermore, the bailout wasn't Obama's idea.

Well, we can share a fleshlight then. :)

I'm sure you're downright adorable.

Yeah, as I continue on the Sheik path, I'm just looking for perfection. Perhaps this is even bugging me too much to the point where I'm ignoring much thought on non-spacies and the matchups.
I used to be very much into the science of grabbing Marth, but I've let go of it recently.
Are you mentally deficient?
It's okay to say yes.

Snuggles, you look alright for your age and diet.

He's an ideas man, that Kaito fella.

You really think he'd be a good addition to the band? Thanks man, I appreciate your support

>You are stroking SF's ego
Did you not see the post I made immediately after that one?

>Hows State of Decay been?
Pretty shit, but I already knew that. It's not my first time playing it.
It's a decent concept and it's got some nice ideas but the execution falls flat.

The one thing you're told over and over not to do - use cars - is comically effective to the point where it's the only real way to deal with some problems.

The melee fighting is a bit of a joke. There's little control and this makes fighting either stupidly easy or pointlessly hard.

There is a specific zombie type which basically means you need to alt-f4 if they catch you in a crowd, because your allies are about as useless as tits on a bull and these things basically auto-stun you for quite some time.

It's got ideas but it's got no idea how to use them. I think there's a sequel coming out but I don't think I will be getting it until it's under 15 bucks on Steam

what does snuggles look like??

>Also this music video is amazing.

stop this

Everyone's a bottom to a serial rapist!

It means that the qualities of America itself are what allow for technological innovation like the iPhone. We just need to take the right people in and let them do what bright minds tend to.

We live in a "relatively" free economy. There's precious few absolutely free economies, unfortunately, although I think hong kong is close.

Which of Obama's policies do you think would've helped the economy dramatically that were stonewalled?

100%. But then I think Donald Trump would be a really good addition to literally anything.

that fucking title.

Com'mon, take your dicking like a good boi.

Stop what?

Woops, missed your post.

Yeah, the techchase is important, but you can't exclude other aspects of punish game and certainly not other matchups. I would, for the time being, settle for putting either the dashdance or the wavedash into your regular execution of it, and then devoting similar time to other matchups or conversion scenarios.


He's got really thin hair that only grows on the side of his head, he's about 50, and he eats a lot of eggs.

I don't see how that's relevant. You don't TRY to get laid, anyway.

You do realize that this isn't an ERP thread or some shit like that, right?
It all comes down to a lack of experience with matchups due to lack of variance in whom I play against.
I wish I had friend for each character, but nah.
Meanwhile, the amount of practice against Sheik my one friend gets is astonishing.


It will be a lot easier when you stop pretending you're straight.

you should get a name so we can recognize you friendly user

>that fucking title.
The song is about as subtle as a brick to the head

I'm trying to remember other songs with good clips that came out when I was a kid

