YLYL thread offensive edition

YLYL thread offensive edition


That if you get out of the shower











>join ylyl facebook group
>get accepted in like 5 minutes
>invite your closest family
>we all post granny porn and gore

Let's make it happen faggots.
Pic related.


Messed up the counting I'm drunk



I'm in nigger




Can I post cp instead


Yeah dude.

ITT: If I didn't know it was summer before, I certainly know now.


I don't want gore in my ylyl group though.

pick one


We get it man, you're fucking edgy and cool, yeah! You're the coolest fucking guy on Sup Forums! That's like, being the smartest kids with Down's Syndrome!




That place is for us oldfags who don't want cancer.

We don't need your shitty raids on the only thing keeping YLYL interesting.

hungry, hungry syrian refugees



Butt hurt


its 2016 and in europe the holocaust is the most offensive subject

Fucking this.

This was a slow burn but goddamn

Its the current yeyah!

Are you proud of yourself OP? Are you proud of what this thread has become?

You've created yet another vehicle for "le funny banana maymay" to be posted. That's all you've done by creating this YLYL thread. I know what you were thinking. "I'll share some laughs with my fellow anons by creating a YLYL thread on Sup Forums! That will help me pass some time." But look what happened. Your entire thread is filled with pictures of that fucking banana.

And honestly, what were you expecting to happen? If you've been in any YLYL thread, any one AT ALL in the past year, then you've witnessed this happening. Every thread is the same. Sure, every once in a while something funny gets posted. But then the inevitable: the banana. We all know it's going to happen. It's happened here. It's going to happen in the next thread, and the next one after that. You should know better by now.

Sure, it's not your fault that these faggots keeping posting pictures of a naked banana. It's not your fault that the users here are too fucking stupid to post original content instead of regurgitating the same 9gag-level images day in and day out. But you know what? You're an enabler. By creating YLYL threads, you're inviting people to come in and post mundane, idiotic garbage. We all know that every YLYL is shit, so what makes you think yours is going to be any different? If you know that this banana shit is going to happen and then ignore it and create a thread anyway, you're part of the problem. You are exactly what people are referring to when they use the phrase "the cancer that's killing Sup Forums." You should be ashamed of yourself.

Death to Sup Forums for insulating the Prostate of Eye-Slam !

Ooh, how edgy are you?

This. The group has become a part of us.

Even outside germania?

Seriously I think those ashkenazis are ruining everything.

China gave them a place to stay in Shanghai where they had life better than 99% of other Chinese and they still say they were oppressed in the 'Shanghai ghetto'


they play victim. And they blocked jpop and kpop en masse on YouTube. That was really some of the only non depraved music in existence right now.

They're really making me hate them

A turtilla?


Religion of pieces and toblerones

Didnt see one banana copypastafag

But it wouldn't be a raid. It would just be a normal Sup Forums experience.

Except no bananas as of your post... You're a fag an your shit's retarded...

The Askenazi Jews went through the most in history and their lyrical producers make very very very wholesome lyrics and media

did someone say... banana?

true but I want keks not to be turned on

>Seriously I think those ashkenazis are ruining everything

ashkenazi jews
the most intelligent group of people on the planet

being overrun with muslims and constant islamic terror

on tv


says 'JUICE' are the problem


banana coming right up

yes even outisde of deutschland. I live in swedistan

It's peanut butter jelly time, fags




Who the Fuck do you think is trying to tell people the Muslims should abide by their own cultural rules if they're to stay? Cough

> most intelligent

My ass I really doubt they can physics. They're pencil pushers who raise their kids to take their positions


I...I hate you so much right now







< op in their tender years

Bet Angela Merkel didn't forsee this

These signs have been going up all over refugee facilities in Germany since she threw open the gates and welcomes all those nice Muslims into Europe (thanks for that, by the way)

Literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of these signs have been going up in refugee camps, in surrounding areas and in public locations all over Germany

wtf: Muslim Refugees are Europe's Illegal Mexicans, pooping in parking lots and on elevator floors



> in parking lots and elevator floors.

>tfw he would now be older than a lot of people on right now
Kinda sad

Maximum Kek!

This officer was recently killed wasn't he?



Because he dared to dream and never stopped believing. Inspirational as fuck


Atleast mexicans are doing the shitty jobs for us. If we let the mudslims clean our homes theres going to be secret bomb factories in every basement.

Bah that's because they don't know wtf a shower or toilet is.

Seriously is Europe that fucking retarded that they think every country uses the same shit and has the same 'acceptable' social behaviors.

How could they not anticipate this stuff

I like that movie

>Liking YLYL threads.

Have a banana friend. Go ahead you can save it.

They use these. Closest thing that looks like it is the shower drain LMFAO

samefag city

worst YLYL ive seen in awhile



>Facebook Image
>YLYL thread


Fucking lost

>implying they are literate
>implying they give a shit



>via 9gag

Airian man

League has gotten me laid twice

Didn Do Nuffins Dolls (r)

Comes with the following accessories:

>birth certificate (unknown father)
>clothing (pants are worn below the butt)
>box cutter
>firearm (five choices)
>attitude problems
>darkest shade (or its not really a DidnDoNuffin (r))
>food assistance card
>welfare card
>AIDS to children card
>BLM membership card
>Pack of Swisher-Sweets Black & Mild

buy into the meme while it's still 'fro

receive free can of Shasta (r) grape soda