Fancy gay rape

Fancy gay rape

Well if you're going to rape me I'd like it to be classy for sure.

Yes. I know you're American. Some regions of the country are more typically impolite than others. Not sure if you conform to a stereotype there.

I am now fantasizing about eating out a buttery asshole. Goddammit, nef.

I live in Texas currently. I was raised in a small town in California. I was born in a small city in Ohio.

>people can see my country flag when I post
Makes me a bit nervous

I also used eggs, but in the tradition of being a retard who doesn't think about what he's doing, they were raw eggs. Didn't hardboil them first.

Brilliant. I think of californians as being big ol' douchebags. Not necessarily small town californians, but close enough.

Why on EARTH would you use eggs? There's so many ways that goes wrong.

Did it?

Are you from a small country?

Californians are typically not very rude.

Nah, the eggs got cracked once or twice but never had anything serious.

I'm from Argentina

Maybe not, but I'm from the east coast, and I THINK they're rude, and in the absence of data that's good enough for me.

I would be very worried about not being able to pull an egg back out is my thing.

Yup, don't post on Sup Forums without a proxy. You'll get memed to death, yadda yadda white argentinians yadda yadda. Stick to /r9k/.

Im not raping you.
I need pussy.
Then ill rape you

I'm not having a sex change for you, nibbles. I like my boy bits.

I'm from the West Coast, and I don't think people on the East Coast are rude.


Scroll back up to the retard thing. I figured if I can stick it up there, I can poop it back out.

Even bigger reason not to rape you if you were a woman. You arent a virgin.

And I wouldn't want to be recognized by you in there



haha he dyed himself pink

Really? Shit, I do.

Midwesterners are nice. Southerners are nice. Northeasterners, which is where I'm from, are douchebags.

Maybe you're just so rude you think everyone is nice by comparison.

I mean, it's LOGICAL. Wrong, but logical. Good thing nothing went badly. How young were you?

Well good.

I wouldn't recognize you. I don't post there anymore; the reason I recommended it to you is the reason I left.

Maybe. Or maybe I think most people are trying their best to be decent to one another.

I'm actually writing a few guest articles for bad melee. I'm insanely hyped.

ahoy duder~
how was your day?

Generally speaking I think people are, but then there's philadelphians on a hot day.

17 or so



I read a couple articles there and got bored with it. The sort of onion-esque format doesn't do it for me anymore. Congrats, though.

Wasn't your woman pregnant with your child when you were 17?


I don't know any people from Philly.


Yeah and she was in England.

I was all ronery, except the times where I had girlfriends.

Good boy.

Hot and annoying like every summer day.

Should feel good, you became a Keinbernd.

aw. shame. I think it's a whole lotta fun.
Of course, I willingly play Zelda and Kirby so my definition of fun is skewed

I like it for some reason....

Except me. Philadelphians are terrible people, that's why I love them.

Your girlfriend was in England so you put stuff up your butt.

You're awesome, nef.

Those axe wounds aren't really vaginas anyway.

I didn't actually; I didn't post there regularly until after I'd lost my virgnity anyway. There was no real connection between the two events. I felt that the forum was becoming less and less interested in international politics and relations and more interested in the /r9k/ type stuff.

Yeah, we have 100% different ideas of fun. I can't play characters worse than captain falcon in friendlies.

(Except for Pichu, who is awesome).

grody. how hot?



Yeah, I got what you meant. I'm just saying that your reaction being losing interest and not being able to relate to the board anymore just means you're a healthy person, a Keinbernd. So you could feel good about that.

I don't know you.

but falcon is like
c tier

honestly I'm pretty bad at melee so I just play for fun and apply ATs where I can. Samus and Peach have caught my wye recently


Hot enough to be humid and sweaty.

Well I wasn't dating her then, we weren't sure if she would be coming back to Aus. We'd ended the relationship when she left, before we found out she was pregnant.

I was out banging other chicks and putting things up my butt while she was dealing with pregnancy and birth and all that boring shit.

I didn't even meet Samjam irl til she was like 2 or 3.


I mean, I personally don't think I count, but I suppose it's all relative.

Evo top 8 disagrees with you.

I'm super sick at melee I quadshine people's shields and sideb off stage to my death.

Yeah ya do.

The tranny vaginas.

Oh jeez you were almost a black father. Did she know it was yours on account of not sleeping with anyone else?


No, I mean real pussy.

:c i cant do humid at all
dry heat is just fine

How wouldn't you count?


hahaha i'm joking about falcon
but I just broke my multishine record while four stockig a 13 year old playing YL today
11 with fox


>you were almost a black father
I didn't leave, she did. I stayed right where I was. And I sent them money, despite them not needing it.

>Did she know it was yours on account of not sleeping with anyone else?
We both lost our virginity the night before she left. It was our little private goodbye thing

We were also extremely, extremely drunk. It's a miracle I was even able to get it up.

I don't. I know very little about you. I don't know what you look like, what your name is, where you live, what you do, nothing.




Right yes I know.

Real pussy is still gross.

Gay sex is easier to get than straight sex by far, I'm still a weirdo who spends as much free time as possible on the internet shitposting.

So? You know things about me that are more important than those, that people whov'e met me in the real world have no idea of. It's just a different me that you know.

That's kind of adorable.

>only 11
dude I do 11 in my sleep and wavedash out of it

my record is 75

It is humid here pretty much every day.

Youre gross!

It was, but it was also incredibly fucking dumb

Too drunk to remember a damned condom

listen man we cant all have pianist fingers
my hands arent really very fast
thats why i play a lot of puff and random low tiers



Fight me boyo.

Naw dude you and a girl lost your virginities to each other and made babby. That's a great story.

I have almost no dexterity. I got technical by grinding for half a century and then some.

Still I lowkey think puff is sick as fuck, I just can't tell friends.

Do you have any friends irl?

;~; you should move here where is not too hot

only melee players

Then you're a Keinbernd man, nothing wrong with that.

Like what? I don't think I know anything about you that most other people don't already know.

It's like Nibi's dream but he can't have it

Melee corrupted one of my friends

dude uptilt/pound into rest feels good as fuck and if anyone says otherwise they're lying or have never done it

does he slide around going BLIPBLIPBLIPBLIP now?

Im bigger than you, ill punch the shit out of you.

If you say so. I don't feel it.

Dude, that's fucking savage.


I'm not sure if you explicitly know any of this but by posting here you have access to things like my bizarre sexual tastes, my political and philosophical opinions, intimate details of my psychology—all things I very seldom share with people I know in real life.

Did you see hungrybox's stairway to heaven combo at evo? Can't remember if he did it to mango or armada, but he just techchased the fox to the top of battlefield and pound into rested at the end. Choice.

I have a gun, I'll cheat and shoot you.

He tried to be good with Dr. Mario and wasn't. I was always ass at the game but I knew it

smash him Nibi!

I'm martin btw

Too much time, too much effort.

Why have you been screwing with me this ENTIRE TIME.

psh you could do it easy cheesey though

I have several guns I to shoot deer with. Ill shoot you the same fucking way and skin you the same way you piece of shit.

I don't pay any attention to anything you say unless I am directly speaking to you. I don't know your sexual tastes or anything of your psychology, I forgot your political and philosophical beliefs.

What do you mean? 38(

He does this to himself

i fucking love stairway combos

that's part of why I love 64 and sm4sh so much

that is the imperial shield from skyrim but I do not that is an argonian

Ok this went from violent to super fucking weird.

Well, your poor memory isn't really relevant here. You certainly know me as well as random real life acquaintances do.

I believed I was talking to a random user, obviously.

To be fair, your exact situation is kinda rare.

>I love...sm4sh
don't talk to me or my son ever again

do not think*

Please post more porn. I'm getting hot and bothered~

listen man i love every single smash game and I think they all have their place

I don't know you. I don't have a bad memory, I force myself to forget whatever bullshit you say. I will force myself to forget this as well.


I'm sorry, I'm on my phone.

Here user have a sexy moth.

No. You do not go from a game as brilliantly, flawlessly constructed as melee to the physics abortions that are brawl and smash 4. That is not acceptable.

You know me well enough to have an unbelievably strong opinion of me. Still counts.

Post nudes.

Im not putting four pairs of cloths in a backpack and go walking in some random direction like you're suggesting.

any reason you're chilling here on your phone being depressed