Italian genes


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Genetics is a soft science until modern DNA is compared to ancient. There's a very real possibility that Italians became mixed with Moors.

whiteness originated in northern spain

Well if it did it must have all left to North and NE Europe.

Italians of both sexes are top QT, like legit the most attractive nation I know. I always wondered why.


Daily reminder that the Romans were blonde haired and blue eyed until migrants from Greece settled in southern Italy and mixed with the rest of the Italian peninsula, resulting in the modern day Italians. Likewise, the ancient Greeks were blonde haired and blue eyed until they were conquered by the Turks which led to a gradual darkening and resulted in the modern day Greek population.

So Italians were white and Greeks blacked them?

>Ancient Greek+Roman

should be master race

I've personally blacked several slovenian girls on my own.

t. terrone

>not considering etrurians

Why is anyone surprised by this?

Phenomena like the colonization of North America by the British is really strange in the sense that they literally wiped out all the local population, and because America is now the center of the world and exports their culture and history everywhere we take that example as the norm, but it's the exception.

When someone invades a region, they usually leave the peasentry and the plebs alive, who will work the local farms or pay the taxes if not? If you conquer a land and kill their population, you will literally have conquered a barren wasteland with no kind of economy or productivity. Mongols, of course, are always the exception, because they were a nomadic people who could literally wipe out entire regions just so their fucking ponies could graze there. But invading armies are always a small percentage of the genetic makeup.

>being celtic
>being black

I think that you should go back to Sup Forums


That goes against the memes. But yeah italic people didn't change that much, obviously you can't really tell what happened before, since you can see we are not that homogenous

Despite what the op says I do believe moors had some influence on at least some southern region. The difference in looks is too strong.

By the way here's an extract from the italian article (google translated pls no h8)

Further migrations of peoples like the Saracens have not affected in a significant percentage the haplotype distribution of peninsular Italy, with the exception of Sicily, where the Arab and Berber civilization thrived for about a century (emirate of Sicily) and the impact of colonization Arab-Berber took place in a more intense than the peninsula, but not changing significantly the Neolithic settlement of the island [50]. Berber contribution is estimated between 6% and 7.5% in Sicily, Apulia 6.5% in North-West, 4.8% in Eastern Campania; It is to emphasize the fact that previous studies carried out in the same areas gave smaller percentages. The other regions have lower percentages, by 0-2% [51] [52].

Lower than 10% is basically nothing. It's not moorish influence but rather different population settlements.
Can be explained by the fact that Italian peninsula is not that geographically homogeneous.

Or its just that modern Italy is nonsense. Its like if we made Norway and Greece one country and then wonder why people look different
