Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Rory-sama claimed

You freak out in the threads and go full capslock warrior every time I claim, You think it's fucking hilarious to make fun of me because I was diagnosed with PTSD, I can tell that you're very alone in life.

reminder that bullying is illegal
please don't bully your fellow internet friends


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I've been mostly fine, a bit of sight seeing here and there, a bit of working for most of the day.

Been fine?

Αυτό θα αλάξει γρήγορα.

Little Gremlin claimed

Aww you two are so cute to be honest. You should form a ship


Ive been alright. Have to carry a shop myself for a week again. I do get help over lunch but thats all I need, really
Hows the tea?

Greek is so beautiful in text



Man she was prolly gonna be my waifu when she came on toonami ;_;

Θα πρεπει να προσπαθησεις αρκετα για να με ενοχλησεις φιλε.

Τηανκ Υου

Not for me.

Seasonal waifu


where are the fighting game waifus? strong waifus are best.

Εχω τους τροπους μου.

Οι τονοι μπορουν να παν να γαμηθουν, γιατι βαρεθηκα.


They're just not around right now, user.

(0Y0) (oYo) (°Y°) (¤Y¤)

is dis the dead of waifu


I blame the Greek guys

don't give importance to inferior people

How could you let it cool down? You disappoint me.

Great, it only took you a few months to meet each other.

is there a graphic novel of The Professional out there?



I broke a part of my tooth.
Now i cant drink or talk.

Fuck off faggot


O. That's why you stay inside and safe from any harm. How did that happen?

Do not cyber bully me, or I'll call the JIDF :^)

404 girl claimed

Ultimate tsundere
>wat up

*weeb rage intensifies*

I bit something.



In case it's pic related, I don't get it.


In anycase, i was eating breakfast and i heard a crack.
After a little bit a piece of my tooth fell out.

Silly slav, you don't bite the vodka bottle.


OP's waifu is best waifu

I need to eat something, but i'm too lazy to get up

>first world problems


Wait is this a legit Tsukasa claimed? I get really confused when newfags use lurk pics the first time I see them, I can't help but feel like it's someone else pretending to be new.

That's why you stockpile food around your computer.

That sounds so random, I assume it didn't even hurt you when it happened.

The tooth cracking hasnt hurt me the last... 7? 8? Ive lost count. The hard part is dealing with suddenly a sharp in your mouth.

I joined yesterday
>and yes, it is a real tsukasa claim

My desk drawer is filled with food.
Homura knows what it's about

Never chipped a tooth or had a cavity in my life


Fuck you I wont do what you tell me.


I don't really want to have a lot of low quality food near me

Bar fridge within reach
Bags of chips
Noodle cups
Think grand. Think minimum effort, maximum salt.
The teeth around all my fillings are basically gone. Hazard of working with so much food for so little money. You cant afford the dental bills when shit goes down.
I have to be careful. My mum will eat any Doritos if they are left out or in sight.



Jesus how do you crack your teeth so often? Meanwhile there's people addicted to eating rocks and nothing happens to them.

I see, how are you liking the thread then? Tsukasa is a tier 1 LS pick for me.

Watching a show or doing a long game session like a WoW raid for example just isn't the same if you're not eating something every now and then.

What do you consider low quality? Get a sandwich, few drinks and cookies and you're good to go.

You can get good quality noodle cups. Single meals. Ive had to live off $50 a week for food, and I was relatively healthy. I do tend to reheat big bowls of leftovers for gaming though. Just anything that can be eaten with a spoon.
High amounts of sugar, salt, and other food. I work as a cook and my teeth are in literal constant use. Didnt help that I didnt clean them well or take care of them while in high school / final 2 years before hitting the workforce.

>$50 a week
Imagine living off of 100$ a month
Thats about 25$ per week
It's okay...
Kinda dead though

Im in AUD. Thats about 30 USD a week. I did that for 3 years.

Yeah, no dip
I'm live in Australia too
What territory?

ACT. $25 is still livable. Depends on how much you like lasagne.

It didnt.
I only noticed it when i spit out the piece.

Lasagna is terrible.
It gives me gas


snack food
any microwave meals
things like those

noodles aren't really my thing to begin with

Claiming my pure icy waifu

Kekekeke nice one xD

The purest.

That leaves me a bit scared that I will randomly crack a tooth.

It's not dead, it's comfy. Part of the reason it's like this is timezones, another reason is that with time posters start becoming more active on telegram, discord, skype groups etc instead of the thread.
And that's good, if that wasn't the case the thread would always be way too fast to have conversations.

Quite a story, you should put that piece under your pillow and make a wish for the teeth fairy.

Your waifu ult is retarded, hurr durr single target damage. Not that I'm complaining but it looks like really primitive design compared to everything else in her kit.

Then you would have to cook something before each gaming sesh, or just go with the sandwiches.

I mean it's not like me posting will bring this thread back to life, but I'm getting sucked into school-live.

Thanks for the suggestion Rory, I thought it was going to be plotless because of the first 15 minutes but holy fuck. Shit's heavy man.

Thats because it is retarded and broken.
Its also glitchy as hell and can do 0 to infinite damage.

Joey claimed

Oh, I see.
What are you up to?

Uh, forgot to link rory, sorry.

Like your waifu? :^)

well i do take breaks while gaming
like you're supposed too

I love Joey....



Should I watch "Spice & Wolf"?

QOTT: Favorite Snack?

>Gay Times are best times

Who the fuck is this help me it burns.

still no strong fighter waifus ;'^(

Is that for real? I never had any problem like that, most of the time I get surprised by the damage it does, specially in the mid-game.

Not much, chatting, listening to music, wondering if I want to cook lunch or just have a second breakfast. What about you?


Im not sure what causes it to do 0 damage, but its possible to glitch it by using e while ulting and making it do the ultimate again.

Like you are waifu

Is that hard to pull off? I want to abuse that as much as I can.


I'm on my third pot of coffee and I'm still sleepy.
Yuiko Claimed


Its pure luck.

Should I waifu Tastumaki when she comes on toonami?

You're still sleepy because caffeine can only slow production of the molecule that makes you sleepy, not remove it from your body. It also can de-stress as it dilates the blood vessels in your brain, relaxing you.

Remember, caffeine is called psychoactive for a reason.


Gotta love holding a defense ten feet from losing

>D.va is op, Plz Nerf this

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It doesn't seems to work with me.
I mean, even tho it doesn't remove the molecules that makes me sleepy I'm on my third pot, something should have happened by now