Well Sup Forums it's happening

Well Sup Forums it's happening.....

Civil unrest breaking out at the republican national convention in Cleveland.

Flag burning, bikers beating up hipsters, KKK and BLM throwing urine at each other.

Damn Trump can sure stir up people's hatred for each other. I wonder how long until Obama steps in and shuts this all down. Nothing but hate going on at that convention anyway.

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The shit's about to get real.

Trump's stupid wife was Rick rolled by a based Liberal

All of their speeches including hers were plagiarized, except for the hateful rants that Chris Christie went on and Ben Carson went on.

Carson actually said that Hillary worships the devil. What an ass clown.

What else would you expect from a group of morons with ZERO actual issues to run on.

This mindless shit is actually hysterical to watch.

>throwing urine at each other

Implying SJWS is an actual issue...

Soros cronies are there stirring up shit.

Carson never said that. Nice twisting of reality there faggot.

The GOP's speakers consist of mothers, sons, patriots, veterans, law enforcement officials, doctors, etc.

Meanwhile who's speaking at the DNC? Trayvon Martin's mom, Mike Brown's dad..... thug families....

Yeah, what a nice contrast that they are giving the American voters.

The party of criminals, thugs, and their apologists who continually blame everyone else for their problems


The party of people who actually want to make things better, bring jobs back, fight Islamic terrorists (yes they are actually real), and believes in being accountable for their own actions.

But Carson did say that.

Also it's very clear to me based on your bullshit that you are drinking up the Fox News propaganda.

People like you are beyond hope.


>Damn Trump can sure stir up people's hatred
libtard apologist blames trump

>waisted trips...

>But Carson did say that.

You're wrong, here's what he said.

"One of the things that I have learned about Hillary Clinton is that one of her heroes, her mentors, was Saul Alinsky [CROWD BOOES]. Her senior thesis was about Saul Alinsky. This was someone that she greatly admired and that affected all of her philosophies subsequently. Now, interestingly enough, let me tell you something about Saul Alinsky. He wrote a book called “Rules For Radicals”. On the dedication page, it acknowledges Lucifer, the original radical who gained his own kingdom. Now think about that. This is a nation where our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, talks about certain inalienable rights that come from our creator. This is a nation where our Pledge of Allegiance says we are “one nation, under God”. This is a nation where every coin in our pocket and every bill in our wallet says “In God We Trust”. So are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges Lucifer? Think about that."

Google it if you don't believe me.

>people not realizing this is what the federal government wants
Stay in your tribes and fight each other, no reason to hold your representatives accountable when that guy on twotter said something you dont like. Go get him!

do tell mr oracle /btard
aint a ulaff/ulose bread

Adding a religious element to your political arguements makes you no better than a Muslim.


NY Times has the real transcript, but thanks for playing.

Conservative Republican here, THIS!

wtf I hate muslims now

>a house divided cannot stand
>lol look at this idiot trying to get us to realize they want citizens fighting each other
Youre too far gone.

Hillary is actually trying to unify Americans, unlike Trump who is constantly hating on non-whites.

>Rick rolled by a based Liberal
she rickrolled the crowd you cunt


she got rickrolled user.

>hating on non-whites.
and you think this is a problem?


you are a nigger loving faggot

>Hillary trying to unite Americans
>calls all whites and police racist


>hating on

>hillary is trying to unify americans
How? How does she do this while also alienating millions?

says user self-proclaimed
stfu child

Honestly Hillary is a center left Democrat. Not that different from older school moderate Republicans. You want to get back to when America 'was great' look at the past. Look at the pragmatic approach previous administrations took when working with the other branches of government.

Ronald Reagan working with an all Democratic House & Senate and getting shit done.

Actually compromising passing effective shit instead of stonewalling everyone all the time.

Trump was is here to divide us.

Have the plebs fight amongst each other while the elite pillage this country dry in the name of war while saying we have no money for schools and healthcare

Melania Trump’s speech was Rick-Rolled as well as plagiarized...

Faggot republicans can't even write anything original. I guess the sub-80 IQs play a role in that though.

delusions that only user can save us from
user the hero

>begins the child/kid taunt
Show me how im wrong.

Is there any footage of the bikers fucking up the hipsters?

Hillary Clinton is actually quite a bit more to the right, than Reagan ever was.

But republicans still idolize Reagan, and don't like Hillary.

>Ronald Reagan working with an all Democratic House & Senate and getting shit done.

Like importing vast amounts of cocaine into the United States, thus increasing gang activity, than arresting everyone for using his drugs, which sent our incarceration through the roof

Reagan was a total faggot

Not to mention his illegal arms deals with Iran on Israels behalf

And his support Niceraquan death-squads.

Dude was a fag. If you are gonna bring us drugs, legalize that shit

Its the liberal BLM faggots causing trouble

>still doesnt get it
>still thinking anons want to save
Dont listen m8, your team rocks, the other doesnt. Call them idiots and faggots, divide the country more. It isnt like we have a huge population that could come together and demand change and get it.

no, its the nazi conservatards

I can only hope..... that would be rekt thread gold.

no need
you're running under the only-i-know-the-truth delusion
self-aggrandizing rhetoric deserves no such justification

Who's convention is it again?


>It isnt like we have a huge population that could come together and demand change and get it.

Dont worry though, when that happens we will have another "terrorist" attack

your assumptions, rhetoric are amusing at least
you think you matter
you don't
keep flailing

Ok, you are right sorry for shitting up your thread m8

the nazi conservatards.
But you know what, in all fairness, its fucking Clevland. That place is just shit regardless


The Nazis were socialists.


>Damn Trump can sure stir up people's hatred for each other.

Blaming Trump. Must be a liberal.

The left brings the hate, so how is Trump to blame? If the right was so full of hate, where are they at the democratic rallies starting shit?

fucking faggot

Sorry m8, ill leave. Remeber your team rocks, everyone else is a faggot.

no shit you fucking mong, it was done as a calculated move. they put in no effort, mock that monkey Michelle and get every news network to have trump front and centre without paying a dime

I had some footage, but I deleted it once it became popular.

Msnbc, cnn, NBC, NYT, ABC, Salon, OD, etc. Only one Conservative based news agency and they are propaganda. Gtfo here.

The entire 20 minute speech was only 5% unoriginal, there's more of a likening between her speech and something pinkie-pie once said on My Little Pony (that's a true fact), you would think it was because you probably only watch AJ+ or NowThis garbage. Stupid Liberals prefer to watch hyper-edited, partisan, bite-sized media rather than read something constructive and informative.

Now please rethink who the real sub-80 IQ's belong to.

>fascism works

it does though,you fucking kids and your goddamn buzzwords.

BLM, SJW's, and New Black Panthers should be rounded-up and gassed.

You are all fucking retarded. Seriously.

>If the right was so full of hate, where are they at the democratic rallies starting shit?

They are just to busy starting never ending wars on the other side of the world that cost trillions of dollars and accomplish jack shit

Thats where their hate is.

GOP. But BLM is there to protest the hate that spews from them. They do have that right you know.

The KKK or bikers going after them for excising their right is wrong though. But hey conservatives think that they have a right to shut down the opposition whenever they don't like it.

wow, you sure are one hell of a bootie blasted, foaming at the mouth libtard

NYT, lmfao

Im a republocan and i despise clinton for things other than her emails or her "murders" or benghazi.

hey, just wondering, are you a faggot ?

>Im a republocan

Oh but Bush's 2,000+ murders were okay?

Reagans 470+ murder were okay?

sure faggot, Hilary has 4, and then suddenly it's bad.

Im on mobile

>comparing secretary of state to the president

>Obama keeps the conflicts going
>has drone bombed more targets than any other President
>a lot of them civilian targets
>also pushed for military intervention in Libya and Syria
>Republican held congress told him to fuck off

This nigga ain't even woke.

A republowin-dicks more liek it.


BLM trying to block people's access is not a peaceful protest. This is the same BLM that cheered when cops were sniped. This is the same BLM that chanted pigs in a blanket, fry them.

Fuck BLM. They are a racist hate group just like the KKK.

M8, every mobile has spellcheck.

Nigger did you not see i had murders in quotes for a reason

I turned it off

My nigga

Don't forget he murdered 4 American kids without due process with a drone strike.

The whole first day of the fucking GOP convention was on national security you idiot. And how they were gonna stop ISIS how would their plan be any different from Obamas?


nice user burn the fuck out of those paid trolls

If you vote for anybody but Trump you are a confirmed cuck, ISIS loving, BLM loving, nigger loving, SJW faggot. No ways around it.

I don't get it. Isn't this just Americans not liking other Americans and America as a whole getting screwed over by it?

>says the clinton shill

Exactly, they were founded on hate and a false narrative. Just see that cracker Shaun Kings tweets.

Yes. We are this dumb it seems.


Dont type too many bad words your mom may make you apologize to ppl on the internet.

By actually targeting ISIS and not the people fighting ISIS.

>says the clinton shill
what? have you lost it user?

>And how they were gonna stop ISIS how would their plan be any different from Obamas?
Russia is doing a far better job than the United States has summarily, and the US-led coalition had about a 5 month head start.

Russia has pushed ISIS into such small pockets that they hold only a few select towns now. Aleppo liberation was a significant step towards that, being one of ISIS' mainstays in the region.

So, to answer your question: Anything different than what Obama did would be different. Literally. But to answer your question in a manner that will piss you off: the US can't kill 30,000 islamic militants with toy planes. Russia is doing it the good old fashioned way, with the tooth and claw of the Russo-Kodiak.

Whenever radical shitshowers like Trump pop up and gain massive support, it's a sign of a country that's eventually going to shit.

Can you rewrite a more vague statement?

>trying to block people's access

>what is a sit in

That's what protesters do you pleb. They have a right under the constitution to protest. Don't like it? Then go fuck yourself.

>not being familiar with this tactic
>thinking shills dont try to demonize the other side by making them seem like cartoon characters
>still being a shill

So will we get to see a divided USA like Korea in our lifetime?

They dont have a right to block exits and entrances though. It goes against fire codes and puts the safety of everyone in danger. Learn 2 protest

well, i dont know who is jewing who anymore.

So if they are blocking a highway and an ambulance cant get through and someone dies would they not be responsible?

This thread is full of SJW faggot Clinton supporters. It's as bad as le reddit in here.