What would America look like today if we had lost WW2?

what would America look like today if we had lost WW2?


the american people is not the american government staying as it is. we would be as we are just under a fascist regime. instead of haveing our government infiltrated by soviets it would be fashy. so think 60's with brown shirts instead of dirty hippies. we would be a well oredered conservative society

I hate to admit this but sometimes I kinda wish Hitler had won



Less Marxist

wouldnt nescissarily call national socialism any more civilized than what we currently have. however culturaully speaking we would be more conservative

A proud Aryan Kike free nation

free healthcare, a government that would care about their people, no racial mixing, bigger salaries, a white Detroit... shit like that.

heil Hitler

America "losing" wasn't really a viable outcome. If the nazis beat down the military they'd dump all their resources into annihilating russia. America would be a broken wreck but Hitler didn't have any real aspirations to control the place.

what if the south won at Gettysburg?

A utopia full of Japanese anime girls and blonde Aryan beauties.

>A proud Aryan Kike free nation
I wish man

Well everyone would dress nice. All the dudes would have short haircuts. All the women would be model wives.

All the gay people would be publicly executed. All the niggers would be slaves and they would have a population control measures so they dont get out of hand.

There would be no rich people. Since national socialism would distribute wealth evenly and there would be no jews to hog it all.

We would be talking to aliens since theres world peace.

Thats how I imagine it.

The south literally had no chance of winning at gettysburg

Why do you hate it? Its normal

No nignogs no jews
Would be heaven i tell ya

motherfucker he said what if

Heil from Germany

that would be nice :) Hitler was a good man

Yeah, the Nazis at least had a chance to win WW2. There was no situation, barring a meteor strike on culp's hill, that could have won that battle for the south

heil from Denmark

Probably pretty much the same. Germany couldn't have conquered us in a land war, much less Japan. We'd probably be somewhat less pozzed, but not by much as the American government was already pretty Jewy by the 1940s.

My best guess is a three-party Cold War with the Axis and Russia still at a disadvantage. The only hope of a nigger and Jew free America would be the rise to power of a fascist leader, not conquest by Hitler. He didn't want us.

the US would be driven off the european continent and forced into a cold war with the nazies

We would still be a white nation, under national socialism. We'd have eliminated niggers, kikes, faggots, trannies would've never become a thing, we'd have conquered mexico and spics wouldn't be invading us.

In short: America would be a white paradise.

nigga anime wouldn't even be a thing if we hadn't fucked japan up with those nukes and taken away their military

Ret, ill help phagot

Read "The Man in the High Castle", that's exactly what the book is about

>yfw you realized everything since WWII has been a terrible mistake

pretty much the same, except that we'd have had to relinquish the phillipines, hawaii, guam and other overseas territories

we'd probably have merged with canada as a self-defense measure

japan would be dominant in the pacific and they might have a larger presence in south and central america, while the reich would have taken over most of central and northern europe and many caribbean islands formerly in european hands

britain would still be independent, but lost a lot of colonies and territories and most of indonesia/malaysia and possibly a couple northern australian ports would be under japanese control

the reich would probably occupy greenland, also, and the french territories in maritime canada (small group of islands only)

spain and italy would be intact and hold onto all their colonies

sweden would be free and independent, so would switzerland, finland would have all of karelia and be, likewise, independent and neutral, but denmark and norway would be part of the reich or, like vichy france, a protectorate and under thumb

most of russia would be reich territories, with a small chunk of southern siberia ceded to japan

large chunks of africa would be part of the reich, with the major cities inhabited by europeans and negros completly marginalized and rapidly decreasing in number

south africa would likely be a major economic part of the reich and perhaps granted some autonomy after policies were aligned with reich economic and racial policies. major rail and autobahn links would directly connect johannesburg and other cities to europe

the mediterranean would be dammed and major hydroelectric works would have been created, with enormous freshwater lakes created in northern africa (permanent lake chad, lake mali, etc.), freshwater seas

the large powers of the world would be:
>north american union
>the third german reich
>imperial japan and her co-prosperity pacific sphere
>the italian empire
>the spanish empire

No quantum physics ... not for me (no NMR, no MRI)!

Quantum physics was mostly discovered by jews.

1/. He never wanted to kill any Jews
2/. He had compassion for other sentient beings
3/. He cared passionately about his people and German heritage
4/. He was a humble man, from a humble background-and he accepted that. He was never a narcissist, although he seemed like one.
5/. He was a man of God, not an atheist.
6/. He wanted to implement cultural and social reform

we'd all get nuked to shit. If america were to have fucked the war up that badly germany would have developed nukes and used them liberally. London Moscow and DC would be dust

It might have been called something different but it would likely still have been discovered. The Internet is more debatable than Judenphysik.

London and Moscow, maybe, for the same reason we got Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Not DC because DC requires ICBMs.

Japan might have took Hawaii and possibly Alaska. Thats it really.

Tervehdys from Finland!

eh I feel like if the nazis were at such an advantage they could start developing intercontinental strike methods pretty quickly. They already had jet engines and arguably the best subs. When it comes to engineering twisted death machines no one beats the krauts

Donald trump and Hilary wouldn't be running for presidency

*kikes and slavs

We would be in a state of constant civil war, the coasts would be taken but the remainders would move in to the center area. Either the facist invaders would continue and try to take all the land for food and face an eternal insurgency, or give back the government under a redefined constitution where we are their allies (like we did with japan). Beyond that they world would just end up being very different.

If Germany won they would probably have more interest in taking the rest of Europe, not the USA.
The US invented the nuke at the time and didn't sell any to anyone, so you wouldn't get nuked to shit unless the US nuked itself.


Germany was trying to make its own, though.
A WWII-tier atom bomb isn't super hard conceptually, you just need the materials.

Instead of a cold war between communism and capitalism, we would have a cold war between national socialism and capitalism and with the the eventual death of Hitler the national socialist system would collapse and the capitalism would win.

Capitalism wins every time.

America would look pretty much the same, just probably less economically and technologically developed. It's the rest of the world that would look much different. Neither Japan nor Germany ever had any real intention of conquering the United States, they just wanted to inflict enough losses on us to get us to sign a peace treaty so then they could do whatever they wanted with their own spheres of influence (Europe for Germany and Asia for Japan). They both knew the US was too large of a country to be completely conquered, even if they combined their forces. But they could have gotten us to sign a peace treaty if they managed to inflict enough economic and human losses on our forces through attrition warfare, in which case Europe and Asia would both look very different today but the mainland US would look pretty much the same. Germany probably still would have been defeated by the Soviets, but without the US the Soviets would have taken control of all the territory that Germany had conquered, so basically all of Europe except Britain, Spain and a few other small countries, which means the Cold War would have shifted in favor of the communists and the Soviet Union would probably still be around today, and also would have a lot more global influence. Not sure what would have happened to Japan. They were in a stalemate with China before the US even got involved, but their economy was also under a lot of strain. They probably would have kept most of the territory they conquered unless the Soviets decided to attack them after finishing off Germany.

It would be a regional power, sort of like Russia. There's no way Germany or Japan managed to mount an invasion.

There's an Amazon TV show about that.

Like normal, but more russian.

my thoughts are that if the CSA had won at Gettysburg, that the CSA would have offered peace terms, and that the remaining Union states would accepted. The CSA would be a county along side the USA.

99% White.

this is probably the most realistic outcome. The US wouldn't have been conquered, but they'd still be on the losing side. It would be a 2nd world country like Canada.

It was a good show, but there's no way Germany had the resources to mount an invasion of the US.


>It would be a 2nd world country like Canada.
Since when was Canada second world? They fought on the winning side of WWII, they're a founding member of NATO, they have a free market mixed economy with a democratic government and their average income is almost as high as the US.

>the showwriters tried to portray the alternate universe they created as a dystopia
>Nazi America was actually pretty great

> mount an invasion of the US

Occupation does not require invasion, just surrender. Like Japan.

when Canada stops printing money with pictures of the Queen, we can re-evaluate.

Canada a fuckin dump. Nobody good comes from that places. Only fags what a bunch of welfare ddumb people up their

True. But there was invasion in the background of the show. Like the Allies landed at Normandy, the Axis landed at Virginia Beach.

You must be the biggest faggot in this thread. National socialism embraces capitalism.

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> /thread

>second world country
Canada is one of the greatest places on earth, regards Norway

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>National socialism embraces capitalism.

No, it co-opts it. National Socialism is a command economy.

Okay, one, after they fucked over Russia they completely gave up on any chances of winning. Two, I live in Gettysburg and you're a faggot.

Neither of these have anything to do with the meaning of "second world". Second world means countries that remained neutral during the Cold War and didn't show a specific preference for either the free market (capitalist) or command market (communist) economic systems. Generally these were poor countries that weren't developed enough to have a sophisticated economy, like India and most of Africa. Canada obviously doesn't fit this description because 1) It has a free market economy, 2) It formed a strong alliance with the US during the Cold War, and 3) It's a high income country with a very developed economy.


Either way, it shares common ideas with capitalism. A war between two almost identical parties only happens in the American federal elections.

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> social ownership
> democratic control of the means of production

> private ownership of the means of production
>competitive markets
>market economy



I do too... but that is just the logical side inside you speaking.

and as you know the society we live in paints everything black and white, so there allways will be "the EVIL" and "the GOOD" rather than pro and contra of both sides...

hitler's world would have many pro's too, that we can't witness now. even though the history classes of the western world teaches the children that "the good have won the war over the evil"

Are you fucking stupid? Do you really think the nazis were socialists?
>taking the name literally
>socialist workers party

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oh for fuck's sake. fine. I retract my comment about Canada being a 2nd world country.

All I meant to say was that until wars are fought on ice rinks, that Canada will never be a world superpower. Nor would the US if it had lost WW2.

Okay and so now let's actually pursue the thought experiment and say "okay, but what IF they did"

>Either way, it shares common ideas with capitalism.

It shares common ideas with communism. Socialism, fascism and communism are all collectivist ideologies.

No, one of the founders of quantum physics (Jordan) was an enthusiastic Nazi. Which is probably why he ever got the Nobel.

Low crime, prosperity.

Alot less niggers


theres no real difference between any systems that still have central banks and a corrupt political class

Holy shit the Nazis fucking hated capitalism you retard, read a book.

there was no way we could have lost WWII

we had the bomb, they didn't

the whole reason we used it on Japan was to see the effects they caused in order to use them more strategically against Germany if needed

Yes they did you no history pleb. In days 1 and 2 they needed to take the ridge and place their guns overlooking the town. The army of the patomic would have been in a tough place amd taken shelter in the town and the destruction would have been historical.

National socialism is a mixed economy. They strongly endorse private enterprise and private ownership of capital and the means of production, which is distinctly capitalist, but they also endorse strong government involvement in the economy through taxation, spending and state coordination of economic activities, which falls on the socialist spectrum. Overall they were more capitalist than communist because they supported private ownership of business and the means of production, but they definitely mixed together elements of both. Although this is true to some extent for pretty much every country. All countries in the world today use a mixture of both systems. A pure capitalist or pure communist society will always fail, so debating whether a society is "capitalist" or "communist" is a moot point to begin with.

fuck you, really, fuck you

Which is true, but the nazis were generally keen on protecting private ownership and private businesses. They were also not exactly known for their massive taxing.


Germany surrendered before before we nuked Japan, numbnuts.

>I live in Gettysburg and you're a faggot
What does that have to do with anything the guy's just said?

>He had compassion for other sentient beings

as long as those beings were white, rich, christian, you gett the idea

>He was never a narcissist, although he seemed like one.

That's what happens when you have your doctor shoot you up with meth daily. Germany had Tuco fucking Salamanca ruling them for over a decade.

you still had something like a political military complex, look at IG Farben, the biggest pharma and chemical industry company in mainland europe, if not the world. Still continues today as BASF.

If you can find a historical system that did not have mass accumulation and monopolization then maybe that would be worth calling "not capitalism"

>Do you really think the nazis were socialists?

No, i know that they were Socialists.
Read this instead of masturbate for Evalion, and take your own conclusions.

Alot of people think that we'd be living in a aryan utopia or dystopia. But the fact is the Nazi's didn't have enough resources or mass approval it would have needed for any regime of theirs to stick.

Most likely scenario is we'd be 30 or 40 years out of a civil war that ejected the Nazi regime. Authoritarianism is something that will always be overthrown more matter how much its caters to a majority.

Cold war vs Nazi instead of commies.

yeah, they blueballed us because we were waiting to use it on them, we said "fuck it" because at least we were killing gooks instead of white people