My collection is better than yours

My collection is better than yours

People fucking collect this shit?

why would you buy so many tiny toys...

be gone with ye normalfag!

I don't want a prolapse

you drink diet pepsi lol faggot

>makes thread
>doesn't answer questions
>thread dies

I answered the question

question, how much for each did you pay?

anywhere from $60 to $115
In total I have spent about $1200 at bad dragon

what this tentacle feels like?

would you say that's worth it to buy one simply for the sake of self defense?

the least interesting out of all of them. still interesting on the cock though, and to grind on


not even gonna ask about the self defense?

What are you trying to prove? Besides the fact that you're a massive faggot, of course.

Trips confirm. Normalfag btfo

Are you a qt girl?

Posted this a few days ago.

And here's one I got yesterday.

you could buy an actual horse to fuck with $1200

No thanks. Only interested in the fantasy. That, and horse upkeep would cost way more anyway.

how does the tentacle feel?

She drinks Diet Pepsi the #1 land-whale preferred drink


i'm 5 foot 7 inches and weigh 140

Like a Tentacruel using its acid attack as lube for raping your soul via your anus.

Slut confirmed

wtf so guys are the ones who buy these?!

Like my bayonet?

Serious question here, I have a small gryphon and have just started enjoying the knot, aka am ready to step up. Was thinking a small chance or something more filling. A small nox seems to girthy, are there any I'm missing in between? Dude here, so prostate stim is key.

Guys and girls buy them

Honestly anyone should be able to take a small chance. I hear flint is very good for prostate stimulation. However, as a guy, I don't really give a shit about prostate stim, and I just like the feeling of being filled in my ass

Yeah, I find the Njoy I have gets it just so, the gryphon only feels filling at the knot, the shaft I can't feel worth a shit past insertion. Hrm, I'll have to look into flint. The one thing I wish is that chance came with both a cumtube and a suction base, but we can dream... All the suction and cumtube toys are way too big for my arse.

Not even gonna argue with you on this one

I'd show you mine, but unlike OP, I can fit them all in at once.

s/fur fags

we're furfags. just furfags. and you are a newfag