Russians can NOT speak english

Russians can NOT speak english.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Be russian
>Blyat zhdruva klatov malataya





Nips and Russians are so cute together



well yes
heteros are so boring

paragay xD

paragay lmao

>Heteros are so boring.

Funny, because I speak English the same way - with Russian grammar and English words. And people even understand what I am talking about. I was in the USA and hadn't any problems with communication. People even didn't laugh at me despites it probably sounded like Master's Yoda speech.

i wish we could change it like thay permanently
Is funny because most of here masturbate to traps and they still believe they are not gay at all

but i can


Right, only google translate can speak english. lol


it wasn't tho
It's almost useless when it comes to russian-english translation

Parce qui la langue Français est notre langue seconde.

En vérité - j'ouble Français, parce qui j'etude la langue Polonaise, mais je veux encore parler Français

We would understand your meaning but the delivery is awkward and sounds funny to us. Everything would sound like Yoda.

Can confirm. It just changes the letters and then fucks everything up. I recognized the word, "American" but Google translate couldn't handle it.

J'espère les gens de la Russie non seront parler pas Anglais.


1812 a été une erreur

>Japan in charge of bantering language disability

To kurwa pozór że polacy nadal mówią po angielsku. Przyjdzie dzień gdy angielki zapłacą. Pedalskie scierwa.

To nie o wszystkich, tylko o pedalach

Crazy dude from sosach

>he thinks only anglos can pronounce that
LEL. It's not hard at all I'll tell ya.

Come back when you learn how to roll your Rs :^)

>Come back when you learn how to roll your Rs :^)


t. don't have it, like 10-15% of Russians

>du mil dek sep
>ne paroli esperanton

This is actually serious. Churkas are people who dedicate themselves to rub other people. They are pretty useful on beaches when you have noone to rub oil on your back, or when you want to fap but your hands are tired. But these guys just don't know when to stop, and overrubbing may result in you getting killed to death, this bit is true. Think of bleeding blisters.

Уes iт is, I speaк iт oиly тнгougн google тгaиslaтe. Шнy sнoulф I leaгн iт?

U want to sit up on the bottle?

Can Japs?

Just a friendli remindier - Anglais with cyrillic would be looking like a caucasian language

Tхe cкы иc peд тoнигхт
Be1pe oн тхe eдгe тoнигхт
Ho cхooтинг cтap тo гyидe ac

Eыe фop aн eыe, вхы тeap eaцх oтхep aпapт,
Плeace тeлл мe вхы, вхы дo вe мaкe ит co хapд?
Лooк aт yc нoв, вe oнлы гoт oypceлвec тo блaмe
Ит1c cycх a cхaмe

Only teardrops


this is fucking horrible, its worse than kazakh

really makes you think

it's a letter to letter transcription

a phonetical would be

Зэ cкaй иc pэд тyнaйт
Bи'p oн зэ эдж тyнaйт
Ho шyтинг cтap тy гaйд ac

Aй фop эн aй, вaй тиp ич aзэp эпapт
Плиc тeлл ми вaй, вaй дy ви мэйк ит co хapд?
Лyк aт ac нay, ви oнли гaт aypceлвc тy блэйм..
Ит caч э шeйм..

a little better, still looks like a clusterfuck with all of our diphthongs though

i miss ѣ

Whereas others cannot. news at gandeven #4chanchangeslightbulbfailsjuststalkspeopleagainplanet

If you're trying to Google Translate Russian from Sup Forums, you'll have to fix it a little bit. Sup Forums swaps out the Latin letters in Cyrillic with actual Latin characters. You'll only be able to translate it on Google if you swap out those letters with actual Cyrillic characters.