Ask a dude who's high out of his mind anything

ask a dude who's high out of his mind anything

How do magnets work

how much of this picture is true?

With the magnetic elecrice feild

why do you suck so much cock?

Eh depends.

I Don't lmao

High as fuck too bra

If you are high out of your mind, how are able to function enough to shit post on Sup Forums?

How long could chong chong, if chong was chonging cheech?

Lol gud4u m8 bout to take a dab myself. Legalize crystal weed!

i brokt my dick!

Captcha kills my progress

Had to re-read this a few times


Same OP

pic related
>what me is puffin on


OP show us what you're smoking

Hows high school faggot? Grow up and move on to big boy drugs you pathetic fucking stoner manchild

I can't they took it from me

By they I'm assuming you mean your parents?

I'm graduated

kek OP I bet you're buds aren't as dank as mine

No parents are out of twin


Just show us your buds or OP is a fag

Yeah OP show us what you're smoking on faggot

Abandon Thread OP is officially a lying faggot