We attempt to explain unexplainable photos

We attempt to explain unexplainable photos

How to remove baking soda from your ball wrinkles.

ball bleaching


useful guide for niggers who want to match their balls' color with their palms

dubs get

A detailed description to specify actions taken to cleanse males of testicular halitosis

Meat curtains





pretty sure its literally supposed to be medical advice for yeast infections
note: this would probably do as intended, but burn you like a motherfucker

extremely masochistic and really *REALLY* hates his dick

I remember this art installation.



A man obviously protecting his home from foreign nations

yea weird its like black people have equal brain power to every other race

The best damn home-made chili you'll ever have

lol everyone prefers the germans to the greeks except in greece its the opposite

just a guy climbin a ladder

Someone please explain this to me


not actually his dick being grinded, they put some meat in it and made it look that way

A man who is forced to stay trapped in a room dressed as a panda as his real panda oppressors give him barely enough food for him to survive on

Oh shit sonny. Kekd my rotten dick off



Most Kraftwerking
Most Prostworthy

Didnt know theres multiple races of monkeys

So the UPS guy finally brought the sewing machine I was going to give to my prom date as a present, but got stuck in a ditch! Still got it tho

they empirically don't

There comes a time when you cannot get any edgier. You're just grinding away metal.




When you in Atlanta and got no broads



This guy obviously just wants to atract Niggers to him because he realises that no one would want to get close to him any other way, even niggers


had too many beers and too many watermelons

They got bikinis and helmets on their head, but I got water-malone instead!



Ugh you guys are fucking pussies bring on the real shit

I bet its a pokestop.

Just tryna trigger a nigger

The new fleshlights look great!


good for if you have a yeast infection on your balls

This is an old pal of mine in the shot. He got married to that sewing machine. I was running late for the ceremony. There was a ton of deliveries that day.I had still managed to find some prime parking right next to the church yet those fools for cops said I simply wasn't allowed to park there.

It was a great day




A sex toy that works for both men and woman


Greater daemon of Slaanesh.


People that work with pandas sometimes have to wear panda costumes to interact with them, pandas are very solitary.

Ye olde feminism.

that nigger stole that diploma

he did it.



I don't think Poland quite got the hang of this game...

I said dance for Jesus, you puppet!!!



Hale bop

just a good ol' fashioned blood sacrifice

new background

uncut fag plebs will defend this,


Just a friendly hollow who lost his way and is now having some surgery done, nothing of it

could be several things
1. pimp that just beat and collected from his ho
2. just cashed his welfare check
3. just robbed a white guy

Welcome to Mingo County, WV

How Bobby flay makes tea.

Post-War Japan just doing its thing

The new fantastic four remake looks horrible

Welcome to /k/ now gtfo.

Your average /K/ommando

juice party


That's demonstrably false.

this is a normal image run through googles "deep Dream" generator, if I remember correctly it tries to identify animals or how an AI "understands" a given image, however it tends to "see" more animals in a given picture than their actually are, and it adds in the eyes and such to it.... really... really trippy stuff..

That looks like a chimpanzee that drowned.

genital warts.

Just some nignogs who thought they could join the kkk cause they heard about it in a ghetto vine

burns are terrible... even back in the day...

You mean just the right number of beers and just the right number of watermelons.

Apparently someone has a major issue with labeling obvious things in their pictures.





wife material

this is definitely a youtube video, i know i've seen it before...

Why the fuck couldn't he be just a wealthy black man? Ignorant ass. #blacklivesmatter
