Pokestop shop

Pokestop shop

Damn that girl is fat

I caught diabetes


otherwise known as american

This post is diabetic

Not everyone needs to eat every 30 seconds, fatty.

Those little budding Tits though.

I love Pokemon Go. I don't play it. I just love how many stupid people are getting hurt/ killed by it... thinning out the moron population. Now, if we can only stop them from the chaos they cause others, that would be perfect.

That's not a bad idea, at least she's trying to do something. Shame it's not more exercise but still she's trying.

I hope she's paying the appropriate taxes and holds the appropriate business licenses.

Or Brit, or Aussie, or German...

Those pitchers are pretty legit, good on her for doing something.

I love how autistic narcissists are all fat, sedentary, lonely fucks who will die of coronary disease by the time they're 50.


>couldn't find yellow cups

>not able to find yellow cups

Aww that's so fucking cute id give her a bunch of money

I'm getting heart palpitations from
how cute that is

I'd fuck her

Did you see the video of the mother who's kid was hit by a car. She was like 'The second I heard it happened I knew it was that game, I never should of let her play' the idiocy of some people never ceases to amaze me. If you haven't seen it I'll try find a link, my girl sent it to me yesterday, it's a good laugh.

seconds off, however I award the statement to dubs

Neat idea there kid, you've put some semblance of effort into it
but what are the forks for?

The cups are yellow faggots. They are transparent, so they appear darker when stacked

I'm retarded they're straws

A wild snorlax appears

^Butthurt Pokemon Go player assumes lots. lol.

Good for her I say. Change the chips to low fat crackers and the sugary drink to iced water.

guess what retard?

yellow cup + yellow cup =/= green cup

either way, there are yellow SOLO cups, so she could've kept the branding look on point with her other cups.

>Wild snorlax appears

They aren't green though

maybe shes colour blind

Bet this bitch makes more in a week than any of you faggots

Fuck I need to find a high traffic area and jump on board

i'll take 99 pokeballs and a blunt

i wonder how much she charges for a blowjob.

dubs for franchise owner

A child getting hid by a car while crossing the street. That's so new, like that never happens! Pokemon Go is the root of all evil and only idiots play it kekekekekekeeeeeeee

Too slow see

>hid by a car

Kill yourself. Seriously.

Or just white...

>>Definitely not a nigger

Looks like just about anywhere. What makes you guess Georgia?

Is it really that important to you?

Nah that's your blood sugar.

>should of

This made me laugh for some reason.

You've never seen a fat nigger?

Because grass and tree and doritos.
Must be georgia.

That kid looks like she weighs the same as me, but half my height and a fifth my age

This is child abuse. Stop fucking stuffing your kids full of garbage and making them miserable fatties!

I mean yeah, but... wait what

Trips don't lie though, budding tits prob will be huge knockers later

Is that JoJo kiss?

Thanks for the advice.

>we... we had more food.... (breathes heavily)... but i ate it! no one was.... buying the food... and it had been 2 minutes since i last... ate food. Mommy said if i got rid.... of all the products i was a good girl and she'd... take me to mcdonalds... so i ate all the food... and said i sold it!

Was this in Cedar Park/Leander or is this just happening all over the place?

Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is so great about Pokemon Go?

Nah that's your dick

>After a long and hard day of standing for 15 minutes, Suzy packs up her lunch for tomorrow
You tried, Suzy. You tried. God bless.

Made me think of the black kid on Malcom in the middle

The small land whale offers you some free lemonade because you're such a sorry faggot.

Where the fuck did they hid them? Maybe Anne Frank would have had a better shot if the autobots weren't working for the Nazis back then.

>>Getting people outside

I thought it was all horseshit until I saw a park full of 200+ people all playing this stupid fucking game together. It may not be ideal but it's getting people outside, being active, and socializing.

Anyone who is bitching about it is just a butthurt fatty who doesn't like to see others enjoying themselves.

Though I will admit it encourages unsafe driving and people not paying attention to their surroundings.

Apparently the fact that you go out into the real world to find your pokemans.

could have not said it better. Ty user !


In my opinion it's completely retarded. People shouldn't need the motivation of a shitty kid's game to get them to go outside and talk to people. Two of my good friends got in a fist fight because one said that team mystic was better than team valor or something, it was so fucking gay. I'm done with this

Literally a repost from reddit.

We're civilized in America. We eat our junk food with knives and forks.

what are you, 8?

That kind of says more about your friends than pokemon go tbh

>People shouldn't need

Who are you, God?

Stating what people should or shouldn't need for motivation is pretty retarded, even if you are right.

Sure people shouldn't need PokemonGo to talk to people, but if it's helping them do it then what's your problem?

Also if you have friend that are getting into physical altercations for almost any reason (let alone a stupid game) you need to carefully evaluate yourself, your life, and the company you keep.

I read this as:
"Hurr Durr I'm a retarded neckbeard basement dweller pretending that I have friends IRL."


I apologize, I'm am very intoxicated.


You sure it's not a figurative repost?

Yeah.... but that just means your friends are fucking idiots. For me, Pokemon Go is simply for nostalgia.

So, there is some shitty game everyone is playing. Walking. Running. Generally doing some activity. Then there is this fat girl with a huge amount of unhealthy food and pokemon drawings. And she thinks she's doing JUST FINE because she looks SO cool! FAT BITCH SHE. FAT.

Oh god, I hate fat people. I hate fat people playing pokemon. But most of it, I hate fat people selling unhealthy food acting like they are involved in some activity. NO. THIS BITCH IS JUST STANDING THERE, EATING HER UNHEALTHY AMERICAN FOOD AND GAINING MORE FAT. FAT BITCH. FAT.

I hope she dies soon.

I don't even play pokemans.

Saying "people shouldn't need" is overall retarded because you have no idea what people need and you're not in charge of anything.

careful with that edge

I would suggest finding a way to redirect that anger you're feeling. It really isn't normal to feel so strongly towards a little girl (btw children hold weight differently than adults especially girls) who is just having fun and selling snacks to other people having fun.

In fact I would say any reaction other than "Oh that's pretty cute (and smart)" is telling of social/emotional/mental issues that need to be addressed.

Perhaps you should channel your anger into something productive such as a martial art or a team sport.

All the best user, I hope you find happiness one day.

Or what. What could you do fatty? Yeah, nothing. I thought so. Go play your kid games and don't talk ever again.


Nevermind teaching your retard offspring to pay attention to where they're going let alone not to cross the highway unless you're at a crosswalk.But no it's clearly "that darn pokeyman game"

yes I'm butthurt thank you

You are fat, american or a woman. Or you are all 3 things. I feel pretty disgusted reading your nigger vomits.

I would suggest finding yourself a proper an hero item. It could be basically anything. Hint: Use your head.

Skinny af

You're 1/3rd right I suppose.

Where are you from, my angry friend?

>>hit by a car

Shit nigga that's too ambiguous.

Alive or dead?


go back to tumblr you autistic fucks

I'm If you're gonna hit us with the go back to tumblr shit (instead of addressing our arguments) at least provide an image.

transparent yellow cups on a red surface = green cups you autists


at least several individuals

Wrong trees for Aussie.

>Lays chips
Nah m8.

I cannot even being to comprehend how people see this and their first thought is something negative.

I am truly sorry that someone/something has hurt you enough that all you can see is darkness.

>warning sign right behind her
Germans don't need warning signs. They have invented half the world, they know what's up.

On a serious note though: this girl knows what's up! That's how you do business.

Don’t Get High On Your Own Supply

>Those little budding Tits though.
Fat little boys also have "tits" like that.

You have friends that get into fights over Pokemon? Right, you do realise you've got to be over 18 to be on this board yeah?

neither are you, you stupid retarded cuck