What is the most effective and painless suicide method?

What is the most effective and painless suicide method?

have a woman with an ass like the one in the pic sit on your face and suffocate you. it would be a nice way to die

Dying from too much pussy.

Replacing oxygen with an innate gas. Your body won't know the difference and you'll slip into unconsciousness and pass away.

Try helium.


Masturbate to death

Exit bag. If you're going to kill yourself please make sure you're an organ donor and call 911 reporting that you are an organ donor and are about to die.

Check my dubes.

I don't get it. So you fucked up your life until suicide is your only option? And because you have been a pussy all your life, you want it to be painless?


At least have the decency to go out in style. Ask ISIS to martyr you, feggit!

>Replacing oxygen with an innate gas.

>innate gas.





inborn; natural.

"her innate capacity for organization"


I think you mean inert gas new fag.

death by giant dildo


Live a long and fulfilling life then die suddenly in bed from old age. Nothing beats good heath as a painless way of dying. Its slow but it will get the job done guaranteed

Bullet to the brain. It'll be over before you know you did it

Hanging unless you have a gun. Read up on it.

inject air into veins

Make sure the air is innate

Alternatively eject veins into air.

If you can find some way to connect your veins with the air, that's the trick.




Livestream it man, be a hero

Charcoal. Light some outdoors, bring it into a bathroom, light a lot more charcoal in a hibachi (small grill). Wait.
Why do you want to kill yourself?

an hero*

OP think of it like this. Your death could be brutally painful and take 3 hours for you to die, but if your life is so bad you want to kill yourself in the first place then 3 hours of extreme physical pain versus a lifetime of emotional misery. Which seems worse? Any sane person would choose 3 hours of physical pain. But I guess since you're considering suicide you're not very sane anyway.

Hanging yourself would take a max of 15 minutes (if you fuck up, but you'd lose consciousness before that). So, if you fuck up hanging you will still die pretty quickly, and you won't be awake for most of it. If you do it right it will only take 20 seconds at most, and I doubt you'd feel shit since your neck would be snapped.

My suggestion for you, OP, is noose. Lather it up with some oil too so it slips easier and has a higher chance of snapping your neck. Have an 11ft drop (from a tree or something), and put the knot on the side of your neck. Cheap, quick, relatively painless and easy.

Cord around your neck and hang on it. You'll pass out and then be strangled to death.

Snu snu


Mix alcohol with sleeping tablets. Nighty night (for ver)

Nerve Gas

Oh boy who brought Einstein back

See why nobody likes you, ya dick?

This. OP won't do it though since he's too much of a pussy.

Alcohol and sleeping pills

Lots of alcohol with lots of sleeping tablets