My dad just a had a stroke and is hospitalized

My dad just a had a stroke and is hospitalized.
Help me feel better, Sup Forumsros

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you'll get some inheritance money soon


you should go have a stroke over him while he can't run away
go cum on your dad you faggot

Look on the bright side, now your mom will be single and ready to mingle soon.

give your mom some sympathy sex

how old is he, user?
What does the doc say? will he be fine?

Hope your dad get's better, Sup Forumsro.

The doctors here are retards, just figured out it's a stroke.
He's mouth is weird. The doctor didn't tell me anything, they just gave him a shot and a handful of pills.

He''s not your real dad.

Why would you be sad ? It means nohing to you if you are already selfsustentable

Hospitals are pretty advanced these days. My grandfather just survived a fractured skull and head bleeding, along with a couple broken ribs. I think your dad will be ok

I said a prayer for your father.
God bless.

I'm in my senior high year, and mom is unemployed.

If they're pain pills, you better steal them and nod

in the unlikely event that he survives, you get to wipe his shitted anus for him

Good luck for yor dad!
Is he fat or smoker? Doing sports?

Is she hot? Pimp her out.

Do you live in Africa?


I will give you a baymax.

If your Dad is strong he will fight to get better. Just know that some people do actually care. You have to be strong and help your family now. I give you hugs now.

at least he won't have to deal with the pain of living with a gay son soon

Smokes, drinks alcohol on a regular basis but does not exagerate.

I feel for ya, user.

A member of our family had one two years ago. Could have been worse, we got there in time, she's doing OK if a little dotty.

We're not all total cunts here on Sup Forums, so have some tits. Things will get better.

your dad is a faggot weakling

I'm in a country where a hospital just got closed this month.Patients were threated so poor that one of them got infected with maggots.And the hospital is in the capital, not in some nameless town.
And not, it is not a third world country.

my dad had a stroke

he died and I got two houses and two cars and a shitload of money, it was fucking sweeet

Waiting on an answer for this.

Two artery and vein killing substances... don't know how people can function after a night drinking and smoking cigarettes.

What country?

See for yourself.


Sell her ass, faggot.

my dad abused me as a child and now he is dead. feel better about yourself, asshole

sorry user, if his mouth is weird he may have some hemiplegia and be paralyzed some on one side. Hope he recovers fully tho, it's possible. Stem cell work is helping lots of patients recover if it is begun fairly soon after the stroke.

Can he still move his arms or hands? Besides his mouth, does he have control of his facial muscles?

now THAT'S savage

not sure what a baymax is but the rest this

He can move his arms, but does not feel the tips of his fingers.
Yeah, it's his right side, but I read that it's curable.
Also, he got to the hospital in time, I can only hope for the doctors to do their best.

OP, pics pls, try to get your dick in his mouth.

If his mouth looks weird it sounds like he might be paralyzed to a certain degree.

He'll pull through user.

Really need to see your dick in his mouth Op.

Althought I got no intention on that, it would not be possible, for he is in the hospital and I am at home.
Also, he is fully aware, not in some fucking coma.
Are you 14 or something?

>Implying your crippled father can't clumsily suckle your schmacko. You 14? Details btw.

It doesn't sound as bad as it could be, at least he still has some movement. Therapy can help partially regain some loss of movement, too. Your dad should be okay user. Maybe not 100% okay, but not bad enough to seriously impact his life. I hope for the best for him.

Details on what?
He's not a cripple yet, btw, and hopefully he will not be.

Furthermore, what sort of fucking neet retard runs off to Sup Forums when their pops could die with out giving you one last ejaculation??

Also, i meant details on hoe the bj feels when onky half his mouth is fully functional.

Have this

Doc here. Can he still walk? He'll likely recover a good deal of function with physiotherapy. Important to find out why it happened, treat blood pressure and cholesterol and tell him to stop smoking etc.

Have a fap

> implying OP's dad has any worth

Yeah, he can still walk.
He was complaining for over a year that he feels his tips numb , and feels pain in his hands while working, but never paid attention, even though he heard someone saying it could be due to his spine.

why is that butthole on top of the butt
and where did the tail come from?


> underage

Not really into vore, but I could use some actual porn.

>Questioning furry scat anal vore poop transformation fetish "art"

>Vore being the worst thing about that image

They did this wrong. I saw it on South Park. The shit would come out the mouth

>it is not a third world country

Checked like my privilege

Please help homeless dubs, trips, and quads find homes by checking them

> all those nitpicky labels
Are we talking about metal? Jesus just put 'core' at the end of it

Well , you're not wrong, but it's labeled as "European civilized country".
And if you're now thinking that's wrong,you'd double your arguments for that after living here.

Soon to be 20, fella :)

Been there yo, my dad lost like 80% of his brain when I was fifteen n I've had to take care of him ever since. The thing with my dad's mouth actually went away over time. My dad though was in a coma in the ice put in hospice for like weeks though, n now he lives back home can make spaghetti and takes a nice all everyday. Shit goes on, your dad's doesn't sounds super major. You'll be okay regardless. Wish you the best user.

> senior high
> most 20


Get well soon OPS dad. In the mean time

Is he okay now? Talks and does normal things?

A year of numb fingertips and pain is not from a stroke. Does he have diabetes? If so that's probably nerve damage from poorly controlled diabetes.


No, he does not.

You play guitar,user?

Not that you're aware of, anyway.

He is all okay physically, weaker, but totally able. Cognition is a struggle, he had always been big into reading, like multiple books a week and nyt crossword puzzles. He can't read anymore, has a very hard time understanding simple instructions. Can't speak well, he can order like coffee. I can usually understand what he's saying though since I'm him prime caretaker. But I mean this is post him being a vegetable for months, like unable to move or or think or anything. Your dad can still talk and everything right?

atleast when he dies he doesn't have to see how his son fails in life, huh?

You won the galactic lottery by being alive. Get out and live your life, enjoy shit, don't let killjoys get in the way of doing what you want to do.

Everything is temporary lil nigga

Yeah, you've got a point, pal.

I know, and besides, Isaac Asimov said "Life is joy and death is peace, the transition between the two of them is painful"
But,being a little weirdo when I was a kid, like, staying in doors al day , playing video games and shit, he only seemed to care for me because he had to, I was not the man every father expects. But as I aged, I became one of the smartest kids in my school, I started helping him fix his car, we fixed computers together, sometimes arguing what their problem could be.We got close during the highschool, and now I feel bad that I might lose him.
Although it's not likely for him to die, and not likely for him to have any serious permanent damage, I still don't want my father to be a vegetable.