Why aren't you a Satanist yet Sup Forums?

Why aren't you a Satanist yet Sup Forums?

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because I'm not 14

I have friends.

Satanism is the one religion that makes any logical sense and does not preach any violent or racist tendencies

because I AM SATAN

Because Satan doesn't exists

Edgy 14 year old confirmed

tell me more OP

>logical sense


Well, it is simple. If I accept that there is a Satan, then I also accept his origin in the bible. Why on earth would I pick a fallen angel over the god who had the power cast him out?

yeah but yahweh is a dick dude

The word Satan in Latin means opposer or to oppose
Lucifer opposed God's plan because he believed it was selfish and that god should share his power with humanity and stop reading them like cosmic playthings


So you would blindly follow raw power over the ability to ascertain how to use that power for good?

Humans can't even be trusted with a knife so the power of god? Fuck that.

so basically satanism is just Christianity for people who think god owes them more than we are given?

Yes but with that power comes clarity of the mind and an absolution of the petty differences humans hold such high regards of

cough *trump* cough

Yeah, some fuckers just want it all.

Satanism is a religion for people who refuse to be held back by societal constructs

>implying power would overrule nature
Conflict is in nature and even god isn't above nature.

Because the Emperor protects

why do you need a religion for that? just be weird do you. god isnt real and neither is satan so noone judging...


I am. There's something about Satanists that instantly makes me judge or dislike them.

If you believe the bible good created nature's cycles therefore he has the power to change them for the better yet refuses to do so
Satanism believes in mortal punishment for the true wicked such as rapists and murderers who kill for no reason and by mortal punishment I mean while they are alive they should be tortured to death

yeah but other peoples opinions don't REALLY matter do they?

so punish god?

Not nature as in like trees and shit, sorry for the confusion. I meant like that bullcrap they're always talking about in movies like that bad line ''It's in your nature to destroy yourselves''

I'm pretty sure that the same origin I mentioned also kinda calls Satan the bad guy and mentions that he deceives people, quite often through the allure of power.

Nope but if they're funny it's usually nice to hear

At this point yes for he had committed more crimes than any other by showing such travasties such as war rape and genocide simply because we have "free will" if he loves all of us why did he not smite those he knows will only bring death and despair?

I procrastinate a lot, I'll convert tomorrow, k?

Not all of those who are termed Satanists believe Satan is real (being atheistic Satanists). Many simply venerate the character and ideals they attribute to the character in the Bible.

He let us choose our own path. Probably not his idea.

Edgy kid

I am confuse. Why do you think there is a god that goes around doing shitty things? Wouldn't it make sense for there to be no god? Shitty things just happen because that's how reality is.

Mfw satanism doesn't even praise Satan as their deity.

He lets us choose our own path yet he has a plan for all of us?
And if he is truly so omnipotent it would be nothing to simply cause a stillborn baby who if they had survived would go on to start the crusades

Im catholic

LaVeyan satanist reporting in

do you confess to visiting this site?

His plan is to build an army. I don't know what for but I know that at least.

this is now a Baphomet rule 34 thread

I don't believe in the Judeo-Christian ideological dichotomy of good vs evil. Morality is not defined this clearly.

The army is supposedly to battle Satan's army during the rapture but again if he is so omnipotent could he not just snap his fingers and make the armies disappear?
I believe the army is for total control of the earth through military

If it's absolute power over the cosmos, yes.

People think Superman is bad.. DC comics has nothing on the Judeo Christian tradition.

Please explain to me how it's the only religion that makes any "logical sense", go ahead I'm listening

>Literally worshiping the opposite of good
Not only does that mean you affirm the existence of God (the good), but you also reject that good, which is the ultimate stupid thing to do

>No no you just don't get it maaan, I mean worshiping myself, like LaVeyan satanism
How does that make any more sense? If anything it makes no sense at all, because you sure didn't create the universe or anything in it, so there is a higher and more pure power than yourself, yet you reject it but choose yourself as god, like a complete moron?

Now is any of this logical, in the sense that it's not self contradictory? Well yeah sure, believing that fire can hurt you is also logical, doesn't mean it's a good idea to put your hand in it, so that's neither here or there.

What if once created things are out of gods power? maybe thats why he has no power to stop shitty things from happening. (not religious just playing devils advocate)

Maybe he has no effect on lucifer anymore OR he will choose to rise above it and leave his armies to it.

>implying existence means there is a higher power.
>implying power means purity

Then what about all the people he created knowing they would do horrible deeds?
Why did he not simply not create them?

Because with satanism comes christianity. These two are straight up opposing yet they come together.
And no this asin't the classical "your god is crucified, my god has a hammer" meme.
I'm never going to bow down before any fucking eastern and/or jewish religion.

White people of Europe had their own gods up until 10th century. We gave them worships and sacrifices and they were smiling on us.
Guess what came after christianization?
A fucking dark age. Dark age. Literally small ice age hands with religious fanatism, inquisition, several plagues and centuries of war all the way to this filthy modern age.

We abandoned our old gods and this is what we are getting for it. The dark age has never ended.

Lucifers influence.

*post creation

It's not about worshipping yourself or simply rejecting good it's about rejecting the idea that god cares about us inany other way than a kid loves his toys

Idk i don't think god created anything. at least not a bearded man in the sky kinda deal. I think that whole idea is ridiculous. I'm just imagining a god that just has the power to create (not what i actually believe). In Gods universe he farts and boom the big bang happens even though god has no power over his flatulence.

So you're telling me Lucifer who is being tortured endlessly in the deepest darkest coldest depths of hell can at any time just pop up on earth and convince people to do his bidding?

how do you think he challenged charlie daniels?

I think it'd be really neat if all this shit was real.


Georgia is actually hell.

oh ok fair point. but couldnt he potentially leave Georgia?

If you believe the religious texts and stories the entrance to hell is inside the catacombs of Paris

What happens if I suicide ?
>Don't come up with : you go to hell, blah blah because this shit doesn't exist because I have a mental illness.

My life is shit, my life is tragic and I'll end it within a month and I heard so many near-death-experience stories that tell about heaven and I can't wait to stop the pain

sometimes he visits detroit

wait wait wait i didnt even notice you said this but satan isnt being tortured in hell. He's supposed to be down there running shit isnt he?

I'd love to go there. Even if it's all bs, it'd be cool if it really was the entrance to hell.

because I'm not in the 8th grade

yeah he isn't cast into the lake of fire until the end times.

Maybe his torture is just running hell and living eternally being shunned by god.

When you die your consciousness dissipates and then your soul latches on to another living body and you are reborn with no memory of your previous life

saw some creepy ass stories about people going missing there

Source ?

I would HATE to be reborn in this world...imagine if I'm reborn as an african slave...

Brother, there heretics need to burn

Also he could get his minions to influence humans



>Social construct

You do realise that satanism is, in fact, just another social construct right?

Ouh the tragedy

everyone elses life will get much better

This guy gets it

african slaves are as strong as indians are smart.

>even God is above nature
are you retarted he use power to create himself
(imagine its like using his power over time "enter a command" that he with all his power and unlimited wisdom will born a specific point , also there one "space" becouse different spaces =different multiple timelines = more than 1 god but all using same source of power = Chaos

Blacks are strong and fast. Asians are smartaf. White people?

Implying that there is an entrance and its real.
I dont think you would find it cool at all.

Your existence requires a cause (beyond your mother and father), and the cause must be greater than yourself, so yes

Power doesn't mean purity, but anything worthy of worship should be infinitely powerful and pure. There's no law for this, but you'd be pretty foolish to worship a dirty fly or a lying homeless drunk, if you get my point.

In order for you to reject God, you have to believe he exists, and God is not just good, but the very definition of goodness and love, it's in his nature. Not only that, but he created you, CREATED YOU, but you're just like "lol yeah whatever, I choose to worship this devil who was also created by God, but rejected God, and is the father of lies"

Just how stupid do you have to be to go down that path? Think about it dude...

>White people?
white people shape the world through ambition and innovation

If you're going to use meme arrows to quote m8, get the quote right. I said Even God isn't above nature, not the trees and shit nature but the other one.

Who are you to say what I would find interesting?
>what'd you do today
>saw the entrance of hell
>no fucking way, that's badass
That's how that would go.

Yay we got something. I wish we got the speed also though.

kek niggas can destroy anything whitefolk make.

therefore they is superior. nah'm sayin'?

lol right?
That's no problem. We make cars and rocketships to compensate.

There is a whole movie made about this... Its eerie as fuck. Creeped me out proper..
Cant remember the name though.


But cars and rocket ships cost more than feet to operate.

neither of those things can outrun usain bolt

and again he created himself , using his power that past will be like he want to. that means unlimited power and unlimited wisdom at the first minute , he fucking is nature

Ah yes user, but feet can't take you to space, further than any black man has been (save for a few token astronauts)

>trying to explain god using human logic

why haven't you given up yet?

Because satan is a pussy ass bitch