Why do Spaniards call their country Asspain?

Why do Spaniards call their country Asspain?

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Because Spain is shit and should unironically dissolve itself

Why do Hungarians call their country My jar roars suck?

This catalonia and basque country should be independent and galicia should be Portuguese again



catalonians and basques should be castilianized without exception enough of special snoflakes

i'm not even from the special regions, we speak castilian and i hate spain as much


No offense my Serbian friend,but please commit suicide.Viva Euskara

It expresses contempt for an artifficial country that's annhilating the original cultures and making us poorer and worse day by day, a country that shouldn't exist made by 2 "chosen by god" cunts that rule this land as a monarchic dictatorship for centuries

Serbia gets it

i dont gib galiza, olivença, ceuta

>Ever Portuguese

well it's not spen

>a castilian monkey mentally able to use a computer


>None Castillian brainlet this mad
It is. They created Franco and Rajoy

>Not Spain
You are part of Spain too like it or not

No sé el resto pero en Valencia tenemos las clases segregadas por lengua (castellana para gitanos e inmigrantes / valenciana para el resto) y el "genial resultado" de los primeros nos baja la media de narices.

Cagalanes al paredon por favor

no portugal own thing sorry

>butthurt scatalan

clases segregadas pero puedes elegir donde ir, obviamente una clase con Valenciano es mejor porque una persona que tiene cerebro para entender, hablar y escribir ambas lenguas es obviamente mas inteligente que la otra.

Ponientano con el culo ardiendo, a llorar a tu cueva.

>catalonians and basques should be castilianized without exception enough of special snoflakes

I can see the logic in making Spain a more uniform state,but how would you achieve this without the use of violence?

we are ready to join the foreign legion when the time comes
never forget a true friend who does not recognize kosovo

violence is the only thing serbs know kek

>Franco and Rajoy
and fidel castro too, maybe it's cuban?
it also created tons of argentinians, maybe it's argentinian clay

>No sé el resto pero en Valencia tenemos las clases segregadas por lengua (castellana para gitanos e inmigrantes / valenciana para el resto) y el "genial resultado" de los primeros nos baja la media de narices.
En Castilla,Navarra y Madrid no tenemos clases segregadas y los inmis también nos bajan la media.Solo somos superiores a vosotros

>Galicia under Leonese/Castillian rulership
1300 years
>Galicia under Portuguese rule
0 years.
Galicia is fully integrated and a part of Spen.Deal with it


Si los catalanes hicieran lo mismo en vez de segregar y obligar a hablar su lengua se acabarian la mitad de los problemas que tienen con la lengua.

en el momento en que intentas detener el castellano vas a tener gente en contra ni que sea por lo típico sentimiento Español de "estar en contra" de lo que sea en cuando intentas prohibir algo.

i'm not the one saying it is portuguese. i'm just saying that was retarded argument.
also galicia stopped being its own kingdom only in 1833

y it indepence?

No soy catalanoboo, yo apuesto por un sistema como el actual, clases segregadas por lengua que sirvan como excusa para alejar nuestros hijos de escoria varia. Los gitanos e immis no van a elegir nunca la linea valenciana o muy rara vez.

>i'm not the one saying it is portuguese. i'm just saying that was retarded argument.
It wasn't.Galicia is fully integrated in Spain
>also galicia stopped being its own kingdom only in 1833
No it didn't.The name just changed.It was de facto part of Leon/Asturias since Pelayo and just got 50 years of independence at some point

>It wasn't.Galicia is fully integrated in Spain
i was replying to the post about Rajoy and whatnot, which was a silly argument.
>It was de facto part of Leon/Asturias since Pelayo and just got 50 years of independence at some point
it had its own cortes, its own currency, its own taxation. it only stopped being represented in the cortes briefly for 150 years during the habsburgs. dude literally learn more about your own country. castilla was always fully integrated with leon and eventually surpassed it. the rest of the country clearly wasn't.


en eso estoy de acuerdo, indios y norteafricanos jamas entran en la escuela Valenciana y los que entran son porque de verdad se integran.

Galicia was never portuguese. In fact, galegos and basques are more traditionally spanish than castillians.

>Different language, culture,folk
>More Spaniard than castile

It was for like, 3 months during D. Fernando's reign.

shut the fuck up your people are from azerbaijan
and thats where you are going once we are done with you

>it had its own cortes, its own currency, its own taxation.
This was the case in almost every coastal region.

Spain is not Castile

>Spain is not Castile
This is true.The only good thing about Spain is Castile

they are eternally ass pained

The ignorance, my God.

It was Portugal the ones who separated themselves from their Galician brothers by seceding from the Kingdom of Leon.

In fact, Galicia has a bigger claim to Portugal than viceversa.

Galicia existed when most Portugal was in muslim hands.

Besides, you won't see bigger Spanish patriots than Galicians, hell, Francisco Franco was a fucking Galician.

Basques, two thirds of the same. Blas de Lezo, for example, was from there.

Catalans have been historically the most revolted region, but they also gave enormous Spanish patriots like Juan Prim.

Did she actually say that?
I meant during her time there is no such thing all Spain yet, just union of kingdoms by marriage

Did I hear Scotland and northern Ireland?

But Galicia remained so for much longer, and also started quite early.
It's only natural it developed its own culture and language, so it's more than valid to say say it was its own Kingdom (which it was btw)

Portugal didn't exist. Just the geographical space.

The only good thing about Spain is every fucking thing but Castille. You guys are the worst managers of Iberia ever.

yes she did, she also said that anime was a mistake, true visionary.

>It's only natural it developed its own culture and language, so it's more than valid to say say it was its own Kingdom (which it was btw)
The same as Asturias.Your point?
>The only good thing about Spain is every fucking thing but Castille.
>Castillians invented modern nation states
>A Portuguese that lives in a country that is as poor as Andalucia tries to bitch about us

>Kills the bull

You come from Pakistan M8
I mean how worse can ya get

Why are Iberian royal families so fucking ugly? I know most royal families are, but they certainly exceed the ordinary.

>Iberian royal families

all royal families are usually ugly except for a few examples here and there, that's thanks to all the inbreeding from royal families in the past.


>The same as Asturias.Your point?
Galicia is more itself than the Asturias since it still retains more of its unique culture than the Asturias, but you got my point right just there. Spain is a multicultural, multinational entity.
>>Castillians invented modern nation states
Lmfao. I can not stop laughing. Where does this come from? Literally the only country in Europe that's realistically falling apart right now. Lmfao.

>Lmfao. I can not stop laughing. Where does this come from?
>Being historically illiterate
The crown of Castile is considered by everyone the first modern nation state
>Literally the only country in Europe that's realistically falling apart right now
Madrid alone is wealthier than your shithole. What the fuck are you talking about?

i thought the UK was above USA in education


i know and i feel bad for the galicians, they are good people... i just wanted to make better the other pic but i don't really like this kind things

of things

>The crown of Castile is considered by everyone the first modern nation state
Except it literally isn't. The answer your looking for is probably France or England. Or if borders are your problem, Portugal. Just make a thread asking what that country is.

Also Spain is the only country in Europe still having rebel autonomous movements and with a referendum coming up this year with one part of the country voting for independence, regardless of what Madrid wants or not. Your country is unironically falling to pieces. I don't see that as a claim to grandeur, quite the opposite.
I like Spain and everything, but you people are delusional sometimes.

>Except it literally isn't. The answer your looking for is probably France or England
France and England were using noble levies while the Castillian army was centralized, with an official and institutionalized language.You just don't know what you are talking about

>posts Jaume el Conqueridor, who was 50% catalan by blood, spoke Catalan as hist first language and wrote an entire book in Catalan called "Llibre dels feits". He also intentonally moved Catalan settlers to all conquered territories to "Catalanize" the regions.
>Castillians and modern day "Aragonese" will try to deny this by saying that it is catalan revisionism
>everything I said is on the fucking Wiki itself

>I like Spain and everything, but you people are delusional sometimes.
>but you people are delusional sometimes.


Your problem is military? Then the Ottoman Empire is probably the answer you're looking for.
Your problem is nobility? Then France or England.
National identity? Dubious but anything can fit here well enough.

I don't know what to tell you, no historian says what you're saying and I'd like some source right about now.

You're fine most times. I like spen.

I will never understand why the crown was called "Aragon".

>Then the Ottoman Empire is probably the answer you're looking for
The Ottoman empire was outdated they just had lots of people

The Ottoman Empire literally came to be because the military took over.
>was outdated they just had lots of people
What the fuck does this even mean

>moved Catalan settlers to all conquered territories

Not here in Mallorca.

>> según el Llibre del Repartiment, las tierras conquistadas fueron repartidas entre gente proveniente de Cataluña (39,71 %), de Occitania (24,26 %), Italia (16,19 %), Aragón (7,35 %), Navarra (5,88 %), Francia (4,42 %), Castilla (1,47 %) y Flandes (0,73 %)

it means quantity over quality amigo

because most spaniards are numales that hate their own country and its "hip" to hate Spain
fun fact: even if Spain was a perfect country Spaniard betafags would still joke about how shitty it is

You all ended up being culturally catalan-like, anyway.

Probably not a good argument to come from a spaniard, then.

no lol but he is right on that one we didnt have shit

So? Asturians and Andalusians speak Spanish Castillian but that don't make them Castillians. There is no feeling of belonging to Catalonia here.

Anyway nowadays the most speaked language here is the Spanish, actually in any big or medium city Catalan language is disappearing.

His argument came from "the first modern state", which to him means it comes from the army for some reason. That first state would by the Ottoman Empire, modern Turkey.

You need to understand you are the mix of many things, you just ended up speaking one particular language.

Andalusians speak with a different accent that annoys Castillians very much. I don't know if there is such a difference from the Baleares to Catalunha.

And most Spaniards don't know it either.

It is because of the nobiliary order.

Catalans were more powerful both economically and militarily, they had sea access, a good port and a merchant fleet, but they were COUNTS, not Kings.

They were Counts because they were formerly part of the Frankish Kingdom, but they broke vassalage. After this, instead of electing a king, they elected a Princeps (primus inter pares between nobles).

When the Kingdom (not the Crown) of Aragon was left without a heir, a monk who was in the line of succession had to have a child practically against his will, a little girl named Petronila of Aragon, then he returned to the monastery, this child was married to a Catalan count, called Berenguer IV, when she was just 12 or 13 years old and the Catalan Count already an adult. This union started the CROWN (not kingdom) of Aragon, the one that then, through the port of Barcelona, conquered vast swathes of the Mediterranean.

Now, because Aragon was a Kingdom, recognized by the Pope, and the Catalan Counties just... COUNTIES, a bunch of rogue and independent former "catalan-french" counts, the nobiliary order prevailed for Aragon, despite their weakness, however, because the Catalans were, despite all, the strongest part, and a Catalan adult male just married an Aragonese little girl, the Catalan culture prevailed all around the Aragonese Crown, to the much denial of today "spanish patriots" and modern day Aragonese people (from the region). This is how you have Aragonese Kings of the Crown like James the Conqueror, who only spoke in Catalan, who wrote books in Catalan and who settled the conquered territories with Catalan people.

This truths pains too much people today because of the prevalent anti-catalan sentiment all around Spain due to the independentist movements.

>proveniente de Cataluña (39,71 %), de Occitania (24,26 %), Italia (16,19 %), Aragón (7,35 %),
>Cataluña (39,71 %), de Occitania (24,26 %)
>Aragón (7,35 %),

You have just literally gave me the reason.

Also, in the years 1200's Catalans and Occitans were basically the same people and same language.

>I don't know if there is such a difference from the Baleares to Catalunha.

The Mallorcan is so different from the "standard Catalan" that we have to speak in Castilian when we go to Valencia or to Catalonia because people there can't understand us.

Also we never say we speak "català", we say we speak "mallorquí".

By your description it looks very much like Açores vs Portugal. I don't mean to sound rude, forgive me.

This is VERY interesting. I had read about Berenguer IV before and the union of the Kingdom with the County. But never this.
I do have one question. How did Aragon become a Kingdom in the first place? Didn't Aragon begin as a County of Charlemagne too? It must've come as a Kingdom from Pamplona then, but then how did Pamplona become a Kingdom itself?
The history of this peninsula never ceases to amaze me.

You are living in the past, that's why the Catalan "nationalism" has no future outside Catalonia, is a nationalism based on an identity of several centuries ago, not in a current identity. Doesn't matter what happened some centuries ago, the true is that current Majorcan people come from all regions of Spain and is a bilingual culture proud of its bilingualism.

Este país se romperá en pedazos por haberlo centralizado. Cada uno debería tener su propio Reino, sus propias leyes, su propio sistema legal e impositivo, su propia lengua... y se acabo.

Esto me da mucha pena.

Exactly as you said, through Navarre.

>su propio Reino

Me pido ser el rey de qt La Rioja.

If the country truly federalized, then it would be fine. It literally doesn't matter since we all follow the same laws within the EU.

Eso es Castilla la Vieja, chaval.

Algunas veces me canso de lo snowflakes que somos. No hay tantas diferencias, Paco.

>Eso es


Tú dile a un riojano o a un cántabro que es castellano, el cántabro probablemente te intentará pegar.

> Porque cristianísimos y muy altos y muy excelentes y muy poderosos Príncipes, Rey y Reina de las Españas y de las islas de la mar, Nuestros Señores, este presente año de 1492, después de Vuestras Altezas aver dado fin a la guerra de los moros ...

Este país se romperá por no haberlo centralizado a tiempo. La Francia medieval no estaba menos fragmentada que España pero la formación del Estado moderno empezó con Carlos VIII, dos siglos antes de que se iniciase el mismo proceso en España, y además mal hecho y de forma incompleta.

Ya esta federado. Eso da absolutamente igual.

No excesivas pero siempre se amplifican.

Is she the most attractive politician in all of Europe?

she is a qt

Esto no se rompe ni de coña hombre, el nacionalismo es un buen negocio porque otorga beneficios a los partidos nacionalistas, la independencia simplemente acabaría con esos beneficios. Los menos interesados en la independencia son los propios partidos independentistas, a los que sólo interesa pedir y pedir para obtener privilegios y en caso de no obtenerlos amenazar con la independencia porque saben que como mucho sólo obtendrán beneficios.

i like her shiny light brown eyes

Menudo ejemplo.

El país que impuso en todo su territorio una estandarización de una lengua oíl. El país donde llaman al Rosellón "Pirineos Orientales". NO LO SIENTO MUCHO. Me quedo con mi estúpida península enfrentada por siglos pero donde al menos existe identidad regional.

Mi abuelo era del valle del Pas y lo sé... pero es que Cantabria y La Rioja por huevos tienen que estar dentro de Castilla.

is this already an Arrimadas thread?

