Well Sup Forumsros I think I'be finally managed to fuck my life up to the point no one cares anymore...

Well Sup Forumsros I think I'be finally managed to fuck my life up to the point no one cares anymore. My friends can't take me seriously, both girls that I've talked to dropped me, my parents think I'm always making excuses to hide my fuck-ups. Make me happy before I go guys, just for good times sakes. It's been real.

Tell us your story?

Well, men, plz do not do anything against you, my life is almost same, justbremember, you don't need to give a damn about them, be strong bro

Well my entire life I've always been an outcast. My parents brought me to church and the kids there seemed so.....I don't know....fake? Like they just pretended to like me and then they'd whisper about me in the corners and little groups. (My ears are rather big and I've been told I have a small head) so that probably was the reason. I moved at the age of 7 and bounced around from friends to others and never seemed to fit in. They always seemed to act annoyed around me. I was always one of the smarter kids and I think that's the only reason I got chosen for group work. I play baseball and love it but it seems like my coaches just don't want me to be successful, they've always looked me over expect one. Coach Jason you were fucking awesome! When I got into highschool I didn't date a single girl and found a kid at my youth group who told me about this safe haven while in Jr. High but never checked it out until freshman year. My parents seemed to care and be more in interested in my older sister who everyone loved and she did everything right and was the perfect Christian girl my parents wanted and even went to a christian school. I tell them things and they act annoyed or bothered and just say "user, really?" And sigh. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong to make everyone hate me but if they're better of without me then I'd like to make them happy.

Being strong is nothing when I feel so weak

where are you from OP?

Midwest USA

do you wanna become happy or end it?

I'd rather be happy when I end it but either would be nice

Hahahaha you think your life is fucked? I'm 29, two years ago the girl I thought I'd get old with walked away from me, and she left a lifelong gift in the form of an STD. Lost my shit, started roiding. Got jacked, but it ruined my relationship with my friends and family. Barely talked to any of them anymore. Turns out roid rage and depression don't mix well with alcohol, which I can't stop drinking. Got an assault charge pending, which keeps things exciting.

Go fuck yourself.


do you have access to a car?
do you have 2000+ $?
and would you be okay with breaking the law?

Sadly no I am broke for the most part. But do tell the idea.

Mail the cash to me and drive into a fucking lake.

Sounds like you're young and need to find yourself.

I'd bet your religious background bears some weight on your family problems and your identity.

hire a hitman on yourself. Make your life a game of cat and mouse
>don't use the hidden web hitmen, they are all scammers. Bikers will do it but they suck at it

Probably so. But if I leave my church my family will most likely disown me and that leaves me with even less reasons to keep going

Sounds like a shitty japanese movie dubbed over in english

Never attended religious instruction, but I was baptized. That's about it.

Youre the fucking man. Same boat except no std an im 22

Basically I felt like I was pushed to be perfect or as perfect as possible and when I messed up it seemed like everyone was so disappointed in me. And I think some of the Sunday school teachers told the other kids to stay away from me. Most of the kids were almost afraid of me is how my young self viewed it

I've always pushed myself toward perfection. Didn't need anyone else to do that for me. Feels shitty to be the only one who values me, but I try to treat myself well. Fuckem all.

The only reason i keep going is because i know there is still some joy i can suck out of this sad world. Im a bastard child of a rig pig an a crack head. I talk to neither of them and live my life for me an no one else. Fuck trying to make other people happy. I ran 2 provinces away from everybody i knew and started fresh.

Well this thread has done literally nothing so I'm going to just walk until I find a quiet place and sit until morning. The only things I'm bringing are an old iPod and an old scrapbook I'll see how it goes from there. Goodbye Sup Forums

I still need them for financial support so I can't just up and leave yet

I hope you find peace user.

I left when i was 18. With 250 bucks and two 8 balls. Got my vehicle repod when i made it to where i wanted to be.