Anyone else voting 3rd party? I'll probably vote Johnson, he seems decent...

Anyone else voting 3rd party? I'll probably vote Johnson, he seems decent. Interestingly enough he wants to legalize prostitution Which I'm fine with, it'd reduce rape anyways. He also is pro-legalization for drugs, which sounds like a dream. I kind of like Jill Stein, but she's anti-vax so that's a big problem.

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no. i'm registered to vote and i'm not going to vote.

Johnson would be a fun ass choice considering all the options. But theres no way an independant will get elected. That being said. Im on the same boat. Using my useless vote to support Johnson.

Why not do it then? It doesn't take long, and if the 3rd party canidates get enough votes, it could have a positive impact on next election. (Not sure if you like 3rd party though.)

It might not be a throwaway vote actually, I believe if he get's at least 5% of the vote he might get funding next election. (Although I'm not positive.)

Sadly I won't be doing it as no 3rd party has a chance to win in this stupid ass system. Considering skipping the vote but if I don't I'm probably going trump to piss of tumblrettes and sjws

land of the free
prostitution illegal


So you're voting for Hillary then?

just because they won't win doesn't make it a wasted choice. when you vote 3rd party, it takes votes away from both the major parties. when 3rd party gets enough taken away from the others, then when the next election comes around, they'll be forced to adopt some policies from the third party candidates in order to try and seal up more votes.

so by losing, you stand a chance of eventually winning at a later date.

well to me, it's a reason to complain about our president. you can't complain if you don't vote

I didn't know Charles Bronson was running

There is literally no logical reason to vote anyone besides Gary Johnson. Its fucking ridiculous that so many people are going to vote for more Clintrump/Obama/Bush

yes you can. what stupid fucking logic is that? you're presented with options, you hate them all, so you refuse to choose any of them. that doesn't mean you have no right to complain.

if I told you to either eat human shit, cat shit, dog shit, or bear shit. you'd most likely say you don't want any of them and then bitch about why.

Bump. Not a whole lot of people even know he exists.

Why would you hate Gary?
Hillary/the Media want you to think there are only 2 options, but there aren't

>not voting trump

Enjoy living in Mexico-Kinshasa.

I didn't say there were only two options. I'm saying that I or someone else may not want to vote for any of the given options because they're shit options. that doesn't mean you have no right to complain about the president. you and everyone else that I hear say that "don't complain if you don't vote" horseshit are fucking retarded, abstaining is an option for a reason within our legal system

republican lite

I liked Black Neurosurgeon Guy, but he ded.

I'm Trumping it this election. Anything to keep another Clinton from the helm.

This guy gets it

>republican lite
What? This comment makes no sense. Gary is a fiscal conservative and social liberal. Meanwhile Trump is a fiscal liberal and social conservative. Gary is pretty much the exact opposite of the Republican candidate

i like johnson for all the reasons you pointed out, but at the end of the day he is a libertarian and i disagree with their view on what the role of the government should be.

For example, i believe the government should do all it can do to curtail the effects of climate change because it poses a significant threat to our way of life. Johnson thinks the free market will solve it because hippies want clean energy, so that will create positive pressure towards renewables.

but i dunno, still got a lot of time before november maybe ill change my mind.

Have to dox him Sup Forumsro
It's John Anderson
>aka Ross Perot

This. If someone can give me actual examples of libertarianism working in a modern free nation, I'll vote.

>pro tip: you can't

>i believe the government should do all it can do to curtail the effects of climate change because it poses a significant threat to our way of life
But the government cannot do a fucking thing about it. Ruining our economy to try and curtail it is futile. Its too late to stop global warming, lets just have some fun while it lasts
>Johnson thinks the free market will solve it because hippies want clean energy, so that will create positive pressure towards renewables.
This is definitely happening, but the fact is if we figure out how to stop global warming its going to most likely come from private sector technology and innovation or academia, not from taxes and regulation

There is no lesser of two evils this time.

I voted Johnson in 2012, when the other main candidates were thousands of times better qualified than the current chuckle heads.

Same vote this time.

Writing in either Ted Cruz or SMOD2016

No I'm voting Trump

Lmao I hate Black people.

well you sure as fuck have a lot of examples of non-libertarianism failing, so maybe its time to give logic and reason a chance

Hong Kong

A vote for a third party candidate is a vote for a solid generation of Democrat rule. You know how the world is kind of going to shit right now? The majority of it is directly attributable to Obama's policies and Obama's state department. Obama did it out of a backward ideology, and Clinton will do it out of sheer lust for profit and power. Thing is, she'll also make sure she imports 10-30 million guaranteed democratic voters.

You think the last eight years left us all in a bad way? You vote third party, or not at all, and you're voting for another twenty four years of this. Minimum.

Trump's a democrat.
His daughter just endorsed wage gap bullshit and he's now praising bernie sanders' view on trade.
You've been conned.

Trump is the same fucking thing as Clinton/Obama. Lets vote for Gary the only conservative running

His daughter just endorsed the reality of the "wage gap" which is that women's choices reflect how much money they make compared to men.

Try actually listening to the speech.

Trump isn't going to let 30 million Democrat voters waltz in over muh feels. Even if he turns out to be another Democrat shill, we still have a chance to get your flavor of conservative in office.

Either you have a chance in four years, or conservatism dies for three decades.

Johnson 2016

>His daughter just endorsed the reality of the "wage gap" which is that women's choices reflect how much money they make compared to men.
>Try actually listening to the speech.
And she proposed copying European (read socialist) labour market regs to "fix" it, i.e. what Hilary and Bernie has been wanting this whole time.
You've been conned and you still refuse to realize it.

I hate the trump ticket, but if he were to win, it would be hilarious to see him appoint Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

Still not sure if his whole campaign is a big troll ad for his next casino or tv show.

Conservatism is already dead, we need the libertarians to bring it back


Only one man gets my vote

Jill stein isn't anti-vax, she's anti big pharma being in control of vaccines.

so she's an idiot. what we really need is people homebrewing medicines and selling them at their local farmer's markets.
I'm only gonna say this once. Any rational person should thank God for pharmaceutical companies.

Literally fuck America over just to prove a point sjw's. Lmfao nice!

Vote here fags.

I'm voting for Johnson. I'd rather have a pothead for pres than either Trump or Cunton. As far as I'm concerned they are both crooks and not qualified for the position.

For profit motive vs socialize healthcare is a debatable issue. Both have their drawbacks and benefits. I can generally respect either side of that fence.

Her being one of the anti vax nutjobs that thinks it causes autism or some shit is an unfair criticism and is likely democrat propaganda to try and push Hillary as the only viable left wing option.