Christians of Sup Forums, let's talk

Christians of Sup Forums, let's talk.

I'm genuinely interested in why you believe there is a God.

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Shameful self bump

It's just the sheer size of the universe and complexity of even the simplest organisms that makes me think there must be some creator

Why I believe: Sensus Divinitatis.
Why my belief is warrented: Reformed Epistemology.


The fact that we evolved from ooze Ina puddle to this with no help supposedly baffles me and I think there must have been some help along the way.

Then who could have created the creator?

There is plenty of science to explain those things, though. And why Christianity out of all religions?
That's pretty frightening reasoning there. Saying you're right because logic doesn't apply to you means you're wrong to people who believe in logic.

Interesting question. I guess you'll have to get close to the creator and ask him.

Not to be condescending, but just because something is beyond your (and my) comprehension does not make it any less true. There are plenty of talks a lot of research to show how evolution got us here. From that ooze to humans.

So why god and not "aliens"?

What you just did is called begging the question, where the statement presupposes that it is correct. It's not very good reasoning.

Not who you responded to, but we worship a god of grace, not a god of reason. And he never said he was right, he gave his reason for believing. You're using the same atheist buzzwords and phrases you heard on the atheist experience or some shit.

lol youre all idiots


>implying anyone on Sup Forums is unironically religious

Christians are Christians because their families are, there you go

Well he believes he is right, so isn't that the same as saying he is right? If he's willing to admit he isn't right then what does he even believe in? And I don't know what "the atheist experience" is nor do I know to which buzzwords you're referring.

And the question was why do you believe in this God? I'd still like to know your answer.

Believing in a religion created by a science fiction writer with bad teeth.

If there is no God then surely people shouldn't be scared to go into haunted places at night and not be scared of ghost, because how could ghost exist if God doesn't?

That's not fair. There are plenty of intelligent Christians who were born of atheistic families. I know a few.

People aren't scared of ghosts. Every fiber of their being is telling them to be cautious of the dark because we evolved around nocturnal predators who would hide in the shadows. Even so you saying that people's superstitions prove there is a God is ludicrous.

I want you to type in on google 101 thongs that show the ens of the world written in the bible. Most have already happened and it'll help prove that 'all' is true

It's not an argument of right and wrong. It's whether or not you love Him, because He already loves you. You don't have to tell me if you will, but pray tonight and ask for a sign. I really hope you find the way. And if you must know, I came to Him by praying for truth and he made himself known to me. Even if you don't pray for the sign tonight, I'm praying for you and for the other's on this thread rn.

This is really not sound reasoning at all. Everything predicted in revelations had happened BEFORE it was written. Aside from the second coming of Jesus, which has yet to happen. All of those predictions are safe guesses. And supposing that one part of the bible partially predicted the future means that the rest is fact is pretty ridiculous.

How did he make himself known? Was it a feeling you got? Did you hear a voice? Did a book fall off of your shelf? What do you consider a sign of God?

He he already loves me then I don't have to do anything...

Well, we live in a dimension that everything has a beginning and end. Life, stars, galaxies, ect. So maybe a god is in a dimension that there is no just thing as beginning or end but infinite. It just doesn't make sense to us because we aren't built to understand such complexity

There is only one thing you have to do; accept that love. Once you accept the sacrifice of Christ, you will WANT to do things for Him. Christians don't have to do anything, we want to because of our great love for God

You just made the scientific argument for "before" the big band, but slightly different. The only thing is that there is proof of the big bang and no proof for a creator.

There is no way a person with your views would exist in a board like this. You are clearing trolling...

a series of dreams is what really started me on the path, but signs of God are sometimes what brings people to him. Because Christ said to never put God to the test, your faith should never be based around what he can do for you in the physical world.

Yeah that's true. But who knows right? there might be a creator. Maybe he doesn't look like the popular "Man in the sky" but who knows. The creator can be a freaking computer for all we know lol

Why would god make us logical beings and then make the only way to avoid eternal damnation to go against the very way he made us? That is not a loving god. That is a an arrogant and sadistic god, and I reject someone so immoral.

But this is exactly how God works. I am in no way perfect, but maybe I am here for a reason, a reason that neither you or I know. Maybe I'm here because God knows his words will not fall on deaf ears in this thread. I hope that somebody is reading this and feels a calling in their heart to ask for God to reveal his grace to them.

>never ask god to prove his existence
Fuck god then. If he wants me to devote my entire life to him he can pony up his side of the deal and make himself known. And dreams are not a place to derive meaning for your life. Otherwise my religion would be porking Alexandra Daddario.
You keep saying no one knows but you believe in the one that is the least possible to know? It doesn't make sense to me.

God is not arrogant or sadistic. It is not our nature to sin, we were corrupted by this world and we must go against that corruption to find ourselves. There is nothing more fulfilling than finding your meaning in God. We are put through tests because the measure of a man's righteousness is found in how he acts in times of distress or temptation, not in times of happiness and ease.

What if I have waited for a sign or a calling? What if in the past I've wanted to believe. Because I have and I got nothing.

I can't comprehend the fact of not existing after I die

You're just saying things that sound nice. You didn't even get to the root of what I said. Why would god make us logical beings and then make the only way to avoid eternal damnation to go against the very way he made us? Answer that.

Maybe hes bored as hell and wanted to challenge some lesser beings and maybe give them a sticker if they win and if they dont damn them to hell for eternity.

Well first off, I never found meaning in the dreams, the dreams led me to find meaning in the Bible and the Word of God.
You misquote me, I never said to never ask God to prove his existence. It is perfectly fine to ask God to reveal his grace to you.
Christ was saying that we shouldn't ask God to "turn this stone into a loaf of bread" just to prove His existence or for your own personal gain.

I once was sad as fuck and was in the shower. Then I asked "God, universe, creator? are you there?"
and I felt something that I can barely describe. It felt like something was talking to me through emotions and I felt it say "what do you need?" (at this point I wasn't sure if I was going crazy" I asked to meet the love of my life. I said that I wan't to meet a girl who is just like me and I stated other features and qualities> Then I felt it say "Ok". Next day I see this beautiful girl on facebook (she was at my friend's bday at some bar) and thought to myself "She is probably taken" I went over there to see my friend and she was there. I kid you not. She was exactly what I asked for 110%. We hooked up (not in a relationship we just fucked) it didn't workout at the time. But recently I started hanging with her again and me and her are always 100% in sync with each other. Like we are able to know what we both are thinking and shit. We both have the same goals in life and everything. She literally is the perfect girl for me

I've asked before. I've gotten nothing. By your own logic god doesn't exist.

I never said I believed in him dude lol Im not christian. I use to be but then I decided to explore more cause I was brought up chirstian and that's all I knew

No point arguing because you dont know until you die so why not enjoy life amd do what the fuck you want.

Then he's a fucking asshole, and I refuse to acknowledge or worship him. If he dislikes it may he strike me dead where I stand.

You have no reason to be here at all, just like your existence is completely meaningless. Your thoughts are the evolved thinking system of a predator. And trust me, your words will never touch anything in me, because you are just clearly insane.

Because it's scientifically impossible for all the matter and energy to just have either always existed or poofed into existence. Something supernatural had to start the universe. The chances of such complex life are mathematically zero.

I believe in myself.

But its a shiny sticker

You're stating false things as if they are fact. It's been proven and discussed by many people both smarter and more educated than you and I. I'd like to see any peer reviewed evidence that backs up your claims.

It is not illogical to believe in a higher power like the Father, if he is the source of all logic and morality, and there is none higher than his.
It's funny you mention this topic of going against your nature, because I've been trying to quit masturbating and going to clubs just for the sake of sex. (like I said, I'm definitely not perfect) I've really been working on it, and if this is something you're actually interested in, I've found that if you ask God for help, he freely gives it to you. In my most horny and fucking stupid moments, he's been there and he's saved more times than I know.

I don't get what you mean by this. Explain?

Actual Mormon here, not a troll.

I know that Jesus Christ is raised from the dead. He is alive today because the ancient Apostles testified to that fact and all sealed it with their blood. Likewise the modern apostles and prophets like Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith also sealed the testimony that Jesus lives with their blood. I am inclined to believe that these people would not die for a lie.

So you stopped masturbating and through this you found God? I think it's time to bed kid.

It is illogical to believe in Christianity, certainly. To believe that your brand new religion is right and the thousands that existed before it are not is illogical. All because dreams led you to "know god" which doesn't even mean anything. It's just an empty phrase.

Fuckoff jesus wasnt white

Intelligent design is what makes me believe there's a creator out there.

Even the smallest bacteria and viruses have gears and pumps.

But what about the thousands who have died for other religions which you believe to be lies? That's ridiculous reasoning. Also Joseph Smith was a known con man and was arrested several times for things not pertaining to the Mormon faith at all.

>mental gymnastics

It may not be for you. It might be for somebody else reading this, but I am praying for you right now. All you have to do is ask God, and even if my words can't touch anything in you, His will. It says in the Bible "I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, I will take from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." -Ezekiel 36:25 and 26

Please see

Nope, already a Christian, I'm working on quitting because I love him.

0/10 for making me read that shit

>Millions believe all matter and energy was condensed into an extremely small dense spec that blew up and boom everything and the universe.
>Those million also think its ridiculous for a higher being to have created the universe and everything in it.
?????? Both seem pretty fucking "illogical" huh? I personally believe in a creator.

Your statement presupposes that there is intelligent design. The fact that things are complex does not mean there is intelligent design. Why would god not make us work all by magic without the need for biology? That seems much more intelligent. Why do we breath and eat through the same hole causing hundreds of deaths each year? That's some downright shitty design.

That's okay, I might be illogical or crazy as you say. But it's not me who matters, it's my God and I hope you'll reach out to Him because He's already trying to reach you. He loves you more than I could ever love you and more than you could ever love yourself.

Hey dummy it's the same guy. and i already refuted you once so I'm not doing it again.

i just saw this as i was going to bed, so im gonna give one point on the topic but then im gone, so dont expect a response after this. that said a big one for me is that all information can be traced back to a mind. that means that the insanly complex information stored in DNA must have had an author. DNA is cool, but its only as good as whats on it, like how a flash drive is neat, but its the information on it thats usefull. hope that makes sence, im falling asleep as i type

also google the Cambrian explosion for archaeological reasons and the kalam cosmological argument for logic/physics reasons

Because our lord Pepe was not made by ordinary commoners.

Also, note I said "creator" and not a religion. Religion is made by people, and people are shithole liars and retarded.

Sounds gay

Yes, he wasn't white.

Our 11th article of faith says that we believe men may worship God according to the dictates of their conscience. These people had a partial testimony of truth and we uphold them in that. Our 13th article of faith says we accept all things that are true.

A "known con man" willingly went to the grave for his people. Con men don't do that. He kept up his work for twenty years. The eleven other people who testified that they saw the golden plates from which he translated the Book of Mormon never surrendered their testimony either, despite the fact most of them had falling outs with Joseph Smith. They would have every reason to expose him as a fraud and yet none of them did.

But don't take my word for it. You can read it for yourself.

true story though

There's proof for the big bang and absolutely none for a creator. It's not illogical to follow scientific evidence.

Just because someone died for something does not make it true. People died for Saddam Hussein, does that make his ideology true? No.

You refuted nothing. You asked a question in response and I answered that one also, in response.

Biology is the magic. Idk quit fucking shoveling food down your mouth

If he's trying he's failed. Which means he's not omnipotent. So again, fuck him.

1. No there isnt "proof", by saying that there is makes me believe you arent intelligent.
2. Im sorry were you alive during the big bang watching it all go down?

Please, before you go to bed, ask him to soften your heart. Don't forget, it's important.

OP you are genuinely retarded if you think you're going to garner any valuable information about """""Christians""""" that browse Sup Forums. This board is not for "proper" Christians--you are only directing your question to people who call themselves Christian without actually being a Christian (that is to say, a disciple of Christ).

fuck off

These people killed for Saddam. There's a fundamental difference between a pacifist apostle and an extremist soldier.

But what if they believed in multiple gods? And I've read a lot about the Mormonism from both inside and outside perspectives. It's about the most obvious bullshit there is today. On par with Scientology.

Whoa guys, what if earth is just a playground controlled by a something. All those ancient ruins are mega structures that survived the previous cleaning.

Holy shit 11 people. I can make 50 swear to everybody that I fucked your mom in a santa clause outfit outside of macy's in the middle of the day

Ok I believe there is a god because of the prolific evidence
Just about every culture has some form of religion
I was raised Baptist but I don't believe that a all knowing all powerful God would entrust the English and Spaniards to spread his word
I mean shit the genocide alone
Plus I don't think he would Damn every person to hell who died before the spreading of eastern religion
Furthermore I firmly believe the earlier Catholic church basterdized the scripture to suit there own needs as they copied the bible by hand and were known to sell relics to absolve sinners
I think every religion has its own merits and harmony is what every religion is based on and it is only the bastardization of it that leads to things like human sacrifice holy wars the Spanish inquisition the witch trials the crusades
Except scientology that shit is garbage

Also, the average IQ of Sup Forums inhabitants must be like 90. We are the most retarded board of all, I have no idea what you're looking for here... you know the kind of answers you're going to get.

There is observational evidence of the big bang.

Jesus Christ is the son of God, go fuck yourself you buttfucking libtard faggot.
Oh look an entire webpage full off scientific evident about the big bang. Full of citations and sources.

>You disagree with me so you're stupid

okay, buddy

>you have to directly observe something for it to be true

Oh I'm sorry did you watch god create the universe then?

Catholic here
We believe in aliens and the posibility of them having a soul

I've played this game before. Ending sucks.

Hell yeah ye ye fuck libraryls

So what are you then?

> Christians

> why is there a gawd

> nawt why gawd is jeebus the destroyer of th entire wirld an king if new jersalem.

> nawt y u bleeve in rebuhlachuns wher jeebis sits in th throne of new jewsalem


I don't think you realize the enormity of that claim. These are men who sacrificed professional reputation for their claim that they saw an angel themselves and Joseph Smith let them physically handle golden plates be discovered by the same said angel. Fifty people insulting my mother wouldn't put their career and lives on the line for that.

>genuinely interested
Yeah, genuinely interested in starting an Internet argument. Come back when you actually want to know more about our beliefs.

Christianity is what I deal with most and know best. I'm not interested in arguing about something I'm completely ignorant of.

"Evidence" I laugh at your lack of intelligence. There is no real evidence.
>this happens probably because of that
Thats all your "evidence" is, now go be ignorant and illogical somewhere else.
Completely denying any sort of creator is more illogical than anything. Do you KNOW that it doesnt exist? Nope. Then how can you logically 100% deny it. Youre just an idiot and its funny.