Can we get a funny pictures thread?

Can we get a funny pictures thread?
Cringy,edgy,nerdy pictures are preferred. Keep your racist and gay shit in the other threads

Kek'd n checked


posting some that I liked

I'm fucking crying


>1 hand


Lost it at, "she's had that much dick."


>be me
>have fuck shit job
>work at an envelope factory
>in charge of quality control and making sure machines don't fuck up
>(yes there is quality control in a fucking envelope factory)
>boss is faggot
>co workers are pieces of shite
>find amazing new job opportunity one day
>got job
>last week of envelope job I fill a plastic bottle with as much of my semen as possible
>during machine checks on last day (I usually do it alone), I pour the semen in the huge envelope glue mixer
>mfw millions are licking my semen
>mfw no one found out
Still don't regret this to this day.


here some cringe for op


Lmfaoooo you fucking degenerate

o shit is that keemstar?

I raise you guys Coldsteel the Hedgehog


no idea, it`s old Sup Forums shit


Have enjoyed the old wins. I was around for a couple of those threads, including the 10 miles of dick thread on 420chan. Thanks OP for being an cool guy.


Fun fact - that thread with screenshots taken on Sup Forums is a copy pasta from 420chan. It was on 420chan in 2008.

sorry to burst your bubble, OP didn`t post any of those, just some random Sup Forumstard (me) did.

Well, you were an cool guy. More oldfag win threads please.

here a last one, sady I gotta go to work. have a good day

dubs says I gotta post one more







You can't avoid us that easily user


dude he looks like fucking idubbbztv

I'm all for banana, bro, but this thread is actually pretty lulzy wins from 2007-2011. Usually I'm the banana in YLYL, but banana is to negate cancer. And today, OP was not an fag. Let it happen.


>this fucking faggot.
>bro we're the internet police bro. But this guy is cool bro. Like you and me bro.
>Yeah bro. Let's be bros bro.

You are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums you fucking cunt.

Time to post some motherfucking banana.

is that woman a doll?


Jesus, that cracked me up. It's not even funny. Wtf


sounds fucking made up, but i hope it's real

Oldfags are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums? First of all, that's very 2011 of you.
Secondly, Sup Forums used to be entertaining. Fun things happened in threads. People live streamed suicide. Shit got raided. Lives got ruined. Trolls put in effort. People banded together for the cause of destruction. Look at Sup Forums today. 80% of it is porn. The other 19% is recycled bullshit. Remember when original threads got replies? Remember when good threads caught on? Remember when there was a sense of community?

Go ahead and post your "so edgy, so original, newfag, cancer, fag blah blah blah"



coldsteel knows whats up

yeah man remember when old Sup Forums invented rage face comics?

the lulz were epic


this thread is racist you only show cringey white men

Fake, but a fucking awesome idea



I won't say that every idea that came from Sup Forums was good. I will say that Sup Forums generated an incredible amount of good content. With the volume of shit being created, there were some terrible fucking ideas. The troll face. The 2nd troll face. Rage face. But keep in mind, those were the times of innovation, and a lot of great content came from it. If anything original gets posted today, it's just lost in the sea of porn, gore, and YLYL cancer.




Jezus christ. Trying this hard to sound like an "oldfag" is pathethic. Hell even the term "oldfag" is pathethic.

You need to sort out your priorities and stop being such a retard.



Whoa did we just RIP mind?

....what are you talking about? This shit didn't "Come" from Sup Forums.

This shit came from the piss bucket that was the internet at the of the 2000's.

They weren't times of innovation. They were times of a generation of shitty fucking kids spending their time online being fucking nerds. The same thing is happening every where today.

Fucking hell. Sup Forums is not some secret club with original content or funny people on it.

It's the watery shitstain left in the bowl at a chilli's restaurant after someone got food poisoning.

And people pretending it is or was ever any good are delusional idiots.

if real, this guy is a bro legend

lol, no pure coincidence, but i like the cut of your jib

To sound like an oldfag? Do you think this is a dick sizing contest?
Do you think oldfag is some bragging right or a term of endearment?
Does it sound like I'm asking for a fucking medal for being on Sup Forums for 8 years?

Hivemind is strong with this one.


You do kind of sound like you want some form of recognition.


I'm well aware. 'Good' is subjective. I used to be entertained on Sup Forums. You could create an original idea for a thread and people were interested in participating. People one-upped each other for creating funnier pictures, riskier trolls, and life ruin. Look at Jessi Slaughter. 4chans doing. A group of people banding together to troll her. When was the last time Sup Forums did something even remotely as entertaining? People aren't interested in working together for lulz anymore. It's just reposts and the same 5 threads.

he doesn't want recognition for himself
he wants you to recognise your failings
and thereby become less of a daft cunt

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I want recognition that Sup Forums used to be something fun to participate in as a community. The sense of community is gone.

That was a good thread

modern chan isn't that bad. it can still be amusing sometimes.


That's pretty fucking accurate. I like Sup Forums, it makes me laugh, but when people start talking about it IRL like it's some sort of fucking no-man's land of the internet I want to shit on their pillows. It's just a fucking image board.


Few and far between. Participating in such threads gives me an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. On Sunday I ruined a photographers career and got a girl to file a restraining order against him. That was the most fun I've had on Sup Forums in months.


Alright guys, this was the funniest ylyl since years. Ty for actually cracking me up for once

I'm well aware; i was posting a few of the older screen caps with the 12x filenames. In either case it's the same shit with less goatse and tubgirl. Either way we're still here.



I guess so, in a sense. Variety is the spice of life. Sup Forums used to have maybe 50-100 threads that got reposted frequently, and it seems like it's down to 6.
Facebook fap
Pics you promised you wouldn't share
Gay porn

shut the FUCK UP

I just miss Desu threads.



Desu. Puddi. Who cares. Oh nostalgia.
Puddi inspired a lot of content creation. Although it was mainly there to flush out cancer. Mootles got sick of everyone's shit, imo.

screencapping your own joke is so gauche



It's funny becausi he's amerifat

Times changed; subjects change. Remember 4koma guys?

my god tl;dr

It isn't real - it talks about him picking up a homeless guy for a co-driver in Jyvaskylä, Finland, but there's practically no homeless people in Finland.

>even pretending to sleep in a suit
Nigger fucked up.
