Here we vent about what really fuckign annoys us about our girlfriends

Here we vent about what really fuckign annoys us about our girlfriends
> shes always right even when she's not
>she refuses to work instead she plays league of legends
>she refuses to shower every day and just has >terrible personal hygiene
>even after a huge argument expects me to go get take out or cook food
>only has male friends but gets upset if i as much as look at another woman

I wish you luck in your search for a new girlfriend.

>She is not real...

I got tired of dumb emotional bitches being annoying and that's why I don't have girlfriends anymore.

>reasons i dont date gamer gurls any more

Sounds like a couple girls I know. I'd get out of there, OP. If she can't stand even the idea that you can find other women attractive while not acting on it, you're better off without her.
Also, tell her to fucking get a job and shower. Fucking nasty ass bitch

My gf got fat, but I knew she would by looking at her mom.
My gf's tits were already a little bit bigger than I liked when we met, and I knew they'd only get bigger. (DFC lover here.)
Sometimes the nosex dry spells run for almost a month.
Little bit of facial hair turns into a full on beard if she doesn't stay on top of it.
Sometimes her voice only has "mumble" and "yell" settings, so when I ask her to speak up there's no in between.
She doesn't always shave her pits and almost never shaves her legs, but idgaf tbh. (Tugging on pit hair can be sexy.)
I have had a couple possible opportunities to fuck other ppl over the years but didn't.
A few years back, I wifed the gf.
Know why?
Because in the over 15 years we've been together, she has NEVER, and I seriously fucking mean NOT EVEN ONCE done any of the stereotypical female emotional manipulative bullshit.
She dresses like a guy.
No jewelry or makeup.
Into vidya and animu.
Would rather we spend money on tech and geek shit than diamonds and whatnot.
Fiercely loyal to me.
Has NEVER put me down, criticized me (except the occasional, rare constructive criticism when I actually needed it), and always wants me to be happy.
When we do fuck, it's glorious!

My Gf...
>Messaging me the whole day, even tho I´m at work
>Gets mad at me for not picking up my cellphone, while I´m at work
>Starts to cry about the smalest things.
>last week she cried, because I said I was very happy to see her.
>When she cries, she is so damn annoying
>>I work with children, So I cant hear crying anymore...
>She bitches at me for having female Friends.
>Bitches at me for doing things like going to a lake nearby and meeting my friends.
>Doesn´t like Stoners, but I generally like beeing stoned.



>being in a serious relationship
Pic related my petite Brazilian fuck buddy who smokes weed w me and is the biggest freak in bed

Dude what is keeping you there? I bet she's fat or approaching fat as well. Why don't you leave our at least get a plan together and give her an ultimatum. Be a man, op. Get it together.

I forgot to mention smth.

>She talks like a uncultivated swine to her mother.
>Like, she´s constantly getting angry at her and then starts to cry when her Mother yells at her.
>Can´t decide shit for herself.
>Always, always needs my fucking Opinion on the smallest shit.
>Starts discussing and argues with me, but never wins and then bitches at me...

She´s 18, as I am too.

Sometimes I want to slap her so hard...

Btw before this I was in a relationship w a 5'9 180 lb American bitch who would nag me to death everyday and would scream at me in public for even looking in an attractive girls direction. We dated for a year and after that ended I promised myself I wouldn't date for a looooong time

Nice work user! I think an honest open conversation could easily fix the minor problems you have (dry spells, yelling, etc) but otherwise, you're wise beyond your years. Pick a loyal, respectful, fun to be around woman.

>she gets upset I don't call myself a feminist
>doesn't like the fact that I smoke, and tells me often, and loudly, often at innapropriate moments
>wants to spend every waking moment of free time with me
>whenever we have sex she says something weird like "we were made for each other"

Thx. I honestly expected some hate for that post.
We been talking about laser hair removal, cuz she doesn't really like growing a beard.
Also trying to get her tested for PCOS cuz that might explain a lot of the symptoms.

Yeah, it seems like it would be great but then you realise they're as lazy as you

You still probably will get hate but i think you chose wisely. My wife isn't perfect either but she's loyal as fuck, honest, respectful and giving. Also she's bi and that helps :) gotta over look the minor problems and don't be a pussy. Talk about things that bug you in a non confrontational way. Honesty and openness is absolutely everything

>refuses to try anything new, ever. Literally afraid to grow as a person

>Refuses to eat anything except Italian-American and Polish foods - no mexican, no spanish, no french, no asian of any kind, no soul food, nothing

>She recentlly lost weight & got fit, so immediately turned from hardass not-giving-a-fuck maverick to simpering girly girl fashionista.

>Every outfit must match perfectly, down to the nail polish & 8 earrings

>Pretends to listen and care when I talk to her about issues, but continues to do the same things behind my back

>flatly refuses to stop taking my Mother's pain medication

Sometimes I kinda wish my wife was bi and my cute lez friend was into me.
Probably for the best that that's not the case tho lol

>our girlfriends
all you fucking normies get off me Sup Forums


Full house double dubs means you must leave her.

Her fucking with your mom's meds is, in and of itself, a deal breaker!

Op must have hooked up with my ex. I did try to warn people, but it seems at least one did not listen.

That one.... I still lol about DbagAnon to this day.

You fucking robot gb2r9k

bitch plays night elves on wc3 and says she's good

thats pretty much it

fuckers play night elf and spam moonwells

>won't play a F2P gayme w/ me
>won't shower
>only guy friends

That's not a relationship, user. That's you being cucked and having low af standards.

My girlfriend has lots of trouble with anxiety and depression and lets people walk all over her because of it.
Every time i offer to help her with it or recommend she gets help so she'll be happy she just waffles saying its not something he could do.
Her father is an enormous jackass that berates and belittles her all the time yet she still wont move out of his house even though she can do so legally with no issues whatsoever.

I'm seriously at my wits end here, I love this woman but she wont do anything that would upset anyone. All at the cost of her own happines and mental health