Munich attack a nazi attack?

munich attack a nazi attack?

Other urls found in this thread:

>shooter shouts fuck Turks
>shoots and kills 8 white people

One of these things is not like the other

A right wing attack would be a bit more specific regarding the skin colour

Can someone translate to english?

erste augenzeugen berichte deuten auch auf psychisch labilen / rechts anschlag. da haben die hüter des golden aluhutes nun wohl vollends die kontrolle ihres handelns verloren. gracias afd!

Attacker is ranting incoherently about turkey

The defender says "I'm German!"

The attacker shouts about foreigners and moves on

It doesn't make sense tho, he wouldn't have gone on to kill so many (white) native germans

do nazis shout allah snackbar while shooting german kids up in a mcodnalds??????? faggot

I think it's not the shooter who shouts but the guy on the balcony

Funny that serbia got cucked by kebab for like 500 years
Polska are the true kebab removers

Check em

This fake-twitter profile lured teens to the place. It seems Migrantish so it may be a Nazi attack, yes.

was wurde spendiert?

blaue bohnen

Eine Falle ?

genau das.
Der account wurde mitlerweile von der Polizei(?) gelöscht

A witness said he shouted aloha snackbar. It was posted in the other thread

Would've been better had you got Hitlery dubs. Sorry friend. Love the pic tho

this is not the time to sow dischord amongst ourselves. we are all in this together to remove kebab

bavarian here. the man who shouts isn't the shooter. it's an angry bavarian with perfect munich dialect.

So it was a European dindu aka a moooslim

only cnn claims he shouted that. none of other stations said that.

police has found a corpse in the munich river Isar which was shoot in the head. Perhaps suicide

You just don't get our culture, faggot. If something isn't acceptable for a true bavarian, he IMMEDIATELY takes action.

Still unconfirmed shooter and motivations.
Leiche eventuell ein Täter – Insgesamt neun Tote / FAZ

One of the shooters might have bitten bullet

Attacker tells he was born in this area, is a german and has been in the psychiatry, an angry bavarian constantly tells him he's an idiot.