Drug dealer tried to scam me and run off with my money...

Drug dealer tried to scam me and run off with my money. I found his home and he's promised to return the money but he lost it. So I told him he has two days half the first the other half the second. In case I don't get my money today I need something to scare him with.

Around here, the dealer would have being killed by his gang, and chasing him down or going to his home would get me shot by at least 6 guys with AR-15 or AKs.
Such is life, in the third world.


The fact that you have to make this thread tells me that you have zero chance of actually intimating your drug dealer.

You either have that in you or you don't.

first off, are they white or nigger? second are you computer literate?

Start taking shit from his place until you have equal value or he pays you. Do it. Go home. Stop dwelling on it.

Gore thread

I would kill him
This is what a mexican drug cartel do to the people if they dont pay, the real life its notlike breaking bad ma friend

It was a cracker nigger combo, two guys

Tell him you'll rat him out and have him swatted. There's no proof you bought from him and if he's gonna be a fucking retard than he deserves it

if you cant get a gun turning up with a chainsaw always gets there attention and some fuckers are more scared of the saw cause they think they will be tough and take a bullet to the arm or leg and say fuck you but they know if you slap them with the saw its worse then the gun

Yea because kill someone here and our police actually do something. Not like Mexico where you can bribe every law official and get away with murder.

Burn his house down

So if you are a pussy you have no chace to get yur money back

You will never get your money back because you are a pussy. You gave him an ultimatum like your some big shot from a film.


You fronted the money didn't you

You stupid bastard

I wouldn't be in OPs situation because I only deal with people I know.

Do they know your name or where you live/work/goto school? if not then just fuck with them. buy some spray paint and a mask and paint dicks and random shit on his house/windows/car. if they repaint it then just wait like a week after they repainted it and do it again.

btw how much did they steal from you?

He needs inspiration, what of he has it in him bit it just isn't "pizazzy" enough

Threatening to rat out a dealer is a good way to get yourself blackballed by other dealers in your area. Nobody will want to sell to you.

Auto correct is a cunt

It is dangerous out there.

Take this with you.

>implying every dealer in the area knows and talks to each other about customers.

What a load of horseshit.

He's already going to meet with a friend of mine that I trust, to give him the money. If shit doesn't go down like it's supposed to i'm going back to his house and he gets to eat his own dick.

You'd be surprised

Molotov cocktail his house if he doesn't give you the money. Make that nigger homeless

They stole 200, and they only know my first name. But i'm Latin so everyone has the same name.

Take this way
>Intimidate him
>He reponse intimidating you
>You pissed off wanna a revenge
>You take revenge
>He takes revenge
>One of two dies
Its that simple so, if going to do something do it well, remember mike ermantrhauth or whatever

go to the police and tell them what happened

How much money he stole you?

Word of that shit gets around. Not just among dealers. Everyone knows who the rats and narcs are and they avoid those people like the fucking plague.

ok, you mentioned that they are going to meet with a friend of yours to give him the money, if you are sure that your friend wont talk about you then just fuck with them to make them pay $200 for repairs. smash their windows or spraypaint their house and slash their car tires. If you don't get the money back chances are you will never see a penny of it again so just go full revenge mode fuck up their lives.

maybe if all your dealers goto the same school or something. but what are the chances that a 40 year old dealer is going to be talking to a 18 year old dealer about that shit. also op said they only know his first name.

>hey some guy named alex threatened to rat me out, you guys should stop selling to everyone named alex.

this guy

Burn down his house.

Not only that but swatting is something nobody does here. Someone getting killed isn't lulzy for most people. We send prostitutes and pizzas

>eat his own dick

Threaten to call the cops to his house. Simple as that.

ITT: Retards who think they're edgy and tough.


Damn.... the most I got ripped off for was 60$. Never give the guy the money if he doesn't have the product. This will be a learning lesson OP. Everybody gets ripped off at least once. I learned my lesson and so will you

don't confuse drug dealer with the guy who gets pot for people from time to time

why dont you go to where they're meeting and park across the street or something and when he's talking to your friend come up behind his ass and molly whop him.

then take his shoes, phone, wallet, etc.
possibly drugs even.

OP youre a fucking faggot


My friend isn't going alone. It's a two man team...

okay? thats even better odds of your ass not getting jumped.

what do you not understand.

nigger stole your money, idc if you have to sucker punch him or kick him in the balls. wreck the stupid fucker, take your shit plus interest.


Kek, i have only been ripped off one time before too and it was for exactly $60. if it was anymore i would have had to see it first but it was a guy i thought i could trust (bought from him for about 3 years before he ripped me and never heard from him again)

Cartel bodies people in the US all the time though.

There's no pizazz in telling someone you're going to break their legs if they don't do what you want. Seriously there's no threatening people who steal, they honestly hope for a scenario like this where OP has no fucking clue what to do. You do or dont do anything, simple as that.

Same dude I normally buy from a friend, but he told me I could trust this other guy, big mistake. Now I have to teach someone some manners.

> I need something to scare him with.

no. you need to get your life together

>Sup Forums
>not a retard
Pick one please