Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

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Im not 12
Or asian.

Because I want to stop wasting my life because of this game. Also, it makes me rage a lot.

The fucking trooth was told. I feel you Sup Forumsro.

can confirm

The amount of people who rage at this game is surprising.
>How to become Zen
>Overcome League rage

Need to get some fap on first

what a shit game, it's the ultimate time waste. the ranked system doesn't work, the music is god awful(one track), too many champions with 0 counterplay and neo-Nazi SJW developers. no thanks

Posting the same fucking question millions of times won't motivate people into playing it, OP.

They stole all their content from Smite.

How's bronze?

iv never raged on league but i get a bit annoyed at the community as its mostly 12 year olds or girl gamer's trying to get attention


Gold but thanks.

because im busy with dota

community and the 'meta' annoying af they don't even let you play what you want.

I'm busy watching the IMT NRG game

Wow, so you're telling me League stole from SMITE and it's doing better, both casually and competitively?
You should be thanking Riot.

I actually started recently, I'm level 28 now and I'm an ezreal main ATM but I play a lot of yasuo too. any reccomendations for new champs to play?

toxic community

>they don't even let you play what you want

Urgot op

tfw when Warcraft DoTa Allstars


Same bro, usually to pic related

Game is annoying, trying to sell my account, has all pax skins and stuff

I'm maining Yasuo on my newest account and playing top and mid.
Kennen is my back up should Yasuo ever get banned or picked. They are both solid choices.

>tfw in silver 2
>win lane and get great kda/roam literally 14/15 games
>still lose about 50% because bot ends up feeding or top
>have team adc literally walk over to GA reviving fizz thinking he can 1shot the fizz
>so many throws

Ill eventually get gold but atm Im so bad that I gain 20 lp and lose 18



ill give you 20$ maybe

you're fucking garbage, stop using your teammates as an excuse you pathetic cunt. Improvement comes with the ability to accept responsibility.

thanks for the suggestions, I'll check em out when I get the chance.


plat 1


First item sunfire cape all day every day unless you're fighting AP champ then go MR first ofc.

Generally, after you get sunfire you're starting to become that champ that nobody wants to be around because of garen's E.

Build for HP + resistance (depending on the enemy team)

Build damage as you see fit.
Garen + infinity edge = bye bye

Late game you won't be able to solo just anyone BUT you will have ultra HP regen and with W you'll be able to soak up a fuckton of HP and if you are able to trigger the enemy team properly you could be numero uno of the match.

You have to know that garen is a god damn bully because of his HP regen and passive, then only thing is that you must not be greedy and therefore know when enough is enough.

If I've been unclear, I will elaborate further.

But I mained Suppoer 99%..

Sona and Leona fav champs

Yasuo isn't as face roll like bronzies would like you to believe. He's takes a lot of practice.
You'll make mistakes and misplays, but if you do stick with him he's great at climbing.

d5, i got some smurf in high gold if anyone wants to duo.

pls dont encourage people to play this cancer

only start to play yasou when youre at least plat 3 so you know you got some mechanics

anything below that is always a feeding piece of trash that has to get carried or costs you the entire game

Why would I drink Dr. Thunder over Dr. Pepper? The offbrand is never as good as the original. Pic related.

Because I'm not a poorfag like you so I'm to busy playing Overwatch.

>blaming your team
Found another bronze.

why would i fuck a 2/10 with aids when I can fuck a 10/10 virgin

same with mobas

I am not 12 years old

What genre is the 10/10

>defends yasou players

nice lp boosts m8



wow nice grey thinking autistic faggot

tfw I got to plat 5 from b2 after roughly a month into the season (365 games to beprecise)
You gotta clib the ladder as soon as the season starts, or you will get lost in elo hell.

fair enough

nice full house. anyways, they try to make you play the meta by making certain things more powerful than others and shit so well brings more diversity but not good if you just want to have fun

I'm not defending anyone. However, I bet you don't complain when your Yasuo gets fed.

Your brain forgets repetitive stuff so when you spend so many hours on league you are literally wiping time from your life

Alright mister social butterfly. Why aren't you hanging out and drinking beers with the boys on the beach?

I dont, because it never happends.

seriously though Ive noticed a
once every 40 yasous you get a godsu that restores your faith that yasou in a good champion, he will literally 1v5 and steal baron/elder

the other 39 make you regret playing the game

You seem to be singling out Yasuo. This can happen with every champion.
For me, I rarely find a good Lucian. My brother thinks Braums are the worst.

Well its not JUST yasous. I have similar experiences where most alistars I get bot are bad.
The champ isnt bad itself, as we all know, but for some reason I always get bad ones.

I think with yasou its just that hes highly mechnically demanding and you can easily misplay him and fuckup.

Also yasou have the highest everage deaths of all champs statwise
On a more positive note, I rarely see a bad singed.

I didn't say I was social or enjoyed going to parties did I? no.. I merely stated I don't enjoy playing it anymore because I want to remember more stuff in life and not have a lot of repetitive things erased

>highest everage deaths of all champs statwise
That doesn't mean much, considering he's one of the most popular champs.

it kinda does. Other popular champions dont come close I believe

janna has one of the lowest after zillean, and theyre popular too, its the playstyle and the people that play them, and if you refuse to see the correlation between the the players that are attracted to play certain champions and performance, we have no bussiness talking

Because the game is just full of boosted fuckers nowadays.

I'm plat and I still get junglers that manage to die to jungle creeps. Every other lane losing, no way to carry the games since everyone on my team just keeps dying and dying and then blaming their team for going 1v5 when the rest of the team is taking objectives after some well structured criticism on their decisions.

I mean like holy shit. People are fucking retarded. No response time, no pings, generally really stupid decisions. Am I the only one at plat experiencing this?

Check em

Can someone get this autist outta here?

Diamond Jungle main here AMA.

elise tips and build thoughts?

does "fuck my jungler if he ganks the other two lanes but not mine" syndrome exist past silver?

build a needlessly large rod and go fuck yourself

Should I max phoenix first? Or tiger?

Because I'm not a massive faggot

midlane main detected

I already have working ideas but I always appreciate others input

What's your opinion on Nautilus outside of the support role?

Silver 4 Support Main here

Because fizz is still in the fucking game

I have a friend who gets crazy stats with Nautilius, top and jungle, and Im talking something like 14/3/17, regularly. He's only Silver3.

I've been playing him full tank jungle with trackers knife and sweeping lens, and the amount of lane pressure, objective control, and vision he has is insane. My only complaint that if your comp is too tanky you do no damage in fights...

That utility though!

Fizz is shit. If you're having problems with him you're shit too.

i'll believe you if you post your past matches or tell us your name, because i'm silver 3 and I don't really experience this.

Because after 5 seasons of playing I realized I had better things to do.

Yeah there's that, but if your boosted silver team can't do shit when you set up a pick, you more or less sit there with your dick in your hand... unless there's something I could be doing better....

Top - Mundo, gnar, garen, pantheon
mid - swain, malzaha, lux
Jungle - Khazix, sejuani, rammus, warwick
support - blitzcrank, thresh, sona, leona, nautilus, braum
ADC - ezreskill, vayne and corki (getting buffs in 6.15), lucian


Check 'em

Whats wrong with any of them? Malz and sejuani have high win rates. Both are 3rd best in their role As for vayne, fine we dont need more toxic gosu wannabes

Because I'm not a fag.

if think you have a point, if you start playing adc and main vayne by the time youre good every other adc will be easy in comparison. lux and malz are freelo though.

>Malz and sejuani
Are entirely dependent on landing good ults mid to late game. When they hit, they hit hard, but one mistake could make the rest of your game an uphill battle.
Vayne is incredibly reliant on game knowledge.

Cus I am not an autistic child with limited brain capabilities

That has yet to be seen, my friend.


tfw mongoloids think they are in elohell and its impossible to escape
hehe xd

how old r u

Well Dota2 is a better and more engaging game. So much to play around with and mind fuck people on different levels. I enjoy free cosmetics and free games i got by playing DOta2. I enjoy epic replay and record system, easy in game match watching, great and fun events and plethora of community supported maps.
Yeah... lol has fucking tits. Die in a fire

yeah I really love outplaying enemies with RNG XDDDD muh skill XD

I guess your right, but I mean malz isn't exactly a difficult ult to use, it's just a point and click ranged warwick ult. As for sej, fair enough you could just miss entirely. However i'd argue it's better to learn it now before getting into to ranked how to hit skillshots rather than later, other wise they won't learn. Like for example, I can only play with locked camera because I wasn't told you're meant to play with unlocked until I'd way past hit level 30, and now I cant play with unlocked.

I won't argue Dota 2 is a bad game. It's not.
It does, however, get stale after a few months of playing it.

280000 mastery points as bard UuU

don't have time

How do you know when they enemy jungler is going to gank a lane.

Like, i'd be watching streams, and they'd say like 'oh nidalee is going to go top so I better go there' despite having no vision on them, even if the friendlys lane isnt pushed

Almost all RNG skills became pseudo RNG, controlled or removed entirely.
Fucking your move faggot.
SHitty Engine
Adobe Launcher
Artstyle all of the fucking place to cater to every subhuman in existance to ponyfags to pokemonfags, edglords and all
Stupid generic designs around roles
No intuitive/interesting spells
Hooks are bad
Micro is worse
Burden of Knowledge
Not playing meta? Banned and Reported
Need to pay skins to get some more hero lines
Forces grind in order to be competitive with runes
Hero grind is utter waste of time since meta dictates what is best



>It does, however, get stale after a few months of playing it.

A. It doesn't, not any more than league at least
B. Every few months there's a patch that usually turns the entire game on it's head