4 months 5 days and 51 minutes ago I attempted suicide by shooting myself in the head

4 months 5 days and 51 minutes ago I attempted suicide by shooting myself in the head.

Ask me anything. I want to talk about it but don't know where to start.

how did you survive?

did it work

It was a smaller caliber pistol. 22lr. I put it at the back of my head and my skull stopped it. Bullet's still there. Docs who did the CT said it will fall out eventually.

damn, did you get physical impediments? (idk if you call it this way i'm not a native english speaker)

OP again. I also tested it on some furniture in my appartment. Seemed effective enough at busting through some of it on the way in, so I thought...

OP, and no. Just a small bump on the back of my head remains.


do you regret shooting yourself? why did you do it Sup Forumsro

how bad did it hurt? What did it feel like your head was hit with?

>glad you're OK, Sup Forumsro


Wish it worked. I can't buy guns anymore though, and I'm too afraid of not dying by headshot to try anything else.

I'll have to take some time typing the response to the second part of your question.

dw bro, take your time.

Surprisingly it's not that painful. It's about a 3/10 on the pain scale.

Scratching my head afterword felt like running my fingernails across styrofoam. Ears rang for about 8 hours.

Can we see a picture?

>It's about a 3/10 on the pain scale.
I just got out of a hospital
I've been doing that ?/10 is your pain level thing for the last week

how much did they freak out at the hospital? did they send a million soccial workers and things to you?

>. I put it at the back of my head and my skull stopped it. Bullet's still there. Docs who did the CT said it will fall out eventually.

Are you a nigger?

plus, LMFAO!!!11!!!111!!!

I tried an OD on various medications. It was in a rural area in a small former Soviet country. A shepherd found me after 15-20 hours. I ended up in a regional hospital then I was sent across the country to the capital. The only toxicology hospital in the country is there. I actually lost three days of memory though. Basically I remember taking the meds, getting really faint, and then I woke up in the toxicology place.
Sorry, I don't intend to steal the spotlight, just contributing to discussion

>everyone that knows about gun to head suicide knows there's a small chance to live
>picks a caliber that couldn't kill a deer
Why are you so stupid, and why did you pick the thickest part of your head?

When in doubt go for a shotgun. Your brain liquifies. Literally can't survive

I don't know if you're being serious, but do you have any close family members that you can talk to? I'm sure they can help.

??? How on earth did you manage to hold the gun like that? Why the fuck didn't you just shoot yourself ear to ear or any thin part of the skull

Why are you such an attention whore tho?


barrel in mouth, under soft palate.

I used to frequent this board a bit more often. I've forgotten how it works. Are there post ID's? Can people tell it's me?

Anyway, I met a girl at Harvard. I didn't start out liking her romantically, but we became really good friends.
After we had to go our separate ways because of distance stuff, she called asking for advice on her currently abusive boyfriend. She was really shy and timid at this point so I gave her some confidence, told her what she was worth, and told her to leave him.

She told me she liked me, and we did a long distance relationship, but really kicked it off when she came to visit me. Her family hated the idea of her dating though, so she lied to them to come see me.

We saw each other 5 or 6 times after but ended up having to break up because of distance. That was in August 2015.

I decided that Christmas that my life felt empty without her and I had to win her back. I called in January and she had found somebody else.

So of course I became super pathetic and called and begged etc... She was really understanding and tried to console me. She genuinly cared about the pain I was in.

I also learned she was going to break it off with this new guy after he started doing some internship, but in March I found out she was going to Florida to visit him.

I kept seeing images of her with somebody else in my mind this whole time, and I watched my counter run down to zero. And that's when I did it.

I ruined my best shot at love, and trying to win her back made her lose respect for me. To top it off, she's seen 2 other guys since then, and I can't even look at a girl without thinking of her.

I'd do anything for the right words to win her back too. I have a job, a good education etc... but not her.

OP here: Hold pistol to back of own head. It's not hard.

I picked that angle because I don't know how everything is laid out inside my head. Ididn't want to run the risk of graising my optical nerve and ending up blind and in more pain.

People do use 22lr to kill deer btw. I found a forum post somewhere of a guy showing a 22lr busting straight through a deer skull.

>I can't buy guns anymore though, and I'm too afraid of not dying by headshot to try anything else.
What state do you live in? Private arms sales may be easy.

I'm quite serious, and no they don't help. I don't know why but I can't speak honestly to friends or loved ones.

damn, i'm sorry to hear that. doe she know about all of this?

I'm pretty stupid, but no. I'm white.

Not much to see really. Come to think of it though I've never really looked for it. I have quite a bit of hair. I'll brb.

You're super fucked up, OP. You have parents with drug or alcohol issues? You sound co-dependent as fugg.

That said, I can relate, I came from a similar dysfunctional background. Now I'm getting married to a really nice grill I never dreamed I would find. Recovery is possible, but you gotta work. You working?

OP's got a bullet-proof melon.

Please explain how you missed.

Unfortunately yes. She always wanted me to be less distant during the relationship, but I was focused on school and work at the time.

I thought being more senstive and showing I was really missing her would help but no. It does not

Has your aim improved?

OP again. Taking a video to see if there's stuff to see

using firearms is faggot tier anyway
gotta do that helium exit bag
order a helium tank and CPAP mask online you dumb bunny

Can we get a picture of the bullet hole?

OP I do not have fucked up parents. Neither has history of drugs or anything. They did divorce, but I also like both my step parents.

I work as a software engineer.

Taking a video. Hard to get right.

Sorry but I'm not giving that away. This story may ruin my job security

>this quick and painless death is shit tier
>try this other quick and painless death
Fuck that pussified horseshit.
Learn to locate you jugular.
Go to a public place.
Find a public restroom.
Strip naked.
Cut throat.
Go out with some fucking class.

damn... man maybe start smoking weed and dabbing maybe a few psychedelic trips, you'll be thinking more positively i know that, stay away from liqour and anti-depressants and i think you're pretty lucky to be alive, you almost made it to dmt land

Not op, but nothing makes me want to commit suicide more than heavily introspective drugs.
Terrible idea. Unless you actually want him to off himself.

I suppose someone in a sucidal mindset would think that, but if op wanted to be dead for sure he could just find some way to off himself like overdosing on heroin that would be pretty easy and reliable,
my perspective though I think weed and psychedelics show me the true beauty of the world,
and no im not some dropout basement lurker haha im only 18 and have a good future ahead of me, never do shit that hurts your body guys peace

I was aiming for the center of my head to avoid a dmt trip. I can still feel every flavor of despair I can remember almost upon command.

I did not want whatever my brain would show me.

i guess you're right, but also you could be wrong, dmt basically strips away your ego, and if your ego is gone you're just left with you, and who you really are. maybe it would've changed the way you think, and maybe you would appreciate life alot more.. not saying people need to go smoke dmt to feel like this, clearing your mind with meditation is a good start. your mind is your worst enemy my friend

OP again

After shooting myself I shouted "What the fuck do I do with this super power?" I then felt the back of my head and found blood, so I went for help.

My neighbor whose door I knocked on was a slightly paranoid vet, so I was greeted at gun point. He was also an ex-medic. Imagine that.

He called 911, which I didn't expect (shock does terrible things to one's mind)

About 7 police showed up and forced me into an ambulance. I thought some paramedics would show up, check to make sure I was ok, then leave. NOPE!

One of the officers was a Mexican Trump supporter btw. His reasoning "I hate my family so I can't wait for the wall".

Anyway, after the hospital they took all my clothes and threw me in jail for 24 hours. I only had a glorified towel to cover myself with. I met the nicest methhead though. He even brought me a bible.

I was moved to a psyche ward for 5 days while I waited to appeal to a board of mental health professionals saying I would seek counseling and yaddah.

Counselors are worthless fucks btw.

What fascist police state do you live in that doesnt treat bullet wounds with a hospital visit?

I have no doubt you're right. I know a guy who can make some. Maybe I'll hit him up.

>After the hospital