Sup Forums I feel asleep while baking a pizza last night. Lucky i didn't burn the place down...

Sup Forums I feel asleep while baking a pizza last night. Lucky i didn't burn the place down. My apartment smells so bad. I could smell it outside before I even got to the door when I got home from work.

trips and a I take a bite or best suggestion

Bite that shit


eat it dumbfuck

do it fagget! GEEEEEEEEET!

>The smoke alarm never went off



cum on it then eat

Agreed. time to change your damned batteries, you cheapskate.

OPs theme song

It surprisingly didn't get that smoky inside. But I thought of that too.


People saying lies. You think I spray painted that shit?

Use it as a toothbrush

Were you high?

czech em.

Was drunk and not slept for about 48 hours. Couldnt keep my eyes open.

go outside give it to a homeless man

throw it like a frisbee into a wall

Surprisingly not a lot of homeless people here in my immediate area.

Trips bitch

Throw it off a highway overpass at a car


Option 1

put it in a pizza box, give it to your neighbor saying it was extra

Option 2


Option 3

Option 4

Put it in somebodys letterbox

Also I do have dominos pizza box on hand

My dad told me a story about this happening to him back when he was in his college years. They left the pizza to bake all night because they fell asleep, so they nailed the burnt piece of shit to the wall and it stayed there for 3 years.

Throw it into the garbage and eat something else. It's basically going to taste like charcoal, just looking at it.


Option 5

Please god of trips option 5

someone screencap

>go to sleep in house
>dont notice smell until you return from work
how did you not notice it in the morning OP?

So close to satanic trips....


Wrap it around your dick and use as a fleshlight while jerking to lemon party
Don't stop until you cum

Call it modern art and sell it. Rich idiots will buy anything.

You can you lazy bastard

Option five

Call it modern art and sell it. Rich idiots will buy anything.

apologize to pizza

One of these


Option 4

Eat the whole thing

I knew it stunk in the morning. I could smell it on my clothes all day.

And im a no motivation lazy fuck. check out my kitchen. Was worse before but i threw out 3 garbage bags of shit. One yard size back FULL of alcohol empty's

Grind it into dust, mix it with water, then drink.

Gonna cost quints

yea reroll


if trips OP cleans his fucking kitchen

Option 6


Option 7

Would be nice too. I have an infestation of little fuckin flys. Think they are fruit flys.

so very sorry for your loss. You must get a kitchen timer with a bell or alarm. I have it too. I've done this same thing ten times. Now I have a rule that whenever I put ANYTHING on the top of the oven or inside the oven that I must use the timer and put my keys away. That way, I will not burn the place down. I don't know why I have this problem but need to strictly watch it.

rolling for hygiene

Take a slice. You must consume that slice.

Blend it with milk and orange juice and drink

Think sink Gross


I kept going to my phone and putting a timer on but im my lack of sleep delirium and shit I would get distracted EVERY time.

Holy fuck, OP, just wash your damn dishes

rolling for option 5. I don't want to torture you OP

damn OP. I tried. First and last reroll

i might actually make one of these for my room. i like creepy shit

Fucking throw that shit out nigga

True gentleman, thanks

I bet the other tenants around me can smell it lol.. sucks for them


Oh shit that was a close one. Thank god...

Tripssdszzxxxxx fuck me you where close to quads.

>close one
You're not getting off that easily.
Reroll and post webm proof

Hammer it into dust and snort the remains

Option 8

Dip it in milk and eat it like an Oreo.


>four loko
>pizza boxes

you should take better care of yourself

Break off a piece and crumble/grind it up really fine
Then start poking the crumbs into the tip of your penis until it becomes uncomfortable and you have a sizable amount inserted
Then masturbate until you ejaculate



Again again



Im a wreck, at home where I can do what the fuck alone. Outside of here you wouldn't know im such a slob.



throw that burnt shit away

Trip mccheckem


just put it in your pockets and go to work.

Victory is all mine

Shitting dick nipples

Use the charred stuff to make tattoo ink and use it get a pizza tattoo.


Just about to fall asleep and the fucking lights turn on