ITT: Nigger jokes

ITT: Nigger jokes

How long does it take a black women to take a shit?

9 months

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BLM is a joke

no shit

yeah , a man laying on the ground motionless with his hands up in surrender who still gets shot is a big fucking joke.

Gr8 b8 m8 nig nog stole 8/8

it is because it was a nigger

Or these 'men' as you say, should learn to not constantly attract the attention of people with guns because this kind of shit could happen.

Ya know, don't act like fucking niggers?

not sure if youre joking but that happened recently. the guy asked the cop why did he shoot him....cop said i dont know. even if you dont like the whole blm thing u gotta admit that isnt normal

What did the nigger get on his SAT?

Barbecue sauce

he only said "i dont know" because "because youre a nigger" is frowned upon thanks to liberals

he was a therapist trying to help a man with autism who ran away....i dont think that qualifies of being the n word.

>point to an isolated occurance
>claim it is a dangerous social trend
I could go through the effort of posting the articles from white racist rags doing the same thing in reverse, but going through the effort of pointing out a morons contradictions is just not worth my effort.

no, they later said he was scared of hearing all the officer killings lately
...honestly idk how these people pass the psych evals

How do you starve a nigger?

Hide his food stamps under his work boots.

Dindu Nuffin?

Fuck off, niggers are a living and breathing meme.

Wow, great bait mate. Top quality stuff there.

If that was a white man it would be a tragedy. If not a white man its simply pest control.

the man was literally doing nothing....surrendering no less and still got fired upon. i know its the internet but damn have a heart.

hes not dead. i bet hes well within his right to sue that entire pd

Everyone knows it was bullshit. Unrustle your jimmies. You are being fucked with.

The meme continues.


This one doesn't make sense but:

How do you know when a black woman is pregnant?
When she pulls her tampon out the cotton has been picked

What do you call a black man on a bicycle? A nigger.

>This one doesn't make sense but:
And yet you insisted upon telling it any way. Jesus.

It makes sense in a way where you get it. it doesn't make sense logically. As there is no need for a tampon if you're pregnant. The joke is still easy to understand.

>no lulz, just bitter racism
these threads are cringe af


What do you call a black man in a suit?


cuz, you didn't know how to tell it:

how does a nigger girl know when she's pregnant?

She shoves the tampon it, and it slides out picked.

>Didn't know how to tell it

Pretty sure everyone who read it understood the joke

>the defendent.

Why would it slide out

But yours was bad.
And his was better.

Jesus frank christ, niggers gonna nig.

How can you tell if your house has a nigger in it?

If your TV is gone, your wife is raped, and you're dead.

Yours was worse, mines is the way everyone tells the joke. Why would a tampon slide out her vagina?

I don't know the full story here but that does sound like a case of dumfuck trigger happy cop.
Though for the most part everytime u here about white cop kills black man it's just a case of a nigger being a nigger.
And everyone is fed up with all the crying about it.
If u don't wanna get shot by the cops be a productive member of society not some useless gangbanging drug dealing garbage nigger.

This is all the autism this thread can contain.

Cliche, but true: If we'd known the trouble it would cause, we'd have have picked the fucking ourselves.

nigger does that puzzle peice look like a guy or is it just me?

dumbass, she realizes she pregnant when she takes the tampon and it's been picked. Nigger EPT test.

Autistic retards on Sup Forums

Autistic MFs, this is the joke:

"Why don't nigger girls ever have to pay for home pregnancy tests?

"They know they're pregnant when clean tampons come out with little hand prints."

Ancient fucking joke.

Why do niggers all wear flat brimmed ball the pidgins don't shit on their lips
Man I love being white and privileged

Blm is the black version of the kkk

What does a little niglet get for christmas?

Your bike


What starts with "N" and ends with "r" and is something you never want to call a black person?


He was shot by a black cop too. The cop fired three times, and hit him in the leg once. Besides spazing out, I wonder what the fuck happened.

revision: and is something you never want to HAVE to call a black person

How does every black joke start?

Looking over your shoulder

Grade A b8 m8.