>believing in the round earth
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>normie bait

coz it works....??

Explain this, then.

longer flight = more money

safer as well, if it crashes in the middle of the ocean, you're fucked, if on land however, chance of finding rektage
>inb4 mh-370
inb4 mh-17

earth was flat then what happened to gravity ?

If the Earth isn't round, why you show it round?
>fucking niggers can't do anything right.


The earth is actually accelerating upwards, and goes in a circular path perpendicular to the acceleration:
ie the earth accelerates constantly upwards. Similar effect you see when you spin an object at the end of a string.

in space there is no up and down. if it is accelerating upwards then what about the other planets revolving about the sun? what about the other planets being round? why is earth so fuckin special

Some people actually believe the earth is flat. Why? Why do these people refuse to acknowledge that their shit has been proven false for centuries and continue to claim the rest of us are simply blind because it gives them something to feel good about? I don't get it. It's backwards faggot. Absolute backwards faggot.

How much faster than light are we going now after 4 billion years of constant acceleration?

All the planets and stars are actually a part of a dome above the earth and the sun is in reality much lower than people imagine.

This is described in the bible.

Because the same reason as their god.

It goes in a circular path you buffoon. You can accelerate upwards indefinitely if you have initial velocity perpendicular to the acceleration.

Upwards in relation to us you fool.

>believe in a book created during dark ages

i'm guessing you also disregard the Darwin's evolution theory and that Earth is in fact 13.6 billion years old and dinosaurs existed on this planet

still no explanation disproving gravitation

so the japs sailed/flew all the way around africa, down under south america, and then out to hawaii to attack pearl harbor? FUCK that's dedication

Why are the other planets not flat?

Oh, that right, they're not real because there is no space program. Greek astronomers before Christ didn't prove their existence or that the earth rotates around the sun using those fake planets in other orbits around the sun at all.


Dinosaurs coexisted with humans. Duh.
And those estimates are obviously unreliable.

Then prove gravitation in the first place.

Did they though?

See the map in the OP.

I see what you did there.

shit's flat motherfuckers

good point user

get this book see for yourself
books.google.co.in/books?id=O58mAAAAMAAJ&q=gravitation constant&source=gbs_word_cloud_r&cad=6

See, this is that shit, the whole "gotcha!" shit people try and pull. How can we prove anything to these kind of people(troll or not)? No, I've never been to space, but even if I did and had proof, you'd want proof of my proof and a ticket to space just so you people can say, "Nope, it's all just a simulation created by the government. Now excuse me, I have to go shine my tinfoil hats!"

that's my point, OP map is stupid as fuck
you could fly to to central russia in no time from like northern canada
years of nautical and aviation exploration shows this is false

>Believing in Jewish fairytales

>believing in a book supposedly written by a god who was jew

The earth is not 13.6 billion years old you buffoon.

That's the age of the universe.

This troll is retarded, and so are you.

Exactly. You think the Brits would have sailed around the fucking ocean for months to get to America back in the day? That shit would take a week according to that map.

>you could fly to to central russia in no time from like northern canada
I see.



What if the earth was a cone?

but earth is dog

Basic understanding of science mostly

I might put more faith in it if it was at least spelled right

at 1:12pst the ISS is going to fly over, theres your proof faggot

srsly though every go watch it

The ISS you see through a telescope is actually a drone being kept up in the air.

>being THIS retarded. I bet you think the moon is a hologram too

good fucking luck seeing it in a telescope with the speed it moves at

If you so believe in a flat earth why dont you go to the edge of the earth?

>Unironically believing the jews



This is soo funny, the fact this is spreading proves the lack of education or the level of the schools. So yes go ahead be a retard

The Jews...you mean the Jews who wrote the Torah that says the Earth is flat?

>How to tell if you're retarded
>You actually believe the earth is flat

Because these Birds can't fly that long above the ocean without resting, Idiot.

If trips Trump is god and flat earth is a lie.

I was actually a satellite ground system developer, so naturally I was skeptical about this at first.

Then I realized, that in fact I was the one that was lying to me, and that I was part of the satanic Freemasons keeping this all under wrap. When I saw the truth my conscience could not handle it, and I left my job. Then I locked myself inside my house and avoid all contact with the outside, since the Jews are out to get me.

It really isn't a good thing. I'm sure that several people in this thread are just trolling, but this growing trend of thinking the earth is flat worries me.

Dups, then the Flat earth is a lie & trump is faggot

> it's all projection on a dome
> it's all conspiracy
same people claim the hollow earth theory showing that earth is round but hollow from the inside and all lies told by science is a conspiracy
make up your minds!

Emergency landing faggot


i believed in ball earth all my life obviously, it is hard to think critically about it, just google "earth from space" there should be hunderds of different photos but all u see is differently looking CGI/cartoonish pics

>Flat Earth people don't believe in gravity
>they believe we are constantly accelerating upward at 9.8 m/s/s and that is why we are are pulled toward the ground

a = acceleration = g = 9.8 m/s/s v = final velocity, which in this case is the speed of light=300,000,000 m/s u = initial velocity=0 t = time 9.8= (300000000 - 0) / 't' 9.8 X 't'= 300000000

't'= 300000000 / 9.8 time to reach the speed of light at 1G = 30612244.9 seconds or about 353 days...

>after 353 days we could not physically travel faster and we would not be held to the ground

earth is flat
for a photon
(kek if u understand)

I'd be willing to bet 100% are trolling. I can't imagine anyone on Sup Forums is that fucking stupid.

I think it's a really good development. Along with the growing "dark enlightenment" advocating for monarchy and Islam spreading in the west, I think we are up for some great times.

You believe that the earth is flat NOW because you're completely lacking in education or basic logic, and you're easily convinced of stupid shit as long as it's contrarian. You got less intelligent as you got older...unless of course you're an underage summerfag who is just flat out stupid

Too little of a demand for a direct flight. Who the fuck from South Africa can afford to go to Australia??? The airline has to set aside another plane to take that route which is capable of flying that long nonstop, which is obviously a large plane that won't be filled. It makes more business sense to have that plane fly a route that will have more passengers.

Damn...that's some scientific shit right there....can't confirm your work due to me not knowing what the fuck I just read, but I'll take your word for it.

Yeah, most people here like to pretend that they're retarded. But when you pretend long enough, actual idiots show up and think they are in good company. I'm not sure who originally said that or how far off I am from the quote, but I think I got the gist of it down.

So if the earth is flat, why does the moon look inverted from opposite hemispheres of the earth at the same time. Seriously. If you know someone who lives on the oposite hempishere than you do, video call them and show each other what the moon looks like
fuckin' plebs, earth is round

I agree with this whole argument being dumb, but you do realize that if there was an imaginary force keeping the flat earth in a certain circular path, the earth could actually keep accelerating indefinitely.

I haven't done the math adds up for eg. the radius of the path that the earth is travelling at, and the speed that it would be travelling at, but really, it's not really an argument against the
type of arguments.

Am I the only one who sees the similarities between the visage of the moon and an integrated circuit?
Also, I believe the earth is both flat and round. In three I dimensional space, the earth appears to us as spherical when looked at on a macroscopic scale, but when ascending into the higher dimensions, 4th, 5th, 6th, ad infinitum, it comes to take a shape much similar to this, where the center is an asymptote reaching up into the sky, and the sun merely moves tangentially to the earth in a singular straight line, reaching the apex moving an infinite distance above the earth over its asymptotic pole and essentially descending without ever changing its trajectory. All of this imperceivable to the human eye, and inconceivable of man.

Yeah, I also saw that vsauce video.

Forgot the picture

You're trying so hard to sound smart, but you're still proposing the stupidest idea to float around since reptilians.

If the earth is flat, how do you explain lunar eclipses? Thats literally the earth casting a shadow on the moon. That doesn't happen with the model that they've pitched.

the bible talks about dinosaurs. look up the verses and explain it. the bible talks about LIVING dinosaurs. there are also heiroglyphs of dinosaurs. explain that you fucks.

But if gravity doesn't exist, then there would be no circular path...unless earth is actually a car that pulls slightly to the left...

I don't think any thing can accelerate indefinitely, especially anything with mass

Yeah they can, you can get a direct from SF to Australia, but there is a demand for that route
So it makes more sense to use smaller planes that will be filled to capacity and to have a layover elsewhere for refule. It's all about the cost, and having less passengers doesn't really effect how much it costs for the airline to fly that plane.

The Bible also speaks of 7 headed dragons. Don't see much evidence for those do ya?

Uh huh. So you're grasping what I'm saying and have found quite critical flaws in its suppositions, I'm taking it?
I forgot to mention that the sun travels an infinite distance away from the earth at an unknown speed each morning, causing time to warp and slow (expand) in correlation to its very distance from us, until it reaches apogee at solar noon and then continues back toward us causing moments to contract again. Foolishness, huh?

Velocity is a vector. Altering that vector means that it accelerates, including changes in direction. So you are saying that you can't go on a path that changes direction indefinitely?

Exactly my point.

if anything has to accelerate in a circular path in space, it needs gravity. and if there is gravity, there is no flat earth

It's the fucking bible...I'd believe a rabid crackhead before I'd take any word in that book seriously.

Oh and to add to this , I did say it was caused by and imaginary force. I wrote it half-assedly, but at least pay that amount of attention.

tirp-dubs shall speaketh truth - bible blazeit : verse 420

What the fuck are you saying? I feel like I actually got dumber from reading that

>Still believe we even exist
Why OP?

Look at all three.

because Eratosthenes.

Are you for or against the flat earth theory? Because it sounds to me you're trying to find some kind of middle ground with it...as if it could be a flat earth, but gravity is involved. If that's the case, then you're not understanding what we're telling you.

I don't actually think the Earth is flat. I'm *gasp* entertaining a thought without actually believing in it.

I understand what you are telling me, 100%. YOU on the other hand seem to completely miss my point, evidenced by the fact that you're bringing it up in the first place.

After further review you are correct you can accelerate indefinitely, the problem then becomes how is earth accelerating? what energy is is it using? and a bunch of other shit that I am not smart enough to understand


If it was flat, and gravity was involved, then the whole theory wouldn't work. The earth would be on a wacky ass orbit around God knows what, and the sun and the moon would be in complete fucking chaos. You can't have gravity and a flat earth...it doesn't work.

So you mean that .. Since a girl pussy smells like dead fish, inside the pussy there have to be a big reservoir of water with many dead fishes in it ?

If Earth flat why toilet water spin other way in Australia?

Good questions, and those very questions part of why I think this whole flat earth thing is complete nonsense. Even if we couldn't see ships disappearing behind the horizon, polar flights, positions of the stars, etc, etc, etc, the argument of
>Who came up with this nonsense of a spinning ball flying across space
doesn't work since the flat earth has the same kind of issues of being """""""""""hard-to-believe""""""""""".

I didn't really thing it further and literally talked about an "imaginary force" for this very reason.

if earth round where does my paranoid conspiracy fit?

You do know we can observe gravitatioal waves and lensing

Just because you attach a picture to your dumb ass fucking interjection doesn't fucking make it more valid like a fucking restaurant with a sign that says "world's best coffee" doesn't mean the coffee is even fucking remotely good. And asking someone to point out flaws in your entirely flawed theory and to try and convince you to not believe in your own retarded idea is a wasted and hopeless effort on both sides.