
wife's night out and I'm not invited edition

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moving to Brentford 2bh

Just crawled home from a can riddled k-hole

Never drinking on an empty stomach again la, you know that feeling when your fucked off drink and then you smoke a fag while sitting down and just look around you and everything's fucking spinning so your mouth salivates and you've to throw up

Good bit of coke to be had too

More like bentford lololo

the yank cuckposter is a special lad

You are now thinking about that girl you regret not asking out

increase in road capacity and increasing public transport service back to pre war levels

real non-Tyrone edition

Me third from the right.

dire edition la

fuck off with your thread splitting

America does exactly that, they have a mental stranglehold on the globe and its little piggies in absolutely every country.

Everyone's in here

fuck off Tyrone


and they're falling just like rome
funny huh

My favourite scene x

>Empire's not falling

It's natural lad

why are you willfully ignoring the streetscape of inner toronto

its a city built in the 1800s, the streetscape is only the way it is because of the urban trolley network. It was the same way in montreal. If you overlay the urban tram network on a modern map of the city you'll be able to tell where the nice stuff and where all the post ww2 vomit was built.

You can keep posting singular glass boxes that you think are nice or some hollywood twats mansion but you're wrong if you think urban planning from 1945-2000 wasnt mistake after mistake that ended up ruining most cities. We are only now reversing the trends, with densification and a return to public transport

everyone is already in here

Don't thread split just hide the image if you don't want to see it


appeal to nature fallacy

closing time
evert new beginning starts from some new beginning's end

Historically ignorant fallacy

But what if America is like the Chinese empires where we fall apart but come back again a bunch more and then we're commies

what the fuck are you still doing here


They're claiming that the leaks were real.