Blind rage stories? I'll start

Blind rage stories? I'll start.
>Be me, about 13
>just got home from first day of a new school
>pretty shit day because family drama
>friend comes over saying we're gonna play baseball at the park
>fast forward maybe an hour and im up to bat
>friend is pitching, cause he's the only one with a decent aim out of us
>throws it straight at my face fullspeed, i drop like a rock
>a couple kids laugh and at this point im too pissed to think
>grab bat off the ground and rush straight for him
>smack him as hard as i can right in the gut and continue to do so til my brother pulls me off of him
i broke one of his ribs and wasnt allowed at his house again til i was 16

>spot stranger across the street
>doesn't acknowledge my swag
>overwhelmed with passion to rip him to shreds
>just fucking lost it
>he beat me up when he saw me looking at him

>be me
>use toilet
>flush, leave
>sister goes in
>complains about odor
>tells parents I shit on seat
>have to scrub entire toilet
>sister giggles mp3
>throw shit covered sponge at her
>direct hit
>distant crying and screaming
true story

dubs confirms that op is a fucking liar and faggot as usual

>true story


fucking siblings are annoying lil shits

>be me
>use toilet
>flush, leave
>sister goes in
>complains about odor
>tells parents I shit on seat
>have to scrub entire toilet
>sister giggles mp3
>rape her in her sleep that night
>anal penetration
>ear shattering crying and screaming
true story


>be me
>kill mosquito
>fell asleep

You have issues.


>be 15 or some shit
>lil bro is 13
>one day hes being an antagonistic little cunt like he sometimes was
>it fucking worked
>i dont remember the circumstances but i was especially pissed this time
>chase him upstairs
>he can tell im not fucking around, hes booking it for dear life
>hes getting to top of steps, i realize i wont catch him before he gets into his room and locks the door
>have cell phone in hand
>whip my razor at him
>he gets in his room and locks the door
>i hulk out and grab the knob and twist until the lock breaks and i get into his room
>step in, see his oshitimdead face
>suddenly my anger evaporates
>i guess scaring the shit out of him was satisfactory enough
>leave room
>get in trouble later when my parents find out i broke the lock

You have problems. Enjoy death row when you eventually go too far.

>be 15 or some shit
>lil bro is 13
>one day hes being an antagonistic little cunt like he sometimes was
>it fucking worked
>i dont remember the circumstances but i was especially horny this time
>chase him upstairs
>he can tell im not fucking around, hes booking it for dear life
>hes getting to top of steps, i realize i wont catch him before he gets into his room and locks the door
>have cell phone in hand
>whip my precum at him
>he gets in his room and locks the door
>i hulk out and grab the knob and twist until the lock breaks and i get into his room
>step in, see his oshitimfucked face
>i cum
>i guess seeing him scared and helpless was satisfactory enough
>leave room
>get in trouble later when my parents find out i broke the lock

I would like to present to you this honorary badge of autism for your completely uncalled for tantrum that isnt even inexcusable by your young age. You earned it, champ.

Damn this dud3 be trollin hard as fuk!!!

That isnt even excusable*

Fuck, ruined a perfectly good post.


You sound like a faggot.

So basically you sperg'd out.

>Be me, about 16-17.
>Friends are over playing vidya.
>I'm in kitchen having a beer with a bro.
>One of the fucks playing vidya throws a Lego at my head.
>"Knock it off ya fuck."
>He does it again.
>"I said knock it off asshole!"
>He does it again. This time he's laughing like a hyena.
>"One more time and I'm gonna beat your fucking ass."
>He does it again.
>I fly across the kitchen, into the front room and before he even realizes whats happening I've got him on the floor, knees on his ribs so he can't breathe, left hand clenched around his throat, legit strangling him. I proceed to punch him directly in the right eye repeatedly for at least a solid minute.
>All my bros are just sitting around looking at me like I'm a child molester.

I stand by the fact that he deserved an ass kicking, but I don't know what made me react in such an extreme manner. Never did before and never have since.

Don't throw fucking Legos at me.

>having a beer
You sound like a stand-up guy who is going to do great things in your life user.

Says the chucklefuck that visits a site centering around trannies, dick rate threads, and trying to get identical numbers in a post.

>I'm sure you've got great things ahead of you as well.

> be me
> Non-binary transformer
> Random cis scum assumes gender identity
> Triggered.exe

True story


Thanks fam

Faggot asked for it. I applaud your efforts to institute the law of instant manmade karma OP.

>full minute
get out

>be me
>be odd
>generation hates me
>I try to get in touch with old friends
>they ignore me
>I do some extreme face makeover
>split head in two
>oh fuck me
>now I look like a fucking troll
>go to woods to be alone from civilization
>take huge club
>start punching face for stupidity
>the other face wakes up
>start casting magic
>punch face again
>other one wakes up
>get super angry
>beast mode
>club glows red as fuck
>mfw I realize I'm a KI Season 3 character

Little bitch had it coming. Fair warning was given.

>be me, probably 9-10
>pretty tight-knit neighborhood with a lot of friends varying in ages from probably 6-13
>one family has a kid a couple years younger than me
>his mom and my mom are friends and she works at home so after school, I just stay there with them until my parents come pick me up (though I lived like 10 houses down)
>one day Joseph is being annoying as shit. It's my turn to play the computer (his parents' rules, not mine) and his mom just told him they're having pizza for dinner
>Joseph goes on victory lap around kitchen, teasing me because he gets to have pizza tonight and I don't
>each time he passes through the kitchen and behind me, he pops me in the back of the head while singing "pizza! pizza! pizza!"
>third time he comes around, anticipating the pop in my head while I'm trying to vidya, I slam my fist hard as I could into his stomach, hitting him close to the diaphragm
>dude sinks to the floor and can barely breath
>there's your fucking pizza faggot

His dad stormed at me, grabbed me up and dragged me down into the garage. I legit thought he was going to attack me but he seemed to control himself at the last second and just yelled at me all "WTF WAS THAT YOU PIECE OF SHIT?" I told him Joseph kept hitting me and when he calmed down he actually remembered seeing that so I got off the hook.

trying way too hard there, duder

Damn.....I almost rolled sexts

What the fuck, there weren't any blind people in this story at all...


You sick piece of shit.


>roll out

What a fuckin' douche:

Is there anything that doesn't trigger you?

would read again



I never get dubs

>have a vintage car i DD
>i fucking love that car
>similar to pic related
>friends are assholes sometimes
>while i was at a party, i decided to leave early
>i get out to my car, friends stopped me
>they show me pictures of them breaking into it
>then standing on the roof
>then laying on the bonnet
>i tried to play it off as best as i could
>i get in the car and start it ready to drive off
>one of the fuckers decide to sit on my bonnet in front of me
>i drove off with him on the bonnet
>he's clawing to stay on, like the girl from deathproof
>flattened it, screaming it to about 70km/h
>hook a 90 degree left turn
>fling him off the bonnet, down a hill and hit his side against a tree
>i drive off
luckily he wasnt hurt, but we didnt speak again

>Says the chucklefuck that visits a site centering around trannies, dick rate threads, and trying to get identical numbers in a post. after doing some underage drinking and almost killing a person because he threw legos at you

You're quite sheltered aren't ya chief.


He's so fucking mad.

lmao what a get

It's okay, we love you anyway.

>How does one eat Holocaust semen?

Later in life you'll probably be glad for them. Or not.

And it's tough being the older brother. You'll get tired of beating your little brother up at some point. But someone has to do it.
