I'm bored in hospital after munch shootings. Ask me anything

I'm bored in hospital after munch shootings. Ask me anything

sand nigger

tits or ass

are you happy


Where you shot by the gunman or are you the gunman?

Pretty much yeah

kill yourself. finish the job you degenerate.

Explain what went through your mind.

where you in the macdonalds video

Wo warst du als du angeschossen wurdest?

How do you feel about being culturally enriched by the religion of "peace"

tits and timestamp or GTFO

I've been shoot in the stomach

you dont look german kek

Give us a timestamp, shooting victim.

Why'd you shoot yourself then? Police go easy on you?

Dont have the pen but here's the tit


fuck off with your weak laparoscopy bullshit

What, did you think that all Germans look like the Aryans in Nazi propaganda posters, you uneducated fascist pencil-dick?


>Shot in the stomach

Top kek

Sand on sand crime

Keyhole surgery is pretty straight forward buddy. You're usually out of hospital the same day. Not tubed up and looking like a patchwork quilt like OP.

topkek all the fags in here thinking you were the one did the shooting


Basicly not much. I was just WTF is going on and after a few seconds inwas on the ground with a fucking pain and i thought i was going to die.

So what's the name of the clinic you are in? Und sag mir, was ist ein oachkatzlschwoaf? Prove you're legit!


Also if legit you'd have a better experience posting this thread on Sup Forums

That was in Germany you asshat.

Armer Kerl. Wie geht's so?

>mfw Americans don't know Munich is in Germany

This. If you do this I will go to Sup Forums for myself just to see shit go haywire.

>OP is a complete mess of patchwork

he has some tiny bandaids on the exact spots the laparoscopy instruments would be inserted

> bullshit bis ich die Diagnose auf nem Papier mit Krankenhaus logo lese

Fixed it for you.

Not gonna post the name of the clinic faggot.
außerdem: Eichhörnchenschwanz

NotOP, but I -am- from Munich and don't know what an oachktz...-somethingsomething is. What the fuck.

Ich bin in Ordnung, aber würde sich besser fühlen mit weniger Bauchnabel

das war viel zu einfach

Mal serious frage
wie fühlt sich das an angeschossen zu werden ?
Wie lange warst du bei bewustsein ?

Op here. Moving to Sup Forums


When you get better, will you help build a mosque in your country to further relations and satisfy your need to show your white guilt?

Link the thread once it's up m8

ne, es war viel zu einfach dich davon zu überzeugen dass ich OP bin.
Wir wurden alle verarscht von OP... als ob grade einer der Verletzten ein Sup Forums lurker gewesen wäre...

warscheinlicher ist das der Attentäter einen auf AN HERO gemacht hat

was gehtn hier ab??!!! : D
FOR REAL!????? Du bist eines der 26 angeschossenen Opfer??? Krass. Das ist so irre...

so unrealistisch ist das nicht das einer der verletzten n lurker ist
man wird doch wohl noch hoffen dürfen

Europeans on the internet summed up in one post.

Did you get to finish your bigmac?

Do you even Bayrisch m8?

how did u get shot

ja, wenn man bedenkt wie viele Deutschlandfäden es hier mittlerweile gibt, magst du wohl recht haben. Wissen wir mittlerweile was über die motive?

Wissen die Bernds auf Krautchan mehr?

with a gun


Was it a Muslim?

Well, did you fight back or did you just take it?
Serious questions: did the shooter say anything you heard and remember? Did you know any of the victims? How many women do you think will want to sleep with you now just because this happened to you?

hast ja merkel gehört
sie sagt war n verwirrter einzeltäter

penis pix? :3

Right, Penis pix?

Can i eat nudelsuppe whit a tee spion ?


>fight back
>without a gun
yeah, sure

Yeah his son

munch shootings?

Learn to Spell summer fag



Holy shit, are you okay?

and that's why like all american's have guns

show your dick


those are celioscopia wounds. No bullets.

halt dein maul du bastard, bisher hast du noch nicht auf eine deutsche response geantwortet. mal ganz davon abgesehen das du deine eigene stadt nicht richtig schreiben kannst.
ich hoffe du verreckst an einer sepsis innerhalb der nächsten stunden.

OP, how does one actully eat holocaust semen?