Well another attack and nobody cares. Not gonna lie I don't care too, just all the news pisses me of...

Well another attack and nobody cares. Not gonna lie I don't care too, just all the news pisses me of . people feel sorry for the "poor" white people but nobody ever feels sorry for the other country's

its not that hard isnt it?
im white so white people are my kind while sandniggers etc arent.

Nobody cares becaus its normal there so it aint special while germany or france are first world nations where that shit shouldnt happen

One problem, at leadt in the US, is speaking out about the problems, and their root causes, gets you branded as racist. Hopefully that changes soon, but good journalists and activists have stopped discussing this for that reason.

No I read it, I just don't announce. There like thousands of killings going on right now.

No one cares because they are not white.

>61 dead in Islamic State suicide bombing in Kabul

Good, fuck these sandniggers.

Just realized nobody cares when I black guy dies too

No one cares when it happens in non-whites, because it's brown people doing it. Do you think your neighbors would give a shit if you put a hole in your own bedroom door?

I care about muslims killed by their own fellas.
PS: no

>nobody ever feels sorry for the other country's

yes, people in these countries feel sorry for themselves, like we feel sorry for ourselves when a muslim shoots a mall or an airport.

They don't need our condescendence. Stop thinking you're the center of the world, and suddenly most of your guilt towards the third world will go away.

black ppl care, blm cares (well only if the shooter is a white cop, for some mysterious reason)

they don't need us, we don't need them. It's simple. Stop thinking about yourself as essential for the emotional existence of others (which is what young children do), and all will be well.

>wake up
>Go to bathroom
>find shit in toilet
Not so surprising

>Go to kitchen
>find turd on table
Now we have a problem

I agree with this user. Mass shootings are so common in the U.S that it's a regular part of life. If something like a mass bombing happened then i would be concerned

Look at it this way: If you shit in the toilet, nobody cares, but if you shit on the dinner table, I would sure as hell care

It's fucking hilarious really, all the SJW get triggered by Donald Trump being "racist" but none of them care about this or Obamas drones killing hundreds of innocent people.

The idiocy of the American left.

Yeah I bet they feel very sorry for us too.
Fuck you and your judgmental comments, go post this on FB or Twitter and get your cock sucked by morrons like you about non issues.


People feel bad for those killed in the US by these animals that come from elsewhere with their poisonous ideals. People don't feel bad for a population of animals who harbor and often support terrorists. They hardly even put up a resistance against them, expecting the US to do it while cursing the US's existence.

So fuck off.

Maybe they did? No one is going to care if you die.

Gentlemen, how do we solve the Muslim Question?



That makes me so sad ! How lame has your life to be for you to be yearning for disciples to cry over your dead body?

What if they did ? Well, what do you excpect me to say? I live in fucking france and I don't stop living every time some mthfckr kill some poeple here, if I'd start weeping for every single motherfucker that dies in unfair conditions, I'd spend my days doing it.

Btw, what are you doing for them? You're not even concerned by whats going on over there, you're concerned that nobody is concerned. Talk about being fucking useless all the while trying to guilt people into doing something you don't even apply to yourself.

Niggers gonna nig

Nice dubs

>other country's
Did you even go to school?

was mus-limes. Who cares?

Spotted the butt hurt mudslime

>I live in fucking france and I don't stop living every time some mthfckr kill some poeple here, if I'd start weeping for every single motherfucker that dies in unfair conditions, I'd spend my days doing it.
I live in fucking frankfurt na maine. I don't weep over anyone either, I do however, acknowledge the fucked up shit that goes on not just where I live but further down the road. It's not the people I care about, it's the situations and conditions.
>what are you doing for them?
More than what you've done. I attempt to share with those who can do something about it. Then I came across your post.
>Talk about being fucking useless all the while trying to guilt people into doing something you don't even apply to yourself.
I do apply?

>people feel sorry for the poor white people

Who does? As far as I've seen, hating white men is the new trend, at least here in Fatland.

Attitude is what is being hated upon dumb nigger.

If people dont care if it happens in 3rd world countrys i dont care about it happening in germany or france.l

No one cares about white people either


> article literally makes fun by saying "shite muslims"
>people actually believe this is real.

do you apply the lotion to your skin?


The fact that shit like this gets minimal to no coverage at all pisses me off to end. You gotta love how the neckbeard 'let's ban Muslims' crowd has no idea whatsoever that the people most effected by radical Islam is in fact other fucking Muslims.

it's on the main page of CNN, retard. top story.

War will always have innocent casualties.

As Confucius once said: When there's poop in the toilet, nobody cares. But whenever there's poop on the counter, then there's a problem.

Here in Brazil thousand of People are kill3d every year. Only in my City. We dont care anymore, it became normal.

The thing is do people "CARE".


Its soon will be part of your tradition

Do you think I didn't see that when I posted the thread also it says shiit muslims
