Current team

current team

was driving and saw a dragonite, we to catch it but the game froze. words cannot describe the pain I felt missing out on that legendary dragon

Pokémon Go thread!!

got a screenshot before it stuffed up

check this out if you want to own gyms

What are you supposed to do when the game freezes?
I went to a park and the game ketp being stuck : can't control anything but the game is still running and you see yourself move.

I just restart the app, if it freezes in the middle of catching a pokemon it will sometimes catch it and sometimes not

if that happens just restart the app and check recent pokemon to see if you caught the pokemon it froze on

Took my early morning gyms for points.

Better luck next time OP

good lord, that Lapras!! where did u find it?
also what level are you?

Hatched it at about 1500 and I'm 22 now

Valor all Day

What level do you usually get 1000+ cp pokemon?

I caught my first 1k+ cp at 21, a Gloom. Could probably find 1k+ final stages around 15-17

current lineup
missed two days of playing or I'd be 27 by now
sitting at 25

I'm level 22, with like 30 Pokemon I have to evolve for Pokédex entries.....I'm just lazy.

Hoarding stardust atm too.

Sitting at 21

You are the most basic bitch lol.
I'm waiting till I can evolve them and have candy to keep them relevant. Not touching 3 stagers till I can go straight to 3

Tell me about it, but my home and work are both covered in evee. I'm saving my dust so everything interesting I have is in the low 1k range. Freevee's for fight.

Sitting at 23

you mean boring & pathetic

having trouble buddy?

>ITT: retards playing a lazy-ass version of a game made for kids

fuck, I know Sup Forums likes trannies and bestiality but I never thought you guys were THIS pathetic

Guess what all my eevee evolves into

it's ok to go outside, you'll be fine

>implying I need a shitty game to go outside

the only positive reason for playing pokemon go is that people actually go outside. that reason instantly turns to shit once you see people walking around like apes, only staring at their mobile phones instead of enjoying the nature around them

>out at the park with the dog
>meeting friendly people with similar interests
>we stop to check our phones together at a buzz
>continue chatting, walk to the downtown area as a group for a slice of pizza from the local family owned

should've just stayed in the basement

Legendary dragon?

trips get

list is entirely inaccurate for "owning gyms." This is only going to tell you what Pokemon are easiest to level up. This completely ignores the meta-game of "don't be weak to Vaporeon because it is the most OP attacker."

If you want to own gyms get a high level aqua tail Vaporeon. If you want to have the best chance of defending gyms, use big slow high attack Pokemon (speed isn't taken into account when defending) that aren't type weak to Vaporeon. Snorlax, Lapras, and Slowbro with confusion are your best bet. Alternatively if you are leaving a Vaporeon in a gym is actually the best counter to an attacking Vaporeon because they are just THAT good.

Arcanine, Gyarados, Muk, Weezing, and Flareon are all shit tier for "owning gyms" and this list will mislead you.

Here is my squad, missing high cp Snorlax and Lapras.

Eevee nicknames determine evolution

Sparky = Jolteon
Rainer = Vaporeon
Pyro = Flareon

100% success rate for me

Only works once for each tough.

Dude... you're taking it too seriously...

where is everyone getting all these vapereons at?

Eevee is very common here and only costs 25 to evolve. If i was walking around i could get an Eevee to evolve every 30 minutes. 40 max. And I've had more vaporeon than flareon or jolteon