Feminist hate thread

Feminist hate thread.

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You ever see Fury Road?

Anyone got any good Fury Road memes?

Any of ever feel like being an MRA is a good look, just remember they tried to boycott Mad Max: Fury Road

Fury Road? Why?

Nothing kills a anti-feminist thread like Fury Road. No one can take you seriously after they hear about that.

MRA here.

I did not boycott Fury Road.

Also, here's an MRA skype group, if any other MRAs want to join:


Men's Rights Activists are AWESOME PEOPLE.

So the whole point of the MRA movement is to just shit talk women right?

Nobody cares about guys, you stupid MRA's. Just give up like the rest of us did.

Look guys, it's a Skype to discuss Fury Road!

well... if you consider that feminism is a movement to talk shit about men, then I guess yes.

Witness me, and my womanhating beta presence.

Feminism =/= misandry. MRA seems to be all about misogyny though...

This thread will shrivel and die, HISTORIC ON FURY ROAD!!!

A shocking plight has been uncovered today as BLM organizers planned on hijacking a Cessna-120 and flying into Trump tower. Multiple tweets have been made from the BLM extremists as threatning the lives of hundreds of people.
Spread the #blmhijack #

Anyone seen the Nostalgia Critic episode?


The whole point of the Men's Rights Movement is to obtain social androgyny.
To rid the negatives of being a boy, which many members of society are actively avoiding learning about.

Many MRAs are also WMAs (Women's Rights Activists)

None of you have any clue what the MRM is.

Yes I do. It's to boycott Mad Max Fury Road because the idea of a female action protagonist is triggering to MRA beta basement dwellers.

You do know what you are talking about.

How much activism can be achieved from your computer? Your lot whines more than the SJWs, and like it or not, the SJWS are accomplishing shit. Your setting your own movement bac

Women deserved to be heard and receive help.
Men should just shut up and deal with it.

MRM basically are people pointing out that different treatment by society, and trying to get men to have the same rights and recognition when they need help.

We got women in the draft.

We are uncredited, but wouldn't of happened without the MRA.
Also the Father's Rights Movement?
Yeah that's growing.

You're going to lose.

lose what... without men the world is going to shit, and if men are retreating from dating and marriage, it's because the game is unfair both on the expectations and the requirements.

And you really can't see the sexism in your post?

So what do you want from us MRA?

feminists wouldn't.

Beta woman hating status confirmed. Butthurt because no Waifu. Your faggot declaration is as laughable as a Fury Road boycott.

Anyone feel like Fury Road shitposting? Only way to shut this beta up.

I bet they are too sexist, to understand, most MRAs are also WRAs.

Nobody here had anything to do with that Fury Road boycott.

Feminism == misandry. Fuck you.

Most MRAs are WRAs.

So you're wrong.

We just want gender to not matter.



So i'll bump a thread


