Tenéis alguna experiencia los de habla hispana?

Tenéis alguna experiencia los de habla hispana?

what you said literally translates to: "do you have an experience those that are from speak spain"

En incesto que el corrector..

Contarlas y subir fotos

"inside incest that the corrector"... what are you trying to do

He wants to put incest inside a corrector. Why are you having trouble grasping this?

I trying said, talk about your incest experiences and upload your pics, but in spanish

i cant believe this is how im spending my saturday

Aprende Inglés o aprende a usar el imperativo en Español

Its more bearable if youre getting head while browsing.

Con el español, sí, todos los días. ¿Pero con el lunfardo? Ni loco.

Hablo español

Uh.....puta con ceso?

dijo que hablaba espanol, no que lo podia leer que tal si no te entiende

Chow chang ching chong to you too.

calmese cabron como si almenos una cosa seria se dicutiera en este pinche sitio de web

So are ya chinese or japanese?

im laoatian


......so.....are ya chinese or japanese?

hay pocos que hablan español bro

I thought that was some like of mental disorder like mongolism

king of the hill reference right?

I think he/she/it is calling themselves fat. They are "le ocean".


im going to interpret your "no" as "yes"

Congratulations, you have mastered sarcasm.

i sincerely doubt you are qualified to make that judgement

And yet i did.

im going to quote myself from earlier in this thread as it is now relevant once more:

"i cant believe this is how im spending my saturday" - me

I will see your self quote and raise you one of my own. "It is more bearable if youre fetting head while browsing".

since my reply got deleted ill give you an abridge version:


What the Holy Fuck is a lunfardo?

Chabón sos un dobolu, el lunfardo y el rioplatense son lo mejor que le pasó al casteyano son. Date una vuelta y vamos a chamuyarnos unas minitas con unas birras al bulo.

vete al diablo pinche argentino culero

The spics were gone. What the fuck are you doing?

Lost so hard.


A dialect of rioplatense Spanish exemplified by heavenly quads:

>pal, you're bigballed/(fool), lunfardo and rioplatense are the best things to have happened to Castillian, they are. Come around and let's have some beers and pick up some chicks at the pub.


>peleando contra quads
Te quiero igual mi petizo azteca color chocolatl

Hola amiguitos

se creen los hijos de dios pero igual nadie nos quiere porque todo el mundo piensa que somos Mexicanos

Al ser hijos de Dios, somos Dios también, y somos buenos y generosos y te quiero por más inferior y acaramelado que seas user


Matate mexinarco muerto de hambre

Back on track, I got pretty close to a cousin, but we didn't go beyond tickle battles and laying on the grass stargazing. I suspect that she would have agreed to having a secret affair, but conjecturing on an Uzbekistani yakherding BBS years after that opportunity won't get me anywhere.

>te quiero
Sí que sos amargo che

mira, pase lo que pase, almenos podemos odiar al pinche americano junots verdad :)?


Race, Country and language fight

Hace you picks?


No, porque también lo quiero a pesar de que es inferior. Podemos odiar a un inglés juntos si aparece.
Nope, and I'm currently using my phone, so fetching the pics, editing them, and uploading them would be a "paja" (a load of hay, a long and boring ordeal)

Hombre esto es lo peor de internet, amo que nada aquí se tome enserio

>19 y o
>Went to a party with some friends to another city
>know only one
>start drinking
>get so drunk
>friends suggest to go take shots
>got shots
>one of the friends starts talking to me
>both separate from the group
>too drunk to know what i'm doing
>start kissing her
>she brings me to a park
>got a blowjob
>start fucking in a tree
>too drunk to hit the point
>surrender with the hole thing
>ended up only kissing her

This is more kind of a funny story. Actually later on i get to knew she was just a bitch who tries to fuck every day she parties. It's even more funny since it's been exactly 2 years from that