2016 Predicitons

What do you think Ol' Bucky is going to post as his Top 10 Worst songs of 2016? We're due a video in 4 days.

Gold by Kiiara will probably be on there.

he has stupid

This dude is the fucking worst, I wish he was a Holocaust victim

Closer By Chainsmokers will be #3 and I got dubs to back it up

DAE le popular musik is STOOPID!?
That guy has pretty shit opinions on everything, including music. Not only that, but he hides behind the "Yeah I know I'm an asshole, I can't be criticized" veil. I liked him when I was an edgy 15 year old.

who the fuck is that?

I know he's a shithead but I still watch his Top 10 worst songs for entertainment. I thought StremmLife was a decent album too.

lol @
>shit opinions

>he hasn't been closely watching ADOB for the past 7 years


anyone who has is a fucking moron with juvenile taste in humor

Hes a fucking cliche pseudo intellectual that judges pop music on chord changes and lyrics who the fuck takes him seriously

it seems like he judges a lot of beat based club songs solely on the lyrics, which doesnt make any sense tbqh


Has anyone noticed how often he complains about songs being "slow"? I feel like he has that complaint even about songs with decent tempo.

He's a 90s alternative rock kid, it's not really that surprising at all.

I don't mind this guy's opinions, I just find Buckley himself to be an insufferable shit.

YouTube is so awful now. There's so many psueds. I don't know if i hate the art psueds or the philosophy psueds more.

he's a massive faggot but he's not wrong most of the time. his analysis is ass backwards though

This guy is so insufferable. What a faggot, who even takes him seriously? He tries so fucking hard, he's one of those cunt pseuds that think everything has to be intellectual otherwise it's shit. Which, by the way- no intellectual has ever claimed.

I still can't believe that this guy's hobby is analyzing pop music, it's hard to not think it's satire

Dudes been around for ages tho
