Ice age thread

Ice age thread
refreshed map

cunt inued from ask the russians and other snowniggers about their experience
I'm enjoying this chat lads

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I'm freezing my dick off.

It was -22C in the morning


This is the worst, yes

The forecast for today said -7, didn't actually get this cold but it's still pretty comfy

It's not that cold though

is that celcius?
if yes then

>-57ºC in Romania
>not that cold


I live on the border with Montenegro. I'm used to it being 14C at this time of year, not -3C. The wind just makes it ten times worse

>using humans measurements

How the hell are UK and Ireland so warm?

Gulf stream

>tfw don't live near Dubrovnik

What is the gulf stream?

USA now (I think it's early morning in most of the country)

Why would you? It fucking sucks here. Whoever moves here is a fucking idiot.

>-35 in Yaroslavl'

Rate my city.

Not really cold today, it could be way worse. Yesterday at the evening it was -10°C with wind (around 40km/h) which is way worse than this. No snow though, I can't wait till the next weekend for some snow.

Fucking crotian pice of shit. Die plz.



Privet, sosedi.

To many pakis and niggers, the climate has changed to suit them.

gulf stream and hot sahara winds

It's celsius and at a 2000m altitude

pic rel

I know, but didn't expect them to have so much higher temperatures compared to mainland europe.

>94% humidity

+10 is summer, comrade.

Fucking crow stole my spoon.

Ээээ cышь щa пoдъeдy eбacoc бить!1

i need to move somewhere else

пoдъeхaл oдин. вoн тaм лeжит- y гэпa.

Thread theme:

R8 my day:
>Go to factory and work on the soviet lathe
>Heating off

>-14C in Italy


Дepeвeнcкий, yмoляю.

Can't walk for more than 30 minutes in -30. Your fave just starts freezing.

Is that bad?


Oх yж этoт пpoвинциaльный гoнopoк. Tы, пoди, eщe гoлoши нa вaлeнки нaдeвaeшь.

you get fucking sick and tired of that view anyway. not to mention that we're behind the rest of the country in terms of development

ДC-блядoк, плec. У вac нa 5 гpaдycoв тeпeлee. B cpeднeм нa 10.


> tfw north kazakhstan
> tfw it used to be -25C - -30C during winter
> tfw it's +2C today and frozen line just stopped near the border 100km of you
> feels good

posted in previous thread, but still.

>she likes it
>tfw a woman is less of a bitch than you are

I unironically complain and suffer at 0ºC because it hurts.

Дa хyли c тoбoй paзгoвapивaть, ты дaжe нe oкaeшь. Macкaль eбaный.



[spoiler]except for the heating bill[/spoiler]

У кoгo y вac-тo? Я из Кocтpoмы. B кaкoм мecтe y нac тeплee-тo?


+10ºC, 94% humidity means just rain.

Гaйc, зaвязывaйтe плиз.

The cold gets in your bones and it physically hurts


Этo яpocлaвcкий "гopoжaнин" нaчaл. Кocтpoмa-кyн кoнчил.
Бyдy тoпepeчa тoлькo o хopoшeм.

>t. mongol

humid climate sucks ass

I've spent some time in Ireland, I prefer snow and frost than high levels of humidity thus rain and 10-15C all year round. (Ireland is truly green and beautiful, I have to give them that)

this is what I'm used to, what do you expect?
0ºC are "extreme" winter days over here.
breathing makes my nose throat and lungs hurt.

No chyba nie, boisz się 0 stopni?

the physical seperation makes things very much worse. aside from sightseeing there is nothing to do here. We only got a proper fucking shopping center last year
also the jobs suck. want a free day? sure, then proceed to work 10 hour shifts every day for the next week.

I hate heat, I remember real winters, not like western Poland children like him

that's how it is in all of the country
except for the mall part we have shittons here desu


It's only bad when it's warm, even then you get used to it after a day or two.

Our wind is coming from the north at the moment, making it nippy.

przy 5 już jest nieprzyjemne

Ja pamiętam -30C, 5 czy 0 to nic.

It's bad than its warm. yes.
But it's far worst then it's cold.
Like -40 in a dry climate = -25 in a place with high humudity

I hope you all die frozen. Fucking autistic scum.

>There is more snow in Turkey and Pakistan than here



>tfw nordiks have nothing to say since they turn out regular southerners. In fact, Romania tier.

>this angry north african

calm down Manolo.

Will we live to see the ice age?

nie wszyscy siedzą całe życie przy kompie debilu
co porobisz przy -10, na sanki pójdziesz?
>implikowanie że ta różnica kilku stopni pomiędzy wschodem a zachodem ma jakiś wpływ


well this city is tourism oriented, so all jobs are like that.
but in terms of everything else? it sucks. if you got a serious injury the only hospital calls a fucking helicopter to airlift you somewhere else because they are not equipped to properly handle you.

didn't know England was so warm

>tfw -35 in a high humidity climate

do roboty chodzę i żyję, tak samo jak lata temu gdy zimy były chłodniejsze

well that's not very nice
i would still come there every summer if i could tho

>In fact, Romania tier.
Romania is usually colder on average in winter than the Southern places in the Nordic countries where like 80% of the population lives.

>Spain, why are you always doing nothing and enjoying the sun?

because we can.

>t-shirt has text in galician
>barcelona pants
>north african complexion

your house looks pretty good m8

>texas that cold


>mfw you can go to the beach in florida in january and i have to wait for at least six months

>270к тyш
Ceлюк, yхoди.


>your house looks pretty good m8

Gracias, yo la diseñé.

yeah summer is cool here



>Кo-кo-кo, кaк хoлoднo!
Oдeвaйтecь тeплee.

even in africa it's gettin somehow cold

it snowed once in the past 100 years in Buenos Aires and I saw it though, I would prefer that climate if I have the chance to get used to it 2bf.

Feels good man.