What are /b's thoughts on Gary Johnson?

What are /b's thoughts on Gary Johnson?

Democrat plant to take votes away from the God Emperor.

i think he's too high to know what's going on

I don't love him, but I'm voting for him. That's how fucked this election is.

I'd vote for him

He's not gonna win so don't waste ur vote

Interesting theory

A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

So no one's gonna vote for him because no one's gonna vote for him?

I want to vote for him but honestly it feels like all it would accomplish would be to ensure that Hillary Clinton gets to pick the next 4-5 Supreme Court Justices and that's a damn shame because of all the candidates running I prefer him to the rest.

Can't vote for him though. Have to vote for the megalomaniac madman to keep the psychotic bitch out of office.

Just wondering because heard about him in the news and he seems too good to be true.

I like him, but I'm voting Trump and suggest any who live in swing states like me to do the same. Votes for him are pretty much votes for Hillary in the swing states. If you live in a red or blue state, vote for him by all means. He deserves to get a good turnout, but he won't so swing staters need to support Trump if they don't want Hillary.

I don't like Hillary so no, I'm not voting for him.

He's the hero Usa deserves faggots

isn't the two party system wonderful?

The idea of shifting away from the two party system is tempting

Best candidate by far

>What are /b's thoughts on Gary Johnson?

Former Libertardian here with a few thoughts on him and the libertardian way in general

- He has been a good little boy by calling Trump a racis'™.

- He knows he will not win, but wants to be the hero by being the 1st libertardian candidate to win more than 1% of the vote.

- He's not as wacky as some libertardians-- like those who want to
-- legalize heroin to 6 year olds
-- legalize blackmail (not kidding they want to legalize fucking blackmail!)
-- abolish the federal gubmint

- in light of the above he's a bit centrist for a libertardian

- any movement dependent upon college age males from the STEEM disciplines is gonna be a failure

- libertardianism is a lot like pacifism... it's a bot charmingly quixotic for young people to go for it, but isn't particularly useful, actually incredibly dangerous, when attempted for the real world

- related to the above, the fall of libertardianism is its omission of any consideration beyond voluntary exchange. . . once you consider anything but a supermarket it tends to fall apart under empirical analysis

- Any open-borders fanatic like Johnson deserves a rope & a lamppost, not respect & a vote

- Many people have libertarian leanings w/o the libertardian fetishes. The former indicate grown-ups with education, the latter a childish mind lacking education and/or real world living.

He supports the TPP, is for open borders, and is a faggot

He's got my vote

Says what people want to hear.

Not what the guy said.

at this point, who gives a fuck if Trump is a narcissist? So long as he does the opposite of Hillary, he deserves our vote
- don't start more shit in the near-east
- don't start WW3 with the Russians
- don't import the underclasses of failing states
- don't get robbed in trade deals.

Anyone who promises to do those will be better than Hillary.

Yes, and by yes I mean holy fuck no. I've voted in a handful of elections so far, never once have I been represented by anyone. I've given up on the idea that my voice matters and have resigned myself to stopping to worse candidate.

weed smoking open-border hippie. no good for america

in all honesty that is what 90% of politicians do.

no one who's on /b is old enough to vote

Essentially how it works.