Post yfw Americans actually eat this stuff

post yfw Americans actually eat this stuff

Other urls found in this thread:

post yfw this is a typical American fast food restaurant

post yfw this is a typical American Walmart

Maybe in compton

post yfw this is a typical American nigger

I always laugh when ameritards spend all that money on guns when they could use it to travel the world and broaden their minds.

in a black area

look at mr. art degree everyone!

I would so eat that though

Actually, the only restaurant that served this was a Wendy's in Canada.

As others have said, this would only be in some ghetto parts. I've personally never been to one like this, and I eat a lot of fast food.

22 bucks for a fucking burger? I don't care how many patties it's got that is fucking outrageous.

Oh Canada

Typical Swedes.

This is why Americans don't have any interest in shit like 72 imaginary virgins. We already live in "Paradise" where we can consume more protein in a single "sammich" than most of the world gets in a month.


Yfw? Learn to spell

Holy shit, not even the prison I work in has that in the cafeteria. Fuck living anywhere that has that shit as the norm.

In a thread last night me and user decided it was time to bring back "w00t" and make it common internet vernacular again.

So, let me just open the proceedings by saying w00t w00t!!1!

sorry but this looks good, I would try it.

Fuck that's l33t


Why the hell is ramen a part of that? It's like something a drunk college guy would make at 2 am when they're hungry and they're cleaning out the fridge.


Hows your mom's basement?