Im the blonde one, go

im the blonde one, go

go what?

roast me

You are slightly less attractive than the other person

why would i do that? i see no flaws

nice fucking samefagging, gay faggot.
go suck some other nigger's dick.

What school are you two gonna shoot up?

I already see wrinkles under your eyes!

i am less attractive than the guy with brown hair?

i love you

Go? GO?!?! You fucking GO i stay. Fuck you!

but i'm not sucking anyone's dick

I don´t mind homosexual people, if anyone does they are a fucking dinosaur

Fucking chads and their perfect lives

Fuck you


what´s a chad, and who has a perfect life?

You look like you like it up the butt

didn´t quite get it

Keep in mind I am not English/British or American, english isn´t my main language

Both have brown hair... So.... Your're off camera? Or in the distance?

>off camera? Or in the distance?

No, I am legit blonde!! wait I have another pic

and i recognize i look ugly af in this picture, ROAST ME HERE

i'm sorry but it's just not possible


There's nothing to roast, you pretentious fag.

Congratulations, you aren't ugly. Holy shit

Just like so many other fucking people.

You haven't accomplished anything

These threads are pathetic

OP you are so desperate to boost your own little self esteem you try to see what people can throw at you and then pretend to feel good about yourself

the fact you post your face here is proof enough you're a pathetic sad cunt

sage in all fields

you look like a 15 year old cali surfer kid who's parents make way too much money, but its okay since they're divorced and are miserable because they fight every time they see each other to trade you between parents houses.

also your eyebrows piss me off

that girl looks like she's only there because you promised her food

The only thing I could remotely go at are the eyebrows

But nobody cares. So many people aren't ugly you haven't earned anything.

You want to be not ugly AND smart, and judging by the thread, OP you are a dumbass

lmao OP abandoned thread when he realised how sad his life was